
时间:2012-07-02 03:35:12
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英语兴趣课周记 篇一

This week in my English interest class, we focused on improving our speaking skills through various activities and discussions. One of the most exciting activities we did was a role-playing exercise where we had to pretend to be characters in a restaurant setting. Each student was assigned a role, such as the waiter, the customer, or the chef, and we had to interact with each other using English phrases and expressions.

I was chosen to be the waiter, and I had to take the orders from the customers and communicate with the chef to prepare the food. It was a challenging but fun experience, as I had to think quickly on my feet and use my English skills to effectively communicate with my classmates. I was able to practice phrases like "What would you like to order?" and "Is there anything else I can get for you?" which will be useful in real-life situations.

After the role-playing activity, we had a group discussion where we talked about our favorite foods and restaurants. It was interesting to hear about different cuisines and dining experiences from my classmates, and I was able to learn new vocabulary related to food and dining. I also shared my own experiences and preferences, which helped me become more comfortable speaking in English.

Overall, this week's English interest class was both educational and enjoyable. I feel more confident in my speaking abilities and have learned new phrases and vocabulary that I can use in everyday conversations. I look forward to continuing to improve my English skills in future classes.

英语兴趣课周记 篇二

This week in my English interest class, we focused on improving our listening skills through various listening exercises and activities. One of the most challenging activities we did was listening to a podcast and answering questions based on the content. The podcast was about different cultures and traditions around the world, and it was interesting to learn about customs and practices from other countries.

Listening to the podcast was a great way to practice our listening comprehension skills and expand our vocabulary. I had to listen carefully to the speakers and pay attention to details in order to answer the questions correctly. It was a bit difficult at first, but with practice and guidance from our teacher, I was able to improve my listening skills and understand the content better.

After listening to the podcast, we had a group discussion where we shared our thoughts and opinions about the topic. It was a great opportunity to practice speaking and express our ideas in English. I was able to use new vocabulary and phrases that I had learned from the podcast, which helped me become more confident in my speaking abilities.

Overall, this week's English interest class was a valuable experience that helped me improve my listening and speaking skills. I feel more comfortable understanding English content and expressing myself in conversations. I look forward to continuing to practice and enhance my English skills in future classes.

英语兴趣课周记 篇三








