
时间:2019-06-05 08:25:23
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Trip to Huangshan Mountain

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During my recent trip to Huangshan Mountain, I was captivated by the stunning natural beauty and breathtaking views that surrounded me. The journey to the mountain itself was an adventure, as we had to navigate through winding roads and steep cliffs. However, all the effort was worth it once we reached the summit.

The first thing that struck me about Huangshan Mountain was its majestic peaks and towering granite cliffs. The granite is said to be over 1.6 billion years old, and its unique shapes and formations create a sense of awe and wonder. As we ascended the mountain, we were greeted with panoramic views of rolling clouds, jagged peaks, and lush greenery. It felt as if we were walking through a painting.

One of the highlights of the trip was witnessing the famous Huangshan sunrise. We woke up early in the morning, braving the cold and darkness to find the perfect spot to witness this magical event. As the sun slowly rose above the horizon, the entire mountain was bathed in a golden hue. The sea of clouds below us added to the ethereal beauty of the scene. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that left me speechless.

Another memorable aspect of Huangshan Mountain was the unique pine trees that dotted the landscape. These trees, known as "Welcoming Guests Pine" and "Lying Dragon Pine," have grown in extraordinary shapes due to the harsh weather conditions. They seemed to have a personality of their own, adding character to the already picturesque scenery.

Additionally, Huangshan Mountain is home to numerous hot springs, which are known for their therapeutic properties. After a long day of hiking, we took a dip in one of these hot springs and felt our tired muscles relax instantly. It was the perfect way to end a day of exploration.

In conclusion, my trip to Huangshan Mountain was an unforgettable experience. The natural beauty, stunning views, and unique landscapes made it a destination worth visiting. Whether it was witnessing the sunrise, admiring the granite cliffs, or relaxing in the hot springs, every moment spent on the mountain was truly magical. I highly recommend Huangshan Mountain to anyone seeking a memorable and awe-inspiring adventure.

去黄山旅游报告英文作文200字 篇三



黄山的景色真美呀!坐在缆车向外望去,连绵起伏的山脉,郁郁葱葱的山谷,陡峭的石壁,全都笼罩在云海之中,犹如在仙境一般。黄山的石头可真奇呀!一座座山峰玲珑俊秀,姿态万千,有的像是功夫熊猫,有的像是莲花,有的像是龟兔赛跑,我们爬上了仙女峰,从峰下往上望去,仙女峰上冒着浓浓的白烟,仙境 一般,这时听到导游讲述“仙女峰上的仙女们正在做午饭哪”听到这话我的肚子也咕咕地叫了起来。我们又来到了飞来石、引针峰、光明顶、莲花峰,在莲花峰的后面,有一只兔子和乌龟赛跑。我们去 迎客松的路上,突然下起了大雨,山上的天气真是奇怪,这座山峰阳光明媚,那座山峰一片乌云就下起大雨,妈妈赶紧给我买了一件雨衣穿上,山上的雨停了又下,真是好玩,因为下雨《天都峰》不让 上去,有点小失落。

下山的时候,妈妈让我走下山,刚刚开始还不累,可越走脚越疼,两条腿都累直了,看见能坐的地方就坐一会,可是越坐越不想走。我哭着非要回去坐缆车,妈妈说“我们已经走过了坐车的地方,再回 到坐车的地方,也的走回去还不如慢慢的下山”我哭着走着,在爸爸妈妈的鼓励下用了四个小时走下黄山,虽然我的脚非常疼,但是我很高兴。爸爸说我征服了黄山,有机会还要带我征服更多的大山。


去黄山旅游报告英文作文200字 篇四

Last week we travelled to Mt. huang in Anhui Province. That is my first time to go there.

We went there by train and bus. It took us 1 night to get there. We have eaten many kinds of Hui Food. I like them very much. We have climbed the for 2 day and we also have lived in the hotel which is on the top of Mt. is exciting. The weather on the mountain always rain. It was wonderful too. We have taken the telpher. It was the most exciting. The mountain is not only amazing but also beautiful. I love this mountain.


ravel to Mountain Huang is one of the most unforgettable travel in my memory. I really want to go there again.




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黄山英语作文 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——黄山的英语作文 (菁选2篇)

去黄山旅游报告英文作文200字 篇五

The Huang Mountain is a place of are lots of tourists seeing sights every ago,some of them paid no attention to environment threw about waste paper,plastic bags and killed animals,caught birds,destroyed trees and still,they often made a fire to cook in the was dangerous.

Changes have taken place tourists leave,they take away rubbish with no longer hunt are also the tourists carry their lunch in order not to start forest must sing high praise of the good deeds.

去黄山旅游报告英文作文200字 篇六

is one of my top ten is in anhui with her the sea is known as the first one the her loose in hot four off sea is well known in the world.

Four who's in the is forms and some or left outor ; Or lie; Some as iron .Among most is the loose she grew up in a in poor the form; the black tiger Lin Linis awe-

is world- 's the peak loose hot 's a .


