
时间:2011-03-01 06:12:46
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孔融让梨的故事双语版 篇一





The Story of Kong Rong Giving Up His Pear Bilingually Part One

Kong Rong was a literary and political figure in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He was a knowledgeable and cultured man. In that era, people knew his name and also knew his noble character. One day, Kong Rong met a hungry old man on the road, and the old man asked him for some food. Seeing the old man looking skinny, Kong Rong felt very sorry for him, so he took out a pear he had and gave it to the old man.

The old man took the pear, ate a few bites, and gratefully said to Kong Rong, "Young man, you are truly a good person. Although I have nothing to repay you now, I can tell you a secret." Curious, Kong Rong asked, "What secret?" The old man smiled mysteriously and said, "There is a golden pill inside this pear. After you eat it, you will become exceptionally intelligent." Surprised, Kong Rong still ate the pear. Indeed, he became smart and clever, becoming a highly respected figure at that time.

From that day on, Kong Rong often helped others and selflessly contributed. He knew that to become a great person, one must not only have talent but also have a loving and kind heart. He inspired people around him with his actions, making more people realize how important it is to be kind and tolerant.

This story tells us that kindness and tolerance are the keys to a person's success. Only by harboring good intentions can one earn the respect and love of others. Let us all learn from Kong Rong and become people with loving and kind hearts.

孔融让梨的故事双语版 篇三



  In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a person called Kong Rong. He was very smart ever since he was a little boy. He had five older brothers and one younger brother。

  One day his father bought some pears, picking one of the largest and giving it to Kong Rong deliberately. But Kong Rong shook his head and picked up the smallest one。

  His dad was very curious, and asked: “Why?”

  Kong Rong said: “I am younger, so I should eat t

he smaller pear, and brothers should eat the bigger ones。”

  His dad was very glad after hearing his words, but asked further: “What about your younger brother who is younger than you are?”

  Kong Rong said: “I am older than him, so I should leave the bigger one to my little brother。”

  Later, Kong Rong became a great scholar。









