
时间:2011-01-02 05:35:47
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英语短文故事 篇一

Title: The Lost Teddy Bear

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little girl named Lily who had a beloved teddy bear named Teddy. Teddy went everywhere with Lily - to the park, to school, and even to bed. One day, while Lily and her family were out shopping, Teddy accidentally fell out of Lily's backpack and got left behind.

When Lily got home and realized Teddy was missing, she was devastated. She searched high and low for her beloved bear but couldn't find him anywhere. Lily was heartbroken and couldn't sleep that night without Teddy by her side.

The next day, Lily decided to retrace her steps in the hopes of finding Teddy. She went back to all the places they had visited the day before, asking anyone she saw if they had seen her bear. But no one had seen Teddy.

Just when Lily was about to give up hope, she heard a faint rustling coming from a nearby bush. She cautiously approached the bush and to her surprise, there was Teddy, sitting there looking a bit dirty but otherwise unharmed. Lily was overjoyed and hugged Teddy tightly, promising to never let him out of her sight again.

From that day on, Lily made sure to always keep a close eye on Teddy, making sure he was safe and sound. She realized just how much Teddy meant to her and vowed to never lose him again.

And so, Lily and Teddy lived happily ever after, going on many more adventures together, but always making sure to keep a close watch on each other.

英语短文故事 篇二

Title: The Magical Paintbrush

In a quaint little village, there lived a young artist named Emily. Emily had a special gift - whenever she painted with her magical paintbrush, her paintings would come to life. People from all over the village would come to see Emily's paintings, amazed by the lifelike images she created.

One day, a wealthy merchant heard about Emily's magical paintbrush and offered to buy it from her for a large sum of money. Emily, however, refused the offer, knowing that the paintbrush was too precious to sell.

The merchant, unwilling to take no for an answer, decided to steal the paintbrush from Emily while she was sleeping. The next morning, Emily woke up to find her beloved paintbrush missing. She searched high and low for it but couldn't find it anywhere.

Heartbroken and lost without her paintbrush, Emily locked herself in her room, refusing to paint or speak to anyone. Days passed, and Emily's once vibrant village became dull and lifeless without her magical creations.

One night, as Emily lay awake in bed, she heard a soft voice coming from outside her window. It was her paintbrush, calling out to her. Emily rushed to the window and saw her paintbrush floating in the air, surrounded by a shimmering light.

The paintbrush explained to Emily that it had been taken by the merchant but had managed to escape and find its way back to her. Overjoyed, Emily took hold of her paintbrush and immediately began to paint.

As she painted, the village came back to life, with colorful images of animals, flowers, and people appearing before her eyes. The villagers gathered around in amazement, watching as Emily's paintings came to life once again.

From that day on, Emily continued to use her magical paintbrush to bring joy and wonder to the village, never letting it out of her sight again. And the merchant, realizing the error of his ways, apologized to Emily and became her biggest supporter, helping her share her gift with the world.

英语短文故事 篇三

  There are three fairy godmothers in a magical kingdom: the flowers, the blue sky and the emerald fairies. Their friendship and the strength of unity can defeat the evil - black witch. The black witch charmed the newborn princess, and the three fairy godmothers knew that they had to protect the child.

  The flower fairy had an idea that the black witch would not think that they would pretend to be a peasant woman to raise the child. The blue sky fairy agrees, but the jade fairy doesn't want to give up the magic. "We always do things without magic," she says. But the flower fairy knew that as long as they worked together, they could do it.

  So they lived incognito for 15 years, and they loved the beautiful princess as if they loved their daughter. On princess aurora's sixteenth birthday, the fairy godmother asked her to pick some berries to surprise her. She was collecting berries and humming a little song. The animals in the forest were attracted by her singing, and elo told them they dreamed of meeting a handsome stranger and falling in love with him.

  Not far away, prince Philip heard the song of elo, and he told the horse that if he could find the singer, he would give it to him. The horse was so excited by the carrots that he dropped prince Philip into the stream.

  Princess elo and the rabbit, and the owl, saw the wet clothes of prince Philip. Princess aurora danced with the prince, and when she was about to go home, prince Philip said, "I am not a stranger. We have met before." Elo also thought they were familiar. She took his hands and they went into the forest. They know that this moment of true love can treasure each other forever.

  It was the happiest moment of my life, and princess aurora told the fairy godmothers. But they did not like to hear the story of the handsome stranger. After the flower fairy, the blue sky fairy and the emerald fairy told elo that she was a princess, she thought she might never see the stranger she liked again.

  When the fairy godmother brought the princess back to her castle, the black witch was waiting to curse her. When eros put her finger on the spinning wheel, the spell appeared, and only the kiss of true love could awaken the sleeping princess. When the fairy godmother knew that prince Philip was a stranger in the forest. The three fairy godmothers cast their magic and helped the brave prince Philip to defeat the dragon from the black witch.

  A kiss of true love, princess aurora once more opened her eyes to see her lover. The fairy godmothers danced happily. They knew that princess aurora and prince Philip would live happily ever after.

英语短文故事 篇四

  Cindy lived on a farm. Her father had a lot of horses. She always wanted her to have a pony of her own.

  One day, the ranch was born a pony, and it was born without a tail, otherwise it would be perfect.

  Her father told her they were going to let her take care of the pony.

  But Cindy said she didn't want to look after a pony without a tail.

  But when she took care of the other ponies, the little horse with no tail clung to her, and gradually she began to care about the pony.

  One day, in order for Cindy to ride her, her father decided to help her train her horse. He bought her a beautiful saddle and Cindy would brush her mount.

  Cindy's mother asked her what the horse was called, and she was going to call her horse, but she thought about it,

  Finally, she said, "although she has no tail, she is still a princess. So, I'll call her princess."

  After that, Cindy would ride around with the princess every day.

  The princess with no tail, grew up to be the most beautiful horse Cindy ever saw!

英语短文故事 篇五

  The white mouse kingdom lies on a wide field with a large farm. Various kinds of food are grown on the farm. The mice were fed all day and led a carefree life. There was a princess in the white mouse kingdom. She thought it was dull and boring. She often stood on the castle, looking at the castle of the black mouse kingdom in the distance, and thought, if you can go there, it will be great!

  One day, the white mouse princess finally made a decision to take a bus to the castle of the black mouse kingdom. Then she found a lot of artisans and asked them to make a car as fast as they could. So the white rats were collecting materials for the car. They found a big pumpkin." Well, it's a good material for a car." Everyone is working together, some digging doors and Windows, some turning on the steering wheel... The beautiful pumpkin car is ready. But the wheels were not yet loaded! The rats' craftsmen thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what to use as a wheel. "We can't find the right material for the wheel, princess," the craftsman told the princess. "How silly you are! It's not a good idea to have a lot of potatoes in front of you. "Said the princess impatiently. The white rat quickly finished the four wheels. After the wheel mounted, the whole pumpkin car was finished. The white mouse craftsman pulls the pumpkin cart to the princess.

  The white mouse got on the pumpkin cart and set off. The scenery was beautiful along the way. The princess who did not leave the white mouse kingdom was very happy. Before she knew it, she was already near the castle of the black mouse kingdom. At that moment, many little black mice came out of the burrow to meet the white mouse princess. At the castle, there were flowers and bands playing music, and the white mouse princess was warmly welcomed. The black mouse kingdom made a very fancy sports car with big peas. The prince of black mouse drives a pea-sports car and takes the white mouse around. The scene of the rat kingdom is quite different from that of the rat kingdom, with many monuments and statues. The white mouse princess looked, feeling very fresh, very interesting. The more she played, the happier she was. The day went by, and the prince of the black mouse had his own business to do, and could not play with the white mouse. The white mouse princess played, feeling a little lonely. She began to miss home, and finally, she decided to return to the rat kingdom. The white mouse princess left the castle and came to the place where the pumpkin cart was parked. She found that the beautiful pumpkin car had gone bad, and the wheels had sprouted up into the soil.

  The car won't open. What shall we do? Without a car, the white mouse had to walk home. Well, the way home is so long, I don't know how long it will take her to get home!

英语短文故事 篇六

  One day, her pet cat jumped on the tree and didn't come down. Molly was angry and said, "cut the tree down and catch the cat!" "The attendant was frightened and said," princess, this cannot be cut down! It is the sacred tree of the kingdom!"

  "I don't care! Cut off quickly!"

  The sorcerer cary heard, and the spell came to him, and a garland hat appeared on his head. Molly saw it and was attracted by it. "can you give it to me?" she asked. Carrie hesitated.

  "You are so mean! Molly is getting angry again.

  "Princess, this is a magic hat, or... "

  "I'm not afraid! Molly grabbed her hat and ran away.

  Back in the room, she danced with excitement, and the wreath on her hat gave off a fragrance. All of a sudden, something strange happened: a cloud of white smoke came out, and a girl with the same appearance as Molly was emerging. "You, who are you?" she screamed. Suddenly the girl screamed loudly, "I am princess jasmine!" Ah! She was so angry that she turned the table over. Molly was frightened and hid under the bed.

  "You, you go out! "Said Molly nervously.

  Who knows, that girl again angry: "I why want to go out, this is my home!" Rumble! The room vibrated.

  "Oh -- somebody! "Cried Molly, crying and running out the door.

  "Take back the devil in your hat!" Molly is to the sorcerer's card.

  "Oh? That's not the devil, she's you!"

  "How funny! I'm not that big of a temper!" Molly didn't believe it.

  "This is you in a few years! Don't believe it, you see --" Carrie took out the crystal ball, and Molly saw a shaggy, angry girl in it, and it was a crazy mess! She was startled and a little frightened.

  "Bad temper is not only bad for you, but you won't have any friends around you!" "Said Carrie.

  "That...... Is there any way to not be like that?" "Asked Molly nervously.

  "That, there is a bottle here, and there are many seeds in it, and you plant all the seeds, and when they bear fruit, the temper will be gone!" Take out a magic bottle with the name of the flower on the label: sincere, kind, friendly, smile. The end marked: water with the heart. Molly was glad to accept it, when she was surprised to find that the irascible girl in the crystal ball had disappeared and could not see anything.

  "I'm afraid to go inside... "Molly remembered that there was a scary woman in the house.

  "Ha, she's been locked up by me. You don't have to be afraid." Carrie said.

  Molly nodded happily.

  From then on, Molly was careful to do the work every day, according to the words on the label. Before long, she changed, became a very good and good princess, one day, her flower seed finally blossomed, the fruit, at that time, she has grown into a big girl!


