
时间:2017-04-01 01:26:47
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高中英语作文:奔流的生命 篇一

The Flowing Life

Water is the source of life. It is the essence of everything on Earth. Just like life, it flows ceaselessly, adapting to different circumstances and transforming along the way. The flowing life is a metaphor for the journey of life itself.

Water, in its various forms, travels through rivers, lakes, and oceans, connecting different parts of the world. Similarly, in life, we encounter different people and experience different cultures. These encounters and experiences shape us into who we are and provide us with valuable lessons. It is through the flow of life that we learn, grow, and become better individuals.

Just as water navigates through obstacles in its path, we too face challenges and obstacles in life. These obstacles can be in the form of failures, setbacks, or even personal struggles. However, it is through overcoming these challenges that we become stronger and more resilient. We learn to adapt, just as water adapts its course to navigate around rocks or through narrow passages. The flowing life teaches us the importance of perseverance and determination.

Water is also a symbol of purity and clarity. Just as water cleanses itself through natural processes, we too need to cleanse our minds and souls from negativity and impurities. The flowing life encourages us to let go of past mistakes and regrets, and to embrace the present moment. It reminds us that we have the power to start anew, just like water flowing downstream.

Moreover, the flowing life teaches us the importance of harmony and balance. Just as water seeks its own level, we too need to find a balance in our lives. We need to prioritize our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We need to strike a balance between work and leisure, between responsibilities and personal time. The flowing life reminds us that a balanced life is a fulfilling life.

In conclusion, the flowing life is a powerful metaphor for the journey of life. It teaches us valuable lessons about adaptation, perseverance, purity, and balance. Just as water flows ceaselessly, we too need to embrace the flow of life and make the most of every moment. We need to navigate through challenges, cleanse ourselves from negativity, and find harmony and balance. Let us appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the flowing life and live our lives to the fullest.

高中英语作文:奔流的生命 篇二

The Flowing Life: A Lesson in Adaptation and Transformation

Life is like a river, constantly flowing and changing. Just like the water that adapts to its surroundings and transforms along the way, we too need to adapt and transform in order to navigate through the journey of life.

Adaptation is the key to survival, both for water and for us. Water adapts to different terrains, changing its course to avoid obstacles and find the path of least resistance. Similarly, we need to adapt to the challenges and changes that life presents us. Whether it's adapting to a new environment, a new job, or a new relationship, our ability to adapt determines our success and happiness.

Moreover, water transforms itself as it flows. It evaporates into the air and forms clouds, which eventually release rain. This transformation is essential for the cycle of life on Earth. Similarly, in life, we need to undergo personal transformations in order to grow and evolve. We need to let go of old beliefs, habits, and patterns that no longer serve us. We need to embrace change and be open to new experiences. It is through transformation that we become the best versions of ourselves.

Just as water is patient and persistent in its journey, we too need to be patient and persistent in pursuing our goals and dreams. Water may encounter obstacles along its path, but it never gives up. It finds a way to flow around or through them. Similarly, we need to persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks. We need to stay focused on our goals and keep moving forward, even when the path seems difficult.

Furthermore, water has the power to cleanse and purify. It washes away dirt and impurities, leaving behind a fresh and clean environment. In life, we too need to cleanse ourselves from negativity and toxic influences. We need to let go of grudges, resentments, and negative emotions that weigh us down. We need to cultivate a positive mindset and surround ourselves with positive people. Just as water cleanses itself, we need to cleanse our minds and souls to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

In conclusion, the flowing life teaches us valuable lessons about adaptation, transformation, perseverance, and purification. Just like water, we need to adapt to our surroundings, transform ourselves, persevere in the face of challenges, and cleanse ourselves from negativity. Let us embrace the wisdom of the flowing life and navigate through the journey of life with resilience, positivity, and grace.

高中英语作文:奔流的生命 篇三



  Its birth means the beginning of the run. It runs, runs through the field, cross the hills, cross the valley, and always speak forever. Suddenly, there was a voice to tell it: "Are you not tired?" It suddenly felt that his heart was heavy, it was born, so it was, never stopped, what is it in pursuit? It stopped, lie down quietly, enjoy the warm sunshine, feel the soft breeze, let the fish smith in the body, listen to the birds in the branches. It will be freened there, no longer flow. Such a life, it has been a long time. Suddenly, it found that his body gradually narrowed, and it was more increasing. It cried. Or the sound: "The meaning of life is to keep rushing. If it stops, it will become a green water." It rushed, it rushed, never stop. It runs through, it runs, regardless of everything. Stop is equal to death. So, the sun and moon stars, the wind and lightning, never stopped it from there; the alpine cliffs, the strange rocks have never let it stop for a second. Then there is a risk of lariles, it also has to run; it is the dangerous roof of Long Yuhu, which will not fear before. It finally understands that if it stops, life will only be swallowed by time, only to rush, in order to achieve the eternal life. It turns out that the flow is constant, it is the true meaning of life.


