
时间:2018-08-04 03:48:16
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英文的邀请函 篇一

Title: Invitation to the Annual Charity Gala

Dear [Guest's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. On behalf of [Organization Name], I am delighted to extend an invitation to you for our Annual Charity Gala. The event will be held on [Date] at [Venue] in [City].

The Annual Charity Gala is our most significant fundraising event of the year, and we are honored to have you as a distinguished guest. This year, our focus is on raising funds to support [Cause/Project]. We believe that with your presence, we can make a substantial impact on the lives of those in need.

The evening will commence with a cocktail reception at [Time], followed by a sumptuous dinner at [Time]. Throughout the night, we have planned various activities and performances to entertain our esteemed guests. The highlight of the event will be a live auction, where rare and valuable items will be up for bidding. All proceeds from the auction will directly contribute to our fundraising efforts.

We have also invited several keynote speakers who are experts in the field of [Cause/Project] to share their insights and experiences. Their presence will undoubtedly enrich our understanding and inspire us to make a difference.

As a valued guest, we kindly request your presence at this prestigious event. Your attendance will not only contribute to our fundraising efforts but also serve as a testament to your commitment to our cause. Additionally, it will provide you with an opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals and organizations who share a passion for philanthropy.

To confirm your attendance, please RSVP by [Date] to [Contact Person/Email/Phone Number]. Kindly indicate any dietary restrictions or special preferences to ensure your utmost comfort during the evening.

We sincerely hope that you will honor us with your presence at the Annual Charity Gala. Together, we can create a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those in need. Thank you for your continuous support and generosity.

With warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Organization Name]

英文的邀请函 篇二

Title: Invitation to the International Conference on Sustainable Development

Dear [Guest's Name],

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Sustainable Development, which will take place from [Dates] at [Venue] in [City]. This conference aims to bring together leading experts, researchers, and practitioners from various fields to exchange ideas and collaborate on sustainable development initiatives.

The International Conference on Sustainable Development will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops covering a wide range of topics related to sustainable development. We have carefully curated a diverse lineup of speakers who are renowned in their respective fields, ensuring a comprehensive and insightful program.

By attending this conference, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the latest research, trends, and innovations in sustainable development. It will also provide an excellent platform for networking and building connections with professionals and organizations that share a common interest in promoting sustainability.

In addition to the academic sessions, there will be social events and cultural activities to foster a sense of camaraderie and create a conducive environment for informal discussions and knowledge sharing. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to engage with fellow participants and expand your professional network.

To secure your place at the International Conference on Sustainable Development, please register online by [Registration Deadline]. Early registration is highly recommended as spaces are limited. Should you require any assistance or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our conference secretariat at [Contact Email/Phone Number].

We believe that your expertise and insights will greatly contribute to the success of this conference. We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation and join us in this meaningful endeavor. Together, we can drive positive change and contribute to a sustainable future for all.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to welcoming you at the International Conference on Sustainable Development.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Organization Name]

英文的邀请函 篇三

  Dear friends:

  You are invited to my birthday party. I am expecting your coming.

  Place: my home

  Date: May , 20xx

  Time: 8 p.m

  Food: ice cream, pizza, red wine, cake.

英文的邀请函 篇四


  The new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? Do you want a crazy party? Do you want to just relax and enjoy? Come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!Let's share classmate heart at XXXX(time & place). Can not wait any more...

  Come on! Where is your passion?

  Happy night and day!

  Happy class day!

英文的邀请函 篇五

Dear sirmadam:

  [organization] would very much like to have someone from your pany speak at our conference on [topic].

  As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the achievements your pany has made in .

  Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. I'll call you [date] to see who from your pany would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that we'll make everything convenient to the speaker.

  Sincerely yours,


英文的邀请函 篇六

Dear XXX:

  I am writing to invite you to join me in XXXX(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in December 20xx. I am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the UK as my dependant.

  I confirm that I will be responsible for financing our stay in the UK and that of our child, XXX. I will provide for our daily expenses and the cost of our accommodation. A copy of my tenancy agreement are enclosed as evidence of the arrangement that I have already made for our housing.

  The documents that I am sending you with this letter comprise: (a) Photocopy of relevant pages from my passport.(b) an official University of Nottingham letter confirming the details of my Mphil/PhD course.(c) a letter from my university sponsor giving details of the scholarship I am receiving for my current course of study (d) my most recent three months bank statements from my UK bank account. (e) a copy of my tenancy agreement.

  For further information, I can be contacted at the above address.

  Take care. Love you

  Your husband


