办公室英语处境相同口语 篇一
1. 询问别人是否忙碌
- Are you busy at the moment?
- Do you have a minute? I need to ask you something.
2. 请求帮助
- Could you please help me with this?
- I'm having some trouble with this task. Can you give me a hand?
3. 提出建议
- I think we should consider a different approach.
- How about we try a new strategy?
4. 提醒别人完成任务
- Don't forget to submit the report by the end of the day.
- Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for this project is tomorrow.
5. 请求延期
- I'm afraid I won't be able to finish this by the deadline. Can I have an extension?
- Due to unforeseen circumstances, I need more time to complete this task. Is it possible to extend the deadline?
6. 安排会议
- Let's schedule a meeting to discuss this further.
- Could you please find a time that works for everyone to have a meeting?
7. 提交报告
- I have finished the report. Should I email it to you?
- Here is the completed presentation. Where would you like me to submit it?
8. 表达感谢
- Thank you for your assistance. I really appreciate it.
- I'm grateful for your help. Thank you so much.
9. 打电话
- Hello, this is [Your Name] calling from [Company Name]. May I speak with [Colleague's Name]?
- Hi, I was wondering if I could speak with [Client's Name], please?
10. 询问信息
- Do you have any updates on the project?
- Can you please provide me with the details of the upcoming event?
办公室英语处境相同口语 篇二
1. 问候和介绍
- Good morning/afternoon! How are you today?
- Hi, I don't think we've met before. My name is [Your Name].
2. 提出问题
- I'm not sure I understand. Could you please clarify?
- Excuse me, but I have a question about the project.
3. 解决问题
- Let's brainstorm some ideas to solve this issue.
- We need to find a solution as quickly as possible.
4. 给予反馈
- Great job on the presentation! It was very informative.
- I think there is room for improvement in this report.
5. 提议
- I suggest we have a team meeting to discuss this further.
- How about we try a different approach to this problem?
6. 请求意见
- What do you think about this proposal?
- I value your opinion. Could you please share your thoughts on this matter?
7. 同意和不同意
- I agree with your point of view.
- I'm afraid I can't agree with that statement.
8. 请求帮助
- Can you please assist me with this task?
- I'm having some difficulties. Could you lend me a hand?
9. 表达同情和支持
- I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences.
- I understand that this is a challenging situation. You have my support.
10. 总结和归纳
- To sum up, we have discussed the main points of the meeting.
- In conclusion, I believe we should proceed with this plan.
办公室英语处境相同口语 篇三
We are in the same boat.
be in the same boat 字面上意思是:“大家都在同一条船上”,既然在一条船上,如果船出事大家就都会掉进水里,所以这个短语的引申意思是:“大家的处境相同”。因此,当美国人说"We are in the same boat."时,他/她要表达的意思就是:"We are in the same situation."、"We are faced with the same problem."。
Benjamin: By the impact of global recession, our company is ready to take measures to ease the pressure by laying off employees. I feel so worried about my situation.
Terry: We are in the same boat! The list will be announced tomorrow. I am worried about it, too.
①I'm worrying about tomorrow's interview.
②I'm wondering if I should quit and look for another job.
③My boss is not satisfield with my work, and I'm afraid I'll be fired.
④I'm afraid I am not qualified for the assigned work.
1. be faced with 面对
They were faced with an exceptionally difficult situation.
2. recession n. 不景气
The recession caused sales to drop off.
We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of recession.
3. lay off 裁员
100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers.