
时间:2012-09-03 08:29:29
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Giant Shark Essay - Part 1


The giant shark, also known as the megalodon, is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 23 million to 2.6 million years ago during the Early Miocene to the Pliocene epochs. It is considered to be one of the largest predators to have ever existed, with an estimated length of up to 60 feet. In this essay, we will explore the fascinating characteristics and lifestyle of the giant shark.


1. Physical Characteristics:

The giant shark had a massive body, with a broad and robust head. Its most distinctive feature was its large, triangular teeth, which could measure up to 7 inches in length. These teeth were designed for gripping and tearing apart prey, indicating that the giant shark was a formidable predator. Additionally, its body was covered in tough, tooth-like scales called dermal denticles, which provided protection and reduced drag while swimming.

2. Feeding Behavior:

Based on the size and structure of its teeth, scientists believe that the giant shark primarily fed on large marine mammals, such as whales and seals. Its teeth were perfectly adapted for slicing through flesh and crushing bones. It is estimated that the giant shark would have required a tremendous amount of food to sustain its massive size, leading researchers to believe that it was an apex predator of its time.

3. Habitat and Distribution:

Fossils of the giant shark have been found in various locations around the world, indicating a wide distribution. These fossils have been discovered in regions such as North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. It is believed that the giant shark inhabited warm, shallow coastal waters, where its prey was abundant. However, due to the limited fossil record, the exact habitat preferences of the giant shark remain uncertain.

4. Extinction:

Despite its size and power, the giant shark eventually became extinct. The exact reasons for its extinction are still debated among scientists. Some theories suggest that changes in oceanic temperature and sea levels, as well as a decline in prey populations, may have contributed to its demise. Additionally, the emergence of new competitors and evolving ecosystems may have also played a role. Nevertheless, the giant shark's extinction remains a mystery that continues to fascinate researchers.


The giant shark, or megalodon, was an awe-inspiring creature that ruled the oceans millions of years ago. Its enormous size, powerful jaws, and predatory nature make it a captivating subject of study. Although it is extinct, the giant shark's legacy lives on through its fossils and the fascination it sparks in the minds of those who learn about it.

Giant Shark Essay - Part 2


Continuing from the previous essay, this second part will explore the impact and cultural significance of the giant shark, as well as the ongoing fascination it holds in popular culture.


1. Scientific Impact:

The study of the giant shark has provided valuable insights into the prehistoric marine ecosystems and the evolution of marine predators. By analyzing its fossils, scientists can learn about the ancient oceanic conditions and the species that coexisted with the giant shark. Additionally, studying the giant shark helps researchers understand the ecological roles of apex predators and their influence on marine biodiversity.

2. Cultural Significance:

The giant shark has captured the imagination of people for centuries. Its massive size and fearsome reputation have made it a prominent figure in folklore and mythology. In many coastal communities, legends of giant sharks have been passed down through generations, often portraying the creature as a powerful and dangerous force of nature. Furthermore, the giant shark's popularity has led to its inclusion in movies, books, and other forms of popular culture, further cementing its status as an iconic prehistoric creature.

3. Conservation and Awareness:

The existence of the giant shark serves as a reminder of the Earth's rich biodiversity and the importance of preserving our oceans. Although the giant shark is extinct, its legacy highlights the vulnerability of marine species and the need for conservation efforts. The fascination with the giant shark has helped raise awareness about the threats faced by modern-day sharks and has fueled conservation initiatives to protect these remarkable creatures.

4. Popularity in Media:

The giant shark's popularity in popular culture continues to grow. Movies like "Jaws" and "The Meg" have brought the concept of giant sharks to the forefront of public consciousness, generating both fear and excitement. Additionally, documentaries and educational programs have explored the scientific aspects of the giant shark, captivating audiences with its incredible size and power. The ongoing interest in the giant shark demonstrates the enduring appeal of prehistoric creatures and their ability to captivate our imaginations.


The giant shark's impact extends beyond scientific research. Its cultural significance and ongoing fascination in popular culture highlight its enduring appeal and the importance of understanding Earth's history. As we continue to explore and learn about the giant shark, we uncover valuable insights into the past, while also recognizing the need to protect our planet's diverse marine life.

巨齿鲨作文英文 篇三

We know there are a ton of terrible things more likely to befall you than a shark taking a liking to you. But it does happen (last year, there were about 100 attacks worldwide). So, as you head to the beach, here are some tips to keep you from becoming shark snack.


Be the bigger man


See a shark and think it's about to attack? Act xxxbig,xxx because sharks respect size and strength, says shark expert George Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File. And pop it on the nose. xxxA smack to the nose is startling to a shark,xxx he says.


Thrash about


Attacks are rare; deaths are rarer (six worldwide last year). But if you do find yourself in the jaws of a great white — or bull shark, or tiger shark — don't play dead. xxxIf you play dead, you're going to be dead,xxx says Burgess. Because the shark, after taking an exploratory bite of you, will think it's won the battle and will commence to chomping.


Fight! Fight! Fight!


Deal with a shark like you would a neighborhood bully. xxxSo hit him, and maybe he'll go home to mommy,xxx Burgess says. If you got something handy, like your selfie stick or scuba gear, smack the shark with it. Or just use bare hands and go for the nose, gills and eyes — all sensitive areas.


巨齿鲨作文英文 篇四

When did this old story come from? When did it happen? Whether could be explained as a real one or just a legend? Who knows.

Sadness blooming, the old captain sat along the shore, his feet touching the chill seawater, however it can't match the chilling factor in his heart. Whatever, this damned sea swallowed all the happiness he had owned just several days before, his beloved wife,his pretty babies, nothing can be compared with his hatred for the unexpected storm, which unexpectedly brought his life into endless darkness, more or less, at this moment.

Slowly he closed his eyes with blank mind,nothing coming into it except desperation.

So funny, a bitter smile slipped crossing his face, xxxwho said that stupid thing 'Tomorrow is another day.' why can't I feel anything different when the sunshine falling down this cruel coastxxxhe said to himself, eyes red.

巨齿鲨作文英文 篇五

Great white shark, also known as great white shark, white shark, white shark or white death disease, is a large Lamniform shark found in coastal suce waters of all major oceans. The great white shark is famous for its body size. Its largest inpidual is close to or more than meters feet in length.

It weighs (kilo pounds). Great white sharks mature in a few years and can live for several years. Great white shark can be said to be the world's largest living large planktonic fish, is also one of the main predators of marine mammals, it can also prey on a variety of other marine animals, including fish, pinnipeds, and seabirds.

It is the only species known to survive, Amaranthus angustifolia, ranked first in the record of attacks on humans, the best-selling novel xxxgreat white sharkxxx and subsequent history The great white shark directed by Steven Spielberg depicts the great white shark as a xxxferocious cannibalxxx. In fact, human beings are not the preferred prey of great white sharks.


大白鲨,也被称为大白鲨、白鲨、白鲨或白死病,是一种在所有主要海洋的沿海地表水域发现的大型lamniform鲨鱼。大白鲨以其体型而闻名,其最大个体的长度接近或超过米英尺,体重(公斤磅)大白鲨在几岁左右就成熟了,寿命可达数年。大白鲨可以说是世界上现存最大的大型浮游鱼类,也是海洋哺乳动物的主要捕食者之一,它还可以捕食各种其他海洋动物,包括鱼、鳍足类,而海鸟它是已知唯一幸存下来的一个物种,角齿苋,在对人类的攻击记录中排名第一最畅销的小说《大白鲨》以及随后由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的《大白鲨》将大白鲨描绘成一个“凶猛的食人动物”,事实上,人类并不是大白鲨的首选猎物白鲨| 0。

巨齿鲨作文英文 篇六

Fish is a kind of vertebrate living in water. Its gills will not change like amphibians. In its life, most of them are cold-blooded.

Although some fish (such as some species of tuna and shark) are warm-blooded, there are more than species of fish, which makes them the most perse vertebrate in taxonomy. Fish is a parazoon group, and its exact relationship Controversial. A common classification is the javelin fishes (the class anodontida, which includes lampreys and lampreys) cartilaginous fishes (cartilaginous fishes, including sharks and rays), and the rest are classified as teleosts (teleosts vary in size from (feet) whale sharks to stout baby fish one millimetre (just over a quarter of an inc

h) long.

Many species of aquatic animals are called Because xxxfishxxx is not a real fish, and in the case of jellyfish, cuttlefish and other animals, not even vertebrates, other marine organisms in the past were considered to be fish, such as dolphins, in fact, mammals. Although most fish are aquatic and cold-blooded, there are exceptions to both situations. Many different species of fish have evolved the ability to live underwater for a long time Some of these amphibious fishes, such as Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, can also live and move on land for a few days.

Some species of heat absorbing teleost (teleostichthys) belong to the scombroidei suborder, including flounder, tuna and a xxxprimitivexxx mackerel (gasterochisma) All the sharks of melampus belong to the Lamnidae family - brachypterus bracteatus, Scomber Longfin, white shark, malachite, salmon shark - known for their ability to absorb heat, and there is evidence that this characteristic exists in the aloe family (threshing sharks). The degree of heat absorption is different from that of baleen whales. The latter only warms the eyes and brain.

For bluefin tuna and rat shark, their body temperature is kept above the ambient water temperature. It can also be seen that giant heat absorption has the advantages of enhancing muscle contraction and improving the processing speed of central nervous system. In many cultures, fish are An important source of food.

Other aquatic animals, such as molluscs, crustaceans and shellfish, are often referred to as xxxfishxxx when used as food. For details, see fish.


鱼是一种生活在水里的脊椎动物,它的鳃不会像两栖动物那样发生变化,在它的一生中,大多数是冷血的,尽管有些鱼类(如金枪鱼和鲨鱼的一些物种)是温血的,但有超过种的鱼,使它们在分类学上是最多样化的脊椎动物,鱼类是一个副动物类群,其确切的关系备受争议。一个常见的分类是无颚鱼(无颚鱼纲,包括七鳃鳗和七鳃鳗的种类)软骨鱼(软骨鱼类纲,包括鲨鱼和鳐鱼在内的物种,其余的被归类为硬骨鱼(硬骨鱼类有不同的大小,从(英尺)鲸鲨到一毫米(略超过四分之一英寸)长的粗壮的婴儿鱼许多种类的水生动物被称为“鱼”不是真正的鱼,而且在水母和墨鱼等动物的例子中,甚至不是脊椎动物其他海洋生物在过去被认为是鱼,如海豚,实际上是哺乳动物,尽管大多数鱼类都是水生和冷血鱼类,但这两种情况都有例外,许多不同种类的鱼类已经进化出在水下长时间生活的能力,这些两栖鱼类中的一些,如泥鳅,也可以在陆地上生活和移动几天,某些种类的鱼在不同程度上保持体温升高吸热硬骨鱼(硬骨鱼)都属于Scombroidei亚目,包括比目鱼、金枪鱼和一种“原始”鲭鱼(Gasterochisma melampus所有的鲨鱼都属于Lamnidae科-短鳍卷尾鱼、长鳍鲭鲨、白鲨、孔雀鱼,鲑鱼鲨-众所周知有吸热的能力,有证据表明,这种特性存在于芦荟科(脱粒鲨)中。吸热程度不同于长须鲸,后者只会温暖眼睛和大脑,对于蓝鳍金枪鱼和鼠比格鲨来说,它们的体温保持在高于环境水温的摄氏度以上,也可以看到巨热吸热虽然代谢代价高昂,但被认为具有增强肌肉收缩力、提高中枢神经系统处理速度等优点,在许多文化中,鱼是重要的食物来源。



