
时间:2016-06-09 01:37:30
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《红字》英文读书笔记 篇一

"The Scarlet Letter" is a classic novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850. The story is set in Puritan New England and follows the life of Hester Prynne, a woman who is publicly shamed and ostracized for committing adultery and bearing a child out of wedlock. Throughout the novel, themes of sin, guilt, and redemption are explored in a society that is quick to judge and punish those who do not conform to its strict moral code.

One of the most striking aspects of "The Scarlet Letter" is the character of Hester Prynne herself. Despite facing intense public humiliation and isolation, Hester remains strong and resilient throughout the novel. She refuses to reveal the identity of her lover, even when pressured to do so by the authorities. Hester's strength and courage in the face of adversity make her a compelling and complex protagonist.

Another key theme in the novel is the nature of sin and guilt. Hester's scarlet letter, which she is forced to wear as a symbol of her shame, becomes a focal point for the novel's exploration of these themes. The letter serves as a constant reminder of Hester's sin, but also becomes a source of strength and empowerment for her as she takes ownership of her actions and refuses to be defined by society's judgment.

Throughout the novel, Hawthorne also delves into the idea of redemption. As Hester struggles to find her place in a society that has rejected her, she ultimately finds a sense of peace and acceptance within herself. Through her actions and interactions with others, Hester is able to transcend the confines of her past and forge a new path for herself.

In conclusion, "The Scarlet Letter" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of sin, guilt, and redemption in a puritanical society. Through the character of Hester Prynne, Nathaniel Hawthorne offers a complex and nuanced portrayal of a woman who defies societal expectations and finds strength in the face of adversity. The novel's exploration of these themes continues to resonate with readers today, making it a timeless classic in American literature.

《红字》英文读书笔记 篇二

"The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a novel that explores the consequences of sin and guilt in a strict Puritan society. The story follows Hester Prynne, who is publicly shamed and ostracized for committing adultery and bearing a child out of wedlock. As Hester struggles to navigate the harsh judgment of her community, she is forced to confront her own feelings of guilt and shame, ultimately leading to a journey of self-discovery and redemption.

One of the central themes of "The Scarlet Letter" is the idea of sin and its impact on individuals and society as a whole. Hester's scarlet letter serves as a constant reminder of her transgression, a symbol of her shame that she must wear for all to see. The letter becomes a focal point for the novel's exploration of the consequences of sin, both for the individual sinner and for the community at large.

Guilt is another key theme in the novel, as Hester grapples with her own feelings of remorse and regret for her actions. Despite the harsh judgment of those around her, Hester is able to find a sense of inner peace and acceptance as she comes to terms with her past and seeks to move forward with her life. Through her journey of self-discovery, Hester is able to transcend the confines of her sin and find a newfound strength and resilience within herself.

Redemption is a central theme in "The Scarlet Letter," as Hester strives to overcome the stigma of her past and forge a new path for herself. Through her actions and interactions with others, Hester is able to find a sense of inner peace and acceptance, ultimately leading to a form of redemption and forgiveness for her past transgressions. The novel's exploration of redemption serves as a powerful reminder of the capacity for growth and change, even in the face of society's judgment and condemnation.

In conclusion, "The Scarlet Letter" is a timeless novel that delves into the complex themes of sin, guilt, and redemption in a puritanical society. Through the character of Hester Prynne, Nathaniel Hawthorne offers a compelling exploration of the consequences of sin and the potential for redemption and self-discovery. The novel's enduring relevance and power continue to captivate readers today, making it a classic work of American literature.

《红字》英文读书笔记 篇三


  The Scarlet Letter offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of the 17th century if American Puritan society. The basic conflicts and problems of its main characters however are familiar to readers in the present. The female protagonist has borne a child out of wedlock and has been jailed for over three months and sentenced to wear a symbol of her adultery a scarlet “A” on her dress at all times. It concerns about the moral emotional and psychological effect of the sin on people in general. It’s not simply a love story or a story of sin. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshness of Puritan society showing how they brand sinners for life. The story happened in Boston about 200 years ago. It narrates love affairs between three persons. The punished woman. Hester Prynne and his husband. Who called himself Roger Chillingworth . He is an old misshapen man and a doctor. Hester does not love him at all. Another man is a young minister Dimmesdale who has a high position among ministers and is highly respected among his people in town. Hester and Dimmesdale love each other. But their love is forbidden in that time . It is sinful. Due to thisHester is punished by society with a letter A on her chest which considered an evil a shame.In this novel the mainline seems to be around the letter A. Hester is brave enough to face the cruel reality. She is always with a mind of courage. She has been alone with her child for so long with litter communication. Shame! Hopelessness! Loneliness! Hester has to wear the letter A day after day seven years as for punishment and ill fame.When a woman has lived through a difficult experience her character changes a great deal. If she be all tenderness she will die. If she survive the tenderness will leave her .Hester’s charitable deeds and quiet humility have earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the community. The letter on her chest represents her work on earth always helping others without expecting any thanks. Never afterwards does that scarlet letter leave her chest. The townspeople no longer view the letter as a punishment but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and thy say it means “Able”.But Arthur Dimmesdale his sin against Hester and Pearl is that he will not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter in the daylight. He keeps his dreadful secret from all those under his care in the church for seven years for fear that he will lose their love and will not be forgiven. He is too weak to admit his sins. He suffers from mysterious heart trouble seemingly caused by psychological distress. What’s worse he is an advisor to the townspeople about their sins.After Mr. Dimmesdale’s death no one changes more in appearance than Roger Chilling worth. All his strength and energy has been used to harm his patient . This unhappy man has made his aim in life to add to the suffering of the young minister. When the evil old man no longer has such a purpose the devil takes him back to the hell . It is a curious subject of observation however whether hatred or

love are not of the same place. Each takes a great deal of emotion from one person. The two feelings seem basically the same expect that one is smiled upon by God while the other is worshipped by the devil.The two lovers has ever decided to flee to Europe where they can live with their dauthter Pearl as a family .They feel a sense of release there. However their plan fails…… When Hester dies she is buried next to Dimmesdale. The two share a single tombstone with a deep colored letter A shining brightly.


