
时间:2018-07-08 02:20:31
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我眼中的全球化英语作文 篇一

Globalization: Connecting the World

In my eyes, globalization has brought immense benefits to our world, especially in the realm of English language learning. English has become the lingua franca of the global community, enabling people from different countries and cultures to communicate and understand each other more effectively. This has not only facilitated international business and travel, but also fostered cultural exchange and understanding.

Firstly, globalization has significantly enhanced English language learning opportunities. With the advent of the internet, people can access a wealth of English learning resources, such as online courses, language exchange platforms, and educational videos. This accessibility has made it easier for individuals to learn English at their own pace and convenience. Moreover, the popularity of English language proficiency tests, such as TOEFL and IELTS, has increased, as they are recognized by many universities and employers worldwide. This has motivated students to improve their English skills and has provided them with standardized measures of their proficiency.

Secondly, the globalized world has created a demand for multilingual individuals, particularly those proficient in English. As businesses expand globally, there is a growing need for employees who can effectively communicate with partners, clients, and colleagues from different countries. English fluency has become a valuable asset in the job market, opening up a wide range of career opportunities. Additionally, the rise of international tourism has made English proficiency essential for those working in the hospitality industry. By being able to communicate with tourists, employees can provide better services and contribute to the growth of the industry.

Furthermore, globalization has fostered cultural exchange and understanding through the widespread use of English. By learning English, individuals can access literature, films, music, and other forms of media produced by different cultures. This exposure to diverse perspectives and ideas promotes tolerance, empathy, and appreciation for different cultures. It also facilitates cross-cultural communication, as individuals can engage in conversations and debates on global issues. The ability to communicate effectively in English allows people from different backgrounds to share their experiences and learn from one another.

In conclusion, globalization has greatly influenced the way we learn and use the English language. It has expanded access to English learning resources, created new job opportunities, and facilitated cultural exchange. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, English will continue to play a vital role in bridging language barriers and connecting people from all corners of the globe.

我眼中的全球化英语作文 篇二

The Challenges and Opportunities of Globalized English

In my eyes, globalized English presents both challenges and opportunities for individuals and societies. While the widespread use of English has facilitated communication and cultural exchange, it has also posed challenges such as linguistic imperialism and the erosion of local languages. Nonetheless, with proper management and appreciation for diversity, we can harness the opportunities that globalized English brings.

One of the challenges of globalized English is linguistic imperialism, wherein the dominance of English can marginalize other languages and cultures. The spread of English as a global language has led to a decline in the usage and preservation of indigenous languages, as more people prioritize learning English in order to access better educational and economic opportunities. This has resulted in the loss of cultural diversity and the erosion of linguistic heritage. It is important to recognize the value of indigenous languages and promote their preservation alongside the learning of English.

Another challenge is the potential homogenization of cultures due to the dominance of English. As English becomes the common language of communication, there is a risk of cultural assimilation and the loss of unique cultural identities. This can be seen in the globalization of popular culture, where English-language movies, music, and fashion dominate the global market. It is crucial to promote cultural diversity and encourage the preservation of local traditions and languages, even in the face of globalized English.

Despite these challenges, globalized English also presents numerous opportunities. English proficiency opens up a world of educational and career opportunities, as it is the language of instruction in many prestigious universities and the lingua franca of international business. By learning English, individuals can access a wider range of knowledge, resources, and experiences. This can contribute to personal growth, professional success, and cross-cultural understanding.

Moreover, the globalized world has created a demand for English language teachers and translators, providing employment opportunities for individuals proficient in English. This has also led to the development of English language industries, including English language schools, publishing companies, and translation services. These industries contribute to economic growth and provide opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation.

To harness the opportunities of globalized English while addressing the challenges, it is important to promote language diversity and cultural preservation. This can be achieved through educational policies that prioritize the teaching of local languages alongside English, as well as the promotion of cultural exchange programs that celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures. By embracing and valuing linguistic and cultural diversity, we can create a global community that appreciates the richness of different languages and cultures.

In conclusion, globalized English presents both challenges and opportunities. It is important to address the challenges of linguistic imperialism and cultural assimilation, while embracing the opportunities that English proficiency brings. By promoting language diversity and cultural preservation, we can create a globalized world that values and celebrates the diversity of languages, cultures, and perspectives.

我眼中的全球化英语作文 篇三









我眼中的全球化英语作文 篇四

The Impact of Globalization on English Language Learning

Globalization has had a profound impact on the English language and the way it is learned and taught. In this essay, I would like to discuss the various effects of globalization on English language learning and its implications.

Firstly, globalization has made English the most widely spoken and learned language in the world. As businesses and industries become more interconnected across borders, the demand for English proficiency has increased exponentially. English is now seen as the language of opportunity, with individuals learning it to enhance their employability and career prospects. English language learning has become a necessity rather than a choice for many people.

Secondly, the internet and technological advancements have revolutionized English language learning. Online platforms, language learning apps, and virtual classrooms have made language learning accessible to a wider audience. Learners can now interact with native speakers, access learning materials, and practice their skills through online resources. The availability of these resources has significantly accelerated the language learning process and has made it more convenient and flexible for learners.

Furthermore, globalization has also influenced the content and methods of English language learning. English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculum now focuses more on practical skills needed in a globalized world, such as business communication, intercultural competence, and digital literacy. English language learners are encouraged to develop their language skills in a way that aligns with global standards and expectations. Additionally, the emphasis on communicative competence has replaced traditional grammar-focused teaching methods, allowing learners to actively engage in real-life scenarios.

However, globalization has also brought challenges to English language learning. The influence of English as the dominant language has led to the neglect and marginalization of other languages and cultures. The pressure to learn English has resulted in the erosion of native languages and cultural identities. It is important to strike a balance between promoting English language learning and preserving linguistic diversity.

In conclusion, globalization has had a significant impact on English language learning. From increased demand and accessibility to changes in teaching methods and curriculum, English language learning has evolved to meet the needs of a globalized world. While the benefits of English proficiency are undeniable, it is crucial to promote multilingualism and respect for diverse languages and cultures in order to create a truly inclusive global society.

我眼中的全球化英语作文 篇五

  The last decades has witnessed the accelerated advancement of economy,which brings the economic globalization,a tendence that we can never hold it back. Under the condition of economic globalization, cultural exchanges between countries and countries, regions and areas are frequent ,accompanied by opportunity it provides,we are also stood in front of the huge challenges to the culture.

  Just like a coin,which has two sides,on one aspect,the globalization is not only accelerating economic growth speed, spreading new technology and effective ways to improve the level of life rich and poor countries, but ,it is also a controversial process that may contribute to a national sovereignty, erosion infringement to local and traditional culture , and the threat of economic and social stability. Between globalization and culture that is a complementary relationship. And under the wave of economic globalization, how do we do at the same time of accepting foreign culture, can also maintain the development of traditional Chinese culture? From my perspective, For today's China,we’d better adhere to the use of Marxist ideological line and requirements of the socialist modernization, to analyze and criticize the traditional culture, to identify essence and dross with a calm and objective attitude, derive the traditional culture of all reasonable composition, gives our history a new contents and the era value, and Only in this way,can our china stride bravely forward under the impact of the globalization

我眼中的全球化英语作文 篇六

  With the rapid social and economic development, globalization comes not to be an unfamiliar word to all of us. Though we are living in the affection of it, yet it is hard to tell it’s advantages and disadvantages.

  Globalization phenomenon is an outcome of social development. The typical types are economic globalization, cultural globalization. As we all know, it is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we must pay more attention on this phenomenon and it’s development trend.

  Globalization has so many advantages, such as it makes the world become a small village and let people touch each other more convenient and easy, it increase free trade between nations and give the developing countries a terrific opportunity to develop themselves in all aspects quickly. What’s more, it can reduce the cultural barriers and let various of cultural get a better communication and development. On the contrary, it also has a lot of disadvantages. Because under globalization, every country’s economy can make a great influence of others, it make the economy of the world more fragile. In order to possess the good chance and precious resources, the disputes and even wars may take place between nations. In recent years, great risk of diseases being transported between nations has also become a threaten to people.

  As the globalization has become an irrevocable trend, we must adjust it. This phenomenon is an opportunity as well as a challenge. Consequently, every person, every nation should try the best to get a good position in the process of globalization and make full use of such a vital chance to be stronger.

  我眼中的.全球化英语作文 篇3

  Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.

  In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or a curse has sparked a heated debate. Some people argue that globalization has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while many others contend that it has a detrimental effect as well.

  A convincing argument can be made about globalization is that it not only plays a pivotal role in the development of technology and economy, but also promotes the cultural exchange between different countries. To start with, it is the globalization that impelled many corporate to become an international group, thereby making a contribution to the local technology and employment. Specifically, when a multinational group establish a factory in a developing country, the new equipment, the new management skills and the job vacancies are all in the best interest of the local society. Moreover, people worldwide can get to know each other better through globalization. It is easy to see that more and more Hollywood blockbusters show cultures different from American, some recent examples are ‘Kungfu Panda’ and ‘The Mummy’.

  Admittedly, profit-driven globalization has severely affected young people. Today, in the metropolises in different countries, it is very common to see teenagers wearing NIKE T-shirts and Adidas footwear, playing Hip-Hop music on Apple iPods and eating at KFC. The culture that took a thousand years to form just seems similar in these cities; it looks like you can only distinguish them by their language. Meanwhile, in some developing countries, sweat workshops are always a concerning issue. For instance, reports show that some teenagers employed by NIKE’s contractors work in smelly factories over 14 hours a day, but are only paid fifty cents per hour.

  In summary, I would concede that globalization does come with some adverse effects. Despite that fact, benefits created by it far outweigh the disadvantages. Overall, I am convinced that we should further promote globalization and meanwhile the local government should take measures to combat cultural assimilation and sweat workshops.

  Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?


