
时间:2019-01-03 04:14:15
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寒假英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Winter Activity

Winter is my favorite season of the year because I get to engage in my favorite winter activity - skiing. Skiing is not only a thrilling sport but also a great way to enjoy the beauty of nature during the winter season.

Every winter, my family and I go to the mountains for a skiing trip. As soon as we arrive at the ski resort, I can feel the excitement building up inside me. The sight of snow-covered mountains and the sound of skis gliding through the snow create a magical atmosphere.

Before hitting the slopes, I always make sure to put on all the necessary gear to stay safe and warm. Wearing layers of clothing, a helmet, goggles, and gloves is essential for a comfortable skiing experience. Once I am fully equipped, I head to the ski lift and make my way to the top of the mountain.

As I stand at the top, looking down at the slopes, a mix of nervousness and anticipation fills my body. Taking a deep breath, I push off and start my descent. The feeling of the cold wind against my face and the adrenaline rush as I speed down the mountain is indescribable. It's a true exhilaration that I can't find in any other activity.

Besides the thrill, skiing also allows me to appreciate the beauty of nature. The snow-covered trees and the untouched landscapes create a picturesque scenery that takes my breath away. As I ski down the slopes, I can't help but admire the wonders of nature surrounding me. It's like being in a winter wonderland.

Skiing is not only a physical activity but also a mental one. It requires focus, balance, and quick decision-making. It challenges me to overcome obstacles and improve my skills. Every time I conquer a difficult slope or try a new trick, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

In conclusion, skiing is my favorite winter activity because it combines excitement, beauty, and personal growth. It allows me to experience the thrill of speed while appreciating the wonders of nature. I can't wait for the next winter season to hit the slopes once again.

寒假英语作文 篇二:My Winter Holiday Experience

During the winter holiday, I had an amazing experience that I will cherish forever. I joined a volunteer program and traveled to a remote village to help the local community.

The village was located in a mountainous area, and during the winter, it was often cut off from the outside world due to heavy snowfall. The villagers faced many challenges, such as lack of access to basic necessities and limited educational opportunities for their children. As a volunteer, my mission was to provide assistance and support to improve their living conditions.

One of the main tasks was to help build a school for the village children. We worked together with the local community to construct the school building. It was a physically demanding task, but seeing the smiles on the children's faces made it all worth it. Education is a fundamental right, and being able to contribute to providing better learning opportunities for these children was truly fulfilling.

In addition to the school project, we also organized various activities for the villagers. We conducted health workshops, teaching them about hygiene and providing basic medical check-ups. We also organized recreational activities, such as sports events and art workshops. These activities brought joy and a sense of community to the villagers, and it was heartwarming to see them come together and enjoy themselves.

Living in the village for a few weeks allowed me to experience a different way of life. The villagers were incredibly welcoming and generous, despite their limited resources. They taught me the importance of gratitude and appreciating the simple things in life. I learned to value the power of community and the impact that a small act of kindness can have on someone's life.

Leaving the village was bittersweet. On one hand, I was sad to say goodbye to the people I had formed strong bonds with. On the other hand, I was filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

This winter holiday experience taught me the importance of giving back and the joy that comes from helping others. It opened my eyes to the realities faced by marginalized communities and inspired me to continue making a positive impact in the world. I am grateful for this experience and look forward to future opportunities to volunteer and contribute to society.

In conclusion, my winter holiday experience as a volunteer in a remote village was life-changing. It allowed me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others while gaining valuable insights and appreciation for the simple things in life. I encourage everyone to take part in volunteer programs and contribute to making the world a better place.

寒假英语作文 篇三

  Although the winter vacation, I will continue my learning, in the morning,is a good time to read, with the early morning, our family to read with relish,three people has become a bookworm. Dad read the literary works such as crazy,my mother read prose leisurely affectionate, for me, I read catchy childrenspoetry. A book, lets open horizon, increase knowledge. Reading good books islike and wise in the communication, the author of often we read happy place,could not help but laugh; Read moving place, can flow was moved to tears... . Agood book, often make us forget all about eating and sleeping, really achieve"reading a good book, three days and I do not know meat".

  Winter vacation, there is a Spring Festival, this is my most happy moment.The New Year, my father came back from the street to buy a dozen small redlanterns, and string them into 2 series, dad smiled and said: "the twelve redlanterns indicates our whole family, in the New Year, twelve months areprosperous". Mother, busy preparing for dinner, but rich, seafood, vegetables,beef, little of course not a fish, in the traditional Chinese Spring Festival,eat fish means "more than" year after year, good luck. I have not been idle, andcome back to the supermarket to buy necessities such as orange juice andbeer.

  Winter vacation, I could have just like all the children have a blast, butmy eyesight is bad, only looking at the computer to buy, occasionally WangShaseveral renju experience, very good!

  Happy and short winter vacation life, really want to keep the pace of time,has been living in the winter vacation.

寒假英语作文 篇四

  Since the first day of my winter vacation, I’ve decided to make it a valuable and enjoyable one. I made a plan to finish my homework within the first week, and after days of hard working, I actually got all my assignments done a day earlier. I am pretty proud of myself for not —as usual —hang out with my friends until the last few days of my vacation and rush through my homework.

  In the rest of my winter vacation, I made up my mind to improve my reading skills. I’ve had tons of books that I simply bought and put them on my shelf, wishing some day they would be finished themselves. But this time, I realized I was not trying my best last term and decided to make some change. I finished a couple of novels and watched some classic movies, I also went to a library to borrow some new books for next term. The more I read the more enthusiastic I became, and now I’ve developed my reading skills a lot.

  Another event in my winter vacation is that I went to hiking with my parents. It was a warm, sunny day, which is pretty precious during winter time. I can still remember the scene when we drove

寒假英语作文 篇五

  Mobile Phone Obsession

  As the drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This sort of phenomenon is not unmon and rare in some metropolis, especially among the youngsters.

  What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long existed in todays China. That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of information age, people are being

  increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people, and therefore they will bee estranged and isolated.

  Personally, in view of the overuse of mobile phones, I hold that we inpiduals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationships are reinforced by sincere and face-to-face


寒假英语作文 篇六

  The Impact of the Internet on the Way People Communicate

  Due to the wide use of puters and the development of Internet, more and more people like to chat on the Internet. We tend to pay more attention to electronic munication than to face-to-face contact.

  As electronic munication is not limited by space, we can chat with others where there is Internet with our tools such as puters, mobile phones and pads. However, when we chat with others online, we cannot express our feelings fully. Just as the picture shows, the parents cannot touch or hug their child. We know that body language plays an important role in our

  munication, but the electronic munication cannot do this. For example, when we are sad, we need more love and warmth, a real hug from our parents or friends can mean much more to us than just words through electronic munication.

  Therefore, though electronic munication brings convenience to our life, I still don?t think the electronic munication can replace face-to-face contact.


