
时间:2019-06-01 05:28:29
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商务英语协商工资口语 篇一


1. 提出期望薪资

- What salary are you looking for?(你期望的薪资是多少?)

- I am looking for a salary in the range of $X to $Y.(我期望的薪资范围是X到Y美元。)

- I would like to earn around $X per year.(我希望每年能挣到X美元左右。)

2. 谈判薪资

- I believe my skills and experience justify a higher salary.(我相信我的技能和经验可以证明我应该有更高的薪资。)

- Could you offer a higher salary?(你能提供更高的薪资吗?)

- I would be willing to negotiate on the salary.(我愿意就薪资进行谈判。)

3. 强调自己的价值

- I have a proven track record in achieving results and I believe my contribution to the company would be worth the higher salary.(我在取得成果方面有着可靠的记录,我相信我的贡献足以换取更高的薪资。)

- I have unique skills and qualifications that make me a valuable asset to the company.(我拥有独特的技能和资质,使我成为公司宝贵的财富。)

- I have successfully completed projects similar to this before and I am confident in my ability to deliver results.(我以前成功地完成过类似的项目,我对自己的能力充满信心,能够交付结果。)

4. 探讨其他福利待遇

- If the salary is not negotiable, could we discuss other benefits or perks?(如果薪资不能谈判,我们能否讨论其他福利或额外待遇?)

- Are there any opportunities for performance-based bonuses or incentives?(是否有基于绩效的奖金或激励机制?)

- Would it be possible to have additional vacation days or flexible working hours?(是否可以有额外的假期或弹性工作时间?)

5. 结束谈判

- Thank you for considering my salary request. I look forward to hearing your decision.(感谢您考虑我的薪资要求。期待您的决定。)

- I am open to further discussion on the salary. Please let me know if there is any additional information you need from me.(我愿意进一步讨论薪资问题。如果您需要我提供其他信息,请告诉我。)

- If the salary is non-negotiable, I would still be interested in the position and would like to discuss other aspects of the offer.(如果薪资不能谈判,我仍然对这个职位感兴趣,并希望讨论其他方面的条件。)


商务英语协商工资口语 篇二


1. 提出期望薪资

- What salary are you looking for?(你期望的薪资是多少?)

- I am looking for a salary in the range of $X to $Y.(我期望的薪资范围是X到Y美元。)

- I would like to earn around $X per year.(我希望每年能挣到X美元左右。)

2. 谈判薪资

- I believe my skills and experience justify a higher salary.(我相信我的技能和经验可以证明我应该有更高的薪资。)

- Could you offer a higher salary?(你能提供更高的薪资吗?)

- I would be willing to negotiate on the salary.(我愿意就薪资进行谈判。)

3. 强调自己的价值

- I have a proven track record in achieving results and I believe my contribution to the company would be worth the higher salary.(我在取得成果方面有着可靠的记录,我相信我的贡献足以换取更高的薪资。)

- I have unique skills and qualifications that make me a valuable asset to the company.(我拥有独特的技能和资质,使我成为公司宝贵的财富。)

- I have successfully completed projects similar to this before and I am confident in my ability to deliver results.(我以前成功地完成过类似的项目,我对自己的能力充满信心,能够交付结果。)

4. 探讨其他福利待遇

- If the salary is not negotiable, could we discuss other benefits or perks?(如果薪资不能谈判,我们能否讨论其他福利或额外待遇?)

- Are there any opportunities for performance-based bonuses or incentives?(是否有基于绩效的奖金或激励机制?)

- Would it be possible to have additional vacation days or flexible working hours?(是否可以有额外的假期或弹性工作时间?)

5. 结束谈判

- Thank you for considering my salary request. I look forward to hearing your decision.(感谢您考虑我的薪资要求。期待您的决定。)

- I am open to further discussion on the salary. Please let me know if there is any additional information you need from me.(我愿意进一步讨论薪资问题。如果您需要我提供其他信息,请告诉我。)

- If the salary is non-negotiable, I would still be interested in the position and would like to discuss other aspects of the offer.(如果薪资不能谈判,我仍然对这个职位感兴趣,并希望讨论其他方面的条件。)


商务英语协商工资口语 篇三


  协商工资 Negotiating a Job Offer

  Employer: Would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year?


  Ms. Wilson: What kind of benefits are we talking about?


  Employer: Our standard package includes health insurance, two weeks vacation and a company car.


  Ms. Wilson: Are these things negotiable?


  Employer: Uh… not normally. What do you have in mind?

  呃…… 一般是不行。你有什么想法?

  Ms. Wilson: Vacation time is important to me. I would be willing to give up these other items in order to receive more vacation days.


  Employer: What an

interesting idea, Ms. Wilson. Would you also be willing to accept a cut in initial salary?


  Ms. Wilson: Possibly. What do you have in mind?


  health insurance医疗保险

  two weeks vacation两周的假期

  a company car公车

  give up放弃

  a cut in initial salary起步薪水很少


