
时间:2016-07-06 04:11:11
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英语童话:AStory一个故事 篇一

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known throughout the land for her kind heart and gentle spirit. She loved to spend her days wandering through the forest, gathering flowers and talking to the animals.

One day, as Lily was walking through the forest, she came across a wounded bird lying on the ground. The bird had hurt its wing and was unable to fly. Lily felt sorry for the bird and decided to take it home with her.

Lily nursed the bird back to health, feeding it and keeping it warm. The bird soon grew strong again and was able to fly. Before it flew away, the bird turned to Lily and said, "Thank you for your kindness, dear girl. You have a pure heart and a generous spirit. As a reward for your kindness, I will grant you one wish."

Lily was overjoyed and thought long and hard about what she wanted to wish for. Finally, she wished for the ability to understand and communicate with animals. The bird nodded and flew away, leaving Lily with her newfound gift.

From that day on, Lily spent her days talking to the animals in the forest. She learned about their lives, their joys, and their sorrows. She became known as the Animal Whisperer, and people would come from far and wide to seek her advice and help with their pets.

Lily's kindness and compassion touched the hearts of everyone she met, and her gift brought peace and harmony to the kingdom. And so, the young girl who once wandered the forest alone, became a beloved figure in the land, spreading love and joy wherever she went.

英语童话:AStory一个故事 篇二

In a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a boy named Jack. Jack was known for his mischievous nature and his love of adventure. He spent his days exploring the forests and climbing the highest peaks, always seeking new thrills and excitement.

One day, as Jack was wandering through the forest, he came across a mysterious cave. Curious, he entered the cave and found himself in a magical world filled with talking animals and enchanted creatures.

The animals told Jack that their world was in danger, as an evil sorcerer had cast a spell over the land, causing chaos and destruction. They begged Jack to help them defeat the sorcerer and restore peace to their kingdom.

Jack, always eager for a challenge, agreed to help the animals. Armed with only his wits and courage, he set out on a quest to find the sorcerer and put an end to his evil deeds.

Along the way, Jack faced many dangers and obstacles. He battled fierce monsters, crossed treacherous rivers, and climbed steep cliffs. But with the help of his new friends, the animals, he persevered and finally reached the sorcerer's lair.

In a fierce battle, Jack confronted the sorcerer and used all his cunning to outsmart him. In the end, the sorcerer was defeated, and the spell was broken. The animals rejoiced, and the kingdom was once again at peace.

Jack was hailed as a hero, and the animals thanked him for his bravery and selflessness. From that day on, Jack was known as the Savior of the Enchanted Kingdom, and his name was whispered with awe and admiration throughout the land. And so, the boy who sought adventure and excitement, found true courage and heroism in the magical world beyond the cave.

英语童话:AStory一个故事 篇三


  all the apple trees in the garden were blooming. they had hastened to cover themselves with blossoms before their green leaves were fully unfolded. all the ducklings were in the farmyard, and so was the cat; it basked in the sun and tried to lick the sunshine from its own paws.

  and to look across the fields was a pleasing sight; there stood the corn, so beautifully green, while all the small birds chirped and twittered as happily as if they were having a great holiday.

  and, indeed, people could rightly think of this as a holiday, for it was sunday. the bells were chiming while people in their best clothes were walking to church and looking so cheerful. it was such a bright, warm day that one might well say: "how good god is to grant us so many blessings!"

  but inside the church the preacher in the pulpit spoke in a loud and angry tone; he said that all humans were wicked and that god would certainly punish them by sending them to the eternal torments of hell when they died. he said that they would never find peace or rest in hell, for their consciences would never die nor would the fires ever be extinguished.

  this was terrible to hear, but still he went on as if the subject he was explaining were really true. he described hell to them as a stagnant cave, where all the impure and sinful of the world would be; there would be no air, only the hot sulphur flames, and no bottom there, and the wicked would sink deeper and deeper into eternal silence forever!

  it was horrible to hear this, but the preacher spoke from his heart, and all the people in the church were terrified.


