
时间:2011-07-03 01:15:22
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复仇者联盟英文台词 篇一

The Avengers: Iconic Quotes

The Avengers, a team of extraordinary individuals with incredible powers, have captured the hearts of millions around the world. Their epic battles against evil and their witty banter have become legendary. In this article, we will explore some of the most iconic quotes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Avengers films.

1. "I am Iron Man." - Tony Stark (Iron Man, 2008)

These words, spoken by the genius billionaire Tony Stark, marked the beginning of a new era in superhero movies. With his suave charm and undeniable confidence, Iron Man quickly became a fan favorite.

2. "I can do this all day." - Steve Rogers (Captain America: The First Avenger, 2011)

This line perfectly captures the unwavering determination and resilience of Captain America. Despite facing insurmountable odds, Steve Rogers never backs down from a fight.

3. "I'm always angry." - Bruce Banner (The Avengers, 2012)

Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, struggles to control his anger and the destructive power it unleashes. This quote showcases the constant battle within him and sets the stage for his transformation into the green rage machine.

4. "We have a Hulk." - Tony Stark (The Avengers, 2012)

Tony Stark's quick wit and confidence are on full display in this iconic line. As the Avengers face off against the powerful villain Loki, Stark reminds everyone that they have their own secret weapon.

5. "I understood that reference." - Steve Rogers (The Avengers, 2012)

This quote perfectly captures the fish-out-of-water aspect of Captain America's character. As a man out of his time, Steve Rogers often finds himself unfamiliar with modern references, making this moment both humorous and endearing.

6. "I can do this all day." - Steve Rogers (Captain America: Civil War, 2016)

This line makes a triumphant return as Captain America faces off against his former ally, Iron Man. It serves as a reminder that no matter the odds, Steve Rogers will always stand up for what he believes in.

7. "I love you 3000." - Tony Stark (Avengers: Endgame, 2019)

This heartbreaking line, spoken by Tony Stark to his daughter, has become one of the most memorable moments in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. It showcases the depth of Tony's love for his family and adds an emotional layer to his character.

The Avengers films are filled with memorable quotes that have become ingrained in pop culture. From Tony Stark's wit to Captain America's unwavering determination, these lines have resonated with audiences worldwide. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, fans eagerly anticipate the next set of iconic quotes that will be etched into their memories.

复仇者联盟英文台词 篇二

The Avengers: Quotes that Define the Team

The Avengers, a group of superheroes with diverse backgrounds and abilities, have united to protect the world from threats beyond imagination. Throughout their cinematic journey, they have uttered lines that have become symbolic of their characters and the team as a whole. In this article, we will explore some of the quotes that define the Avengers.

1. "Avengers, assemble!" - Captain America (The Avengers, 2012)

These three words, spoken by Captain America, serve as a rallying cry for the team. It signifies the unity and strength of the Avengers, as they come together to face their most formidable foes.

2. "I have nothing to prove to you." - Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel, 2019)

Captain Marvel's defiance in the face of adversity is encapsulated in this powerful quote. It highlights her confidence and refusal to be defined by others' expectations.

3. "We don't trade lives." - Vision (Avengers: Infinity War, 2018)

Vision's words reflect the Avengers' unwavering commitment to protecting innocent lives. It showcases their selflessness and willingness to make personal sacrifices for the greater good.

4. "I'm always angry." - Bruce Banner (The Avengers, 2012)

Bruce Banner's struggle with his inner demons is encapsulated in this short but impactful line. It represents the constant battle he faces to control his anger and the incredible power it unleashes.

5. "I can do this all day." - Steve Rogers (Captain America: The First Avenger, 2011)

This quote, repeated throughout the Captain America films, embodies Steve Rogers' indomitable spirit. It highlights his determination and refusal to back down, no matter the odds.

6. "Whatever it takes." - Various Avengers (Avengers: Endgame, 2019)

As the Avengers face their greatest challenge yet, this phrase becomes their mantra. It exemplifies their willingness to do whatever is necessary to save the world and protect the ones they love.

7. "I am Iron Man." - Tony Stark (Iron Man, 2008)

These words, spoken by Tony Stark during the climactic battle in the first Avengers film, have become iconic. They represent Tony's evolution from a self-centered playboy to a hero willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

The quotes from the Avengers films encapsulate the essence of the team and its individual members. They showcase their strengths, weaknesses, and the unwavering commitment they have to protect the world. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, fans eagerly anticipate the next set of memorable quotes that will define the Avengers' future adventures.

复仇者联盟英文台词 篇三


  War has started.

  And we are hopelessly outgunned.

  Director Fury? I think it's time

  You're here with a mission, sir? Trying to get me back in the world.

  Trying to save it.

  Doctor, we need you to come in.

  What if I say no?

  I'll persuade you.

  What are you asking me to do?

  It's called the Avengers Initiative.

  I thought I didn't qualify. Apparently I am, what is it, volatile, self-obsessed?

  And don't play well with others.

  I think they need a time-out.

  How desperate are you? And you call on such lost creatures to defend you.

  You have made me very desperate.

  We're not a team. We're a time bomb.


  This is nothing we've ever trained for.

  Guys, I'm bringing the party to you.


