
时间:2015-02-07 05:18:22
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Complaining in English Composition One

Title: The Inefficiency of Public Transportation


Public transportation is an essential service for many individuals, providing a convenient and cost-effective means of travel. However, in recent times, I have noticed several issues that make public transportation inefficient and frustrating. This essay aims to discuss the problems I have encountered and offer potential solutions.


1. Overcrowding:

Public transportation, especially during peak hours, is often overcrowded. This leads to discomfort and inconvenience for passengers. The lack of sufficient seating and standing space makes the journey unpleasant and sometimes unsafe. Additionally, overcrowding can lead to delays in reaching destinations, affecting people's punctuality for work or appointments.

2. Unreliable schedules:

Another major issue with public transportation is the inconsistency and unreliability of schedules. Buses and trains frequently arrive late or early, causing passengers to miss connections or wait for extended periods. This uncertainty creates frustration and inconvenience, especially for those who rely on public transportation for their daily commute.

3. Poor maintenance:

Many public transportation vehicles are in a state of disrepair, contributing to a subpar travel experience. Broken seats, malfunctioning air conditioning, and unpleasant odors are common complaints. These issues not only make the journey uncomfortable but also raise concerns about safety and hygiene.

4. Inadequate routes:

Public transportation routes often fail to cater to the needs of all commuters. Limited options and restricted coverage areas make it challenging for individuals living in certain neighborhoods to access public transportation conveniently. This lack of accessibility can force people to rely on private vehicles, contributing to traffic congestion and environmental pollution.

5. Lack of cleanliness:

Cleanliness is a fundamental requirement for any public space, including transportation vehicles. Unfortunately, many buses and trains are not adequately cleaned, leading to unhygienic conditions for passengers. Dirty seats, sticky floors, and overflowing trash bins are not only unpleasant but can also pose health risks.


1. Increase capacity:

To address the issue of overcrowding, public transportation authorities should invest in increasing the capacity of vehicles during peak hours. This could involve adding more buses or trains to heavily frequented routes or introducing larger vehicles to accommodate more passengers.

2. Implement accurate scheduling:

Efforts should be made to improve the accuracy and reliability of public transportation schedules. This can be achieved through better planning, effective communication, and the use of technology to track and update arrival times in real-time.

3. Regular maintenance:

Public transportation vehicles must undergo regular maintenance to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. Authorities should establish strict maintenance schedules, inspect vehicles regularly, and promptly address any reported issues.

4. Expand routes:

To enhance accessibility, public transportation routes should be expanded to cover more neighborhoods and areas with high population density. This will enable a larger number of individuals to rely on public transportation, reducing the need for private vehicles.

5. Enhance cleanliness measures:

Public transportation authorities should prioritize cleanliness by implementing regular cleaning schedules and ensuring that vehicles are well-equipped with trash bins. Additionally, public awareness campaigns can educate passengers about maintaining cleanliness and the importance of proper disposal of waste.


The inefficiency of public transportation is a significant concern that needs to be addressed promptly. By addressing overcrowding, improving scheduling accuracy, enhancing maintenance, expanding routes, and prioritizing cleanliness, public transportation can become a more reliable and convenient mode of travel for all.

抱怨的英语作文 篇三


  Dear Manager,

  I venture to write to complain about the quality of the digital camera I bought last Friday at your store. During the five days the camera has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another. For one thing, the screen is always black, making the camera no different from a traditional one. For another, the battery is distressing as it supports the camera’s operation for only two hours.

  Therefore, I wish to declare a refund. I will appreciate it if my problem receives due attention.




抱怨的英语作文 篇四


  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr. 2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P. R. China. There is something wrong with my mobile phone. The mobile phone can’t send messages and it can’t ring if someone calls me. What was worse, this kind of mobile phone has been sold out, so it cannot be changed a new one. This kind of mobile phone is in a new style, so the shop has no spare parts to repair my phone. I was so worried about it. I make a request to your company to change it as soon as possible. I hope you can give me a hand.

  I am looking forward to receiving your answer. Please give me a letter as soon as you receive my E-mail.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Bu Manyi

抱怨的英语作文 篇五


  Dear president:

  I am one of the student who critical of restaurant of our seminary. We have been informed frequently that with the declining quality of the restaurant of our school it is intolerable to meal at school. It becomes the source of great complaint by student. Therefore please give me an access to put forward some disadvantage of the restaurant in order to be placed more stress on

  First the expression of the students ‘face Witness that how unsavory the food is .Secondly insect is conceal in the vegetable there are times when we are prepare to have . Thirdly the price of the restaurant is too high. Finally tableware not be sanitized is used in the restaurant.

  Please take it into account or it will give rise to a series of problem. In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. I hold a belief that students will enjoy themselves when have a meal in the restaurant of our seminary.

  I am looking forward to seeing the changes of the restaurant

  Yours sincerely







抱怨的英语作文 篇六



  In our daily life,it always have something that can makes you unhappy,maybe we will make a complaint at that time.It's a good idea to be as polite as possible even when complaining about something.生活中随时可能会出现不顺心的事情,偶尔抱怨一下也是无妨的,不过抱怨的时候最好还是显得有素质一点比较好,不要出现污言秽语。

  making a complaint提出抱怨

  1.Their new CD sucks.他们新出的唱片可恶心了。

  Suck这个字在美国用的很多,它就是指很烂,很差的意思。 Suck是一个动词,所以在使用上跟烂这个形容词是不太一样的,例如你可以说, That traffic here really sucks!就是说这里的交通糟透了的意思。 有时也听得到人家用suck的形容词sucky.

  Suck这个字的原意是指用嘴巴吸的意思,所以有人就设计了这么一个吸果冻的比赛。 规则很简单,就是不能用手,只能用嘴巴把果冻吸光。

  所以比赛一开始,只听到观众大喊, Hey, you suck!表面上听来是说,你快点吸的意思,事实上则是暗地里骂人烂的意思。

  2.I am sick and tired of doing homework. 我对做作业感到厌烦。

  Sick and tired of something可以视之为一个片语,所以并没有sick (生病)的意思在里面!例如贩卖机老是吃钱,你也可以说I am sick and tired of this vending machine.还有一句话也很有趣, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于老是感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了,我想这是很多都市人共同的心声吧。

  3.I am terrible/horrible.我很糟糕。

  这句并不是说我很可怕或恐怖的意思。 terrible翻成中文的意思是糟糕。有时他们也会用terrible来形容一个教授, He is so terrible,就是说这个老师教的很烂,而不是说他很会吓人。 要是用terrible来形容一样东西,则表示该样东西很糟糕,例如形容食物,如The food is terrible,说的当然就是食物很难吃了


  有时候mean在口语中也可以当成cool的意思喔!例如别人看到一辆很拉风的跑车,他说, "Wow, look at that car, that is mean!"在这里不可能说一部车很贱,以这个mean就是当成cool来解释。


  1. that won’t do.这可不行。

  2. is that it?就这个吗?

  3. is that all?就这些吗?

  4. i’m afraid it just isn’t good enough.恐怕这不够好。

  5. that’s not what i had in mind.我想要的可不是这个。

  6. it’s not what i hoped for.我期待的可不是这样的。

  7. that leaves a lot to be desired.太不让人满意了。

  8. that doesn’t quite suit me.我对次不甚满意。

  9. i was hoping for more.我原以为会比这要好。

  10. i was counting on more.我期待着会比这要多

  11. i expected something better.我所期望的比这要好。

  12. it’s a far cry from what i expected.这离我想要的差远了。


  1.You're so stupid. 真是愚蠢。

  Stupid这个字很好用,它含有轻视,不以为然的味道在里面,比如说考试题目出的很烂,你就可以说, that's a stupid test.或是有人在冬天的时候提议去游泳,你的反应大概就会是, That's a stupid idea.



  2.You scared/frightened me! 你吓到我了。

  被惊吓到时就是这么说的,或是也可以说,I am scared.此外,自己被吓到你也可以说,I am scared或是I am frightened.


  3.He is shaky. 他不太可靠。

  Shaky是指动摇不稳定,不太确定,通常就是指一个人不太可靠。另外Shaky也可以用来形容数据,像是在课常上说,The data is shaky,就是说这些data怪怪的,不太可靠。 Shaky另外有一个惯用法, He has a shaky start.就是说有人要上台报告准备却不够充份,以致一上去就开始紧张,冒冷汗,不知所云,这种情况老美就会说, He has a shaky start.或是另一个很意思很接近的说法, "He has a bumpy ride."


  Don't act like black. 不要跟黑人一样。

  虽然现在都已经快要迈入二十一世纪了,不过时至今日还是有些白人会歧视黑人的,尤其是老一辈的白人,有时候他们的孩子作错了什么事,他们还会骂说Don't act black.但是这是句非常有种族歧视的话,不要乱用,当然也希望各位国人来到国外时要为华人争一点面子,不要让外国人说Don't ac like Chinese.那样就很不好了。


  1. This is too much.太过分了。

  2. That’s really the limit.真叫人忍无可忍。

  3. This is more than I can bear.我再也受不了了。

  4. This is more than I can take.我再也受不了了。

  5. I needed that like a hole in the head.简直想要了我的命。

  6. That’s just what I need!真是怕什么来什么!

  7. That’s the last straw!真是太过分了!

  8. Now what?又怎么了?

  9. Look here!I’ve had enough of that!嘿,我已经受够了。


