
时间:2016-02-04 07:40:39
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团结就是力量英文作文 篇一

Unity is Strength

In today's society, unity is more important than ever. The power of unity can be seen in various aspects of life, such as teamwork in sports, collaboration in the workplace, and solidarity in communities. When people come together and work towards a common goal, they can achieve great things.

One example of the power of unity is seen in sports. In team sports like football or basketball, players need to work together in order to win. Each player has their own strengths and weaknesses, but when they unite and use their individual skills to support each other, they become a formidable force. Teamwork allows them to strategize, communicate, and execute plays effectively. Without unity, the team would be disorganized and easily defeated by their opponents.

Similarly, unity is crucial in the workplace. In a company or organization, employees from different departments and backgrounds need to collaborate to achieve success. When individuals work together, they can share their expertise, brainstorm innovative ideas, and solve problems more efficiently. A united workforce creates a positive and productive work environment, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Furthermore, unity is essential in building strong and supportive communities. When people come together to support a common cause, they can bring about positive change. Whether it is organizing charity events, advocating for social justice, or protecting the environment, unity allows individuals to pool their resources, skills, and voices to make a difference. Communities that are united are more resilient and can overcome challenges more effectively.

In conclusion, unity is indeed strength. Whether it is in sports, the workplace, or communities, the power of unity can bring about great achievements. By working together towards a common goal, individuals can overcome obstacles, solve problems, and create positive change. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize the value of unity and strive to foster a sense of togetherness in all aspects of life.

团结就是力量英文作文 篇二

The Strength of Unity

Unity is a powerful force that has the ability to bring about positive change and achieve great things. When people come together and work towards a common goal, they become stronger and more resilient. The power of unity can be seen in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to global movements.

In personal relationships, unity plays a crucial role in building strong and lasting bonds. Whether it is within a family, friendship, or romantic relationship, unity allows individuals to support and uplift each other. When people are united, they can overcome challenges together, celebrate successes together, and provide a sense of security and belonging. Unity in personal relationships fosters trust, understanding, and empathy, creating a strong foundation for love and happiness.

On a larger scale, unity is essential in creating social change and addressing global issues. History has shown us that when people unite for a common cause, they have the power to challenge injustice, fight for equality, and bring about political and social reforms. Movements like the Civil Rights Movement, Women's Suffrage Movement, and the fight against climate change have all been successful because of the unity and collective action of individuals. When people unite and raise their voices together, they can create a force that is impossible to ignore.

Unity is also crucial in times of crisis and adversity. When faced with natural disasters, conflicts, or pandemics, unity allows communities and nations to come together and support each other. It enables individuals to pool their resources, share knowledge and expertise, and provide assistance to those in need. Unity in times of crisis not only helps in immediate relief efforts, but also in the long-term process of rebuilding and recovery.

In conclusion, the strength of unity cannot be underestimated. Whether it is in personal relationships, social movements, or times of crisis, unity has the power to bring about positive change and achieve great things. It is important for individuals to recognize the value of unity and actively work towards fostering a sense of togetherness in all aspects of life. By doing so, we can create a world that is stronger, more compassionate, and more harmonious.

团结就是力量英文作文 篇三



It’s an obvious fact that a person’s strength is limited, while the power of people is unlimited,especially when we stumble and fall. But to beat emeny, we must use collective force.

It has been proved in that people work together to combat disaster in Sichuan earthquake .

In this natural disaster, a strong unity of the Chinese people unprecedented concerted efforts of one mind, though some lost their lives , some lost their home and some others lost their families. Fortunately they got considerable assistance from people all over the world , with these reactions to the rescue ,the reconstruction of the near future .

In my opinion , we should follow the example to show unity and mutual aid .

Difficulty itself is not terrible if we should unite with all that can be united in the struggle .Please remember that solidarity means strength , solidarity means victory .


Unity is strength

As the old saying goes: Unity is strength.I believe so. Next, I will tell you a story about it.

One day,three sheep are playing on the road.There is a wolf behing them .The wolf is very hungry ,he wants to eat the poor shee


The sheep find the wolf.They are very afraid ,but in order to live,they must keep away the wolf.They consult long,Two heads are better than one.Finally they have a method:using the horns to keep away the wolf. 

Three sheep use the horns to keep off the wolf. Now ,the wolf is afraid and then he runs away,

the sheep is happy.

The face of disaster, unity is strength. When people side by side,any difficulties are temporary, and that any disaster can be overcome! The weak sheep can also keep the strong wolf away.

To sum up ,unity is strength!


一天,三只羊正在在路上玩,一只狼紧跟着他们,狼非常饥饿,他想要把可怜的羊给吃掉.羊发现了羊,他们非常害怕,但是为了生存,他们必须远离狼,他们讨论了很长时间,“一人计短,二人计长. ”最后他们想到了一个办法,使用号角让狼远离他们,三只羊使用号角驱赶狼,狼很害怕, 然后就逃走了,羊非常开心!

面对灾难,团结就是力量.当人们肩并肩时,任何困难都是暂时的,任何灾难都是可以战胜的! 弱小的羊也可以让狼逃走.




