
时间:2016-09-03 04:41:26
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心愿写作教学设计范文英语 篇一

Title: My Dream Vacation


- To help students practice writing in English by expressing their dream vacation

- To improve students' vocabulary and grammar skills


- Whiteboard and markers

- Handouts with vocabulary related to travel and vacation

- Examples of dream vacation descriptions


1. Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the lesson by asking students about their favorite vacation they have taken and why they enjoyed it.

- Introduce the topic of dream vacations and ask students to brainstorm a list of places they would like to visit.

2. Vocabulary (15 minutes):

- Distribute handouts with vocabulary related to travel and vacation.

- Review the new vocabulary with the students and provide examples of how to use them in sentences.

3. Writing Activity (25 minutes):

- Instruct students to write a description of their dream vacation. Encourage them to include details such as the destination, activities they would like to do, and reasons why it is their dream vacation.

- Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

4. Peer Review (10 minutes):

- Have students pair up and exchange their writing with a partner. Instruct them to read each other's descriptions and provide constructive feedback.

5. Sharing (10 minutes):

- Select a few students to share their dream vacation descriptions with the class. Encourage them to use the new vocabulary they learned during the lesson.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to reflect on what they learned about writing in English.


- For homework, have students create a visual representation of their dream vacation using pictures or drawings.

By engaging students in a writing activity that is personally meaningful to them, this lesson aims to improve their English skills while also fostering creativity and imagination.


心愿写作教学设计范文英语 篇二

Title: My Future Career


- To help students practice writing in English by expressing their future career aspirations

- To improve students' vocabulary and grammar skills


- Whiteboard and markers

- Handouts with vocabulary related to careers

- Examples of future career descriptions


1. Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the lesson by asking students about their interests and hobbies. Discuss how these interests could influence their future career choices.

- Introduce the topic of future careers and ask students to brainstorm a list of professions they would like to pursue.

2. Vocabulary (15 minutes):

- Distribute handouts with vocabulary related to careers.

- Review the new vocabulary with the students and provide examples of how to use them in sentences.

3. Writing Activity (25 minutes):

- Instruct students to write a description of their future career. Encourage them to include details such as the profession they want to pursue, the skills required, and why they are passionate about it.

- Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

4. Peer Review (10 minutes):

- Have students pair up and exchange their writing with a partner. Instruct them to read each other's descriptions and provide constructive feedback.

5. Sharing (10 minutes):

- Select a few students to share their future career descriptions with the class. Encourage them to use the new vocabulary they learned during the lesson.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to reflect on what they learned about writing in English.


- For homework, have students research more about their chosen profession and prepare a short presentation to share with the class.

By engaging students in a writing activity that allows them to explore their future aspirations, this lesson aims to improve their English skills while also encouraging them to think critically about their career goals.

心愿写作教学设计范文英语 篇三

I feel the time passed quickly, quietly from my side of the flow. Unconsciously, came to 2017, and ushered in a new year.

On the occasion of the new year, I believe I told you there are many wishes, but picked up several key.

My first wish is to have a higher level of study.

My second wish is to have a good health.

My third wish is to dance better.

These are my new year wish, wish my wish can be realized at an early date, here I wish you a happy new year, good luck!

心愿写作教学设计范文英语 篇四

When I was young, I watched a movie the sound of music with my friends. I was touched by the love affairs and also shocked by the music. I didnt understand music at that time; however, I can feel the power of music. Fron then on, I had a dream to become a musician. I want to play the masterpieces of outstanding musicians by my own hands. I want to tell people my understanding and interpretation of music by my instrument. I also want to write my own pieces of music. I hope all the other people will love my music. Maybe, others will keep playing my music even after my death. I want to leave something to this lovely world, so I want to become a musician. No only because I love music, but also I love this world and I want to use my own way to express my feeling.

心愿写作教学设计范文英语 篇五

My three wishes everyone has his wishes, and I also have three great wishes. First of all, I hope there is no war in the world. As we all know, war brings disaster, causes huge death and economic loss.

The world war and World War have brought great disaster to the people. We will never forget that this world is not a complete world. Many countries are cooperating with each other A country struggles, so I hope there will be no war in the future.

My second wish is that there is no poverty in our world, and all countries are rich in material and spiritu

al. Now some African countries are very poor. It is reported that about 1000 people die of hunger and poverty every day.

Almost all of them come from Africa. What a terrible person! My third ambition is to be a doctor and care about people's living conditions, especially patients. I want to do something for them.

I hope my ambition will come true one day.



心愿写作教学设计范文英语 篇六

My father is very busy every day. In the morning, he gets up early and goes to work soon. In the evening, he comes home late.

He works hard. All he does is for the family, so that we can live a better life. I want to grow up quickly so that I can help my father.

I want to be his assistant and help him reduce his work.




