
时间:2014-03-02 04:13:10
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于故乡的英语作文 篇一

Memories of My Hometown

Growing up in a small town in China, my hometown holds a special place in my heart. The memories of my childhood are filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of this place that I call home. From the bustling market streets to the serene countryside, my hometown has shaped who I am today.

One of my fondest memories of my hometown is the lively market that would come to life every weekend. The streets would be filled with vendors selling all kinds of goods, from fresh fruits and vegetables to colorful fabrics and clothing. The air would be filled with the aroma of street food, tempting passersby with the delicious smells of steamed buns and grilled skewers. As a child, I would often accompany my parents to the market, helping them pick out the best produce and bargaining with the vendors. The market was not only a place to buy necessities, but also a vibrant gathering spot where people would chat and exchange gossip. It was a true reflection of the lively and close-knit community that I grew up in.

Another cherished memory of my hometown is the beautiful countryside that surrounded the town. Just a short bike ride away, I would find myself immersed in nature, surrounded by endless fields of golden wheat and vibrant wildflowers. The air was always fresh and crisp, and the sound of birds chirping filled the quiet countryside. I would spend hours exploring the fields, picking wild berries and chasing butterflies. The simplicity and tranquility of the countryside provided a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

In addition to the market and countryside, my hometown is also known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The ancient temples and traditional architecture are a testament to the town's long and storied past. Every year, during the Spring Festival, the town would come alive with vibrant celebrations and performances. From dragon dances to traditional music and dance, the festivities would bring the whole community together in a joyous celebration of our cultural roots.

Overall, my hometown holds a special place in my heart. It is a place filled with fond memories and a sense of belonging. Whenever I think about it, I am reminded of the warm smiles of the people, the delicious food, and the beautiful landscapes. My hometown has shaped my values, taught me the importance of community, and instilled in me a deep appreciation for my roots. No matter where life takes me, my hometown will always be a part of who I am.

于故乡的英语作文 篇二

The Changes in My Hometown

Over the years, my hometown has undergone significant changes that have transformed it into a modern and bustling city. As I look back on the town I grew up in, I can't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and excitement for the future.

One of the most noticeable changes in my hometown is the rapid urbanization and infrastructure development. Tall skyscrapers now dominate the skyline, replacing the traditional low-rise buildings that once lined the streets. The roads are wider and more structured, allowing for smoother traffic flow. The once quiet and peaceful town has now become a vibrant city with shopping malls, entertainment centers, and high-end restaurants. While these changes have undoubtedly brought economic growth and prosperity to the town, they have also altered its character and charm.

Another significant change in my hometown is the improved education system. When I was growing up, there were limited educational opportunities available. However, with the development of the city, new schools and colleges have been established, providing students with access to quality education. The curriculum has become more diverse, offering a wider range of subjects and extracurricular activities. The increased focus on education has opened up new opportunities for the younger generation, empowering them to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

Furthermore, technological advancements have also made a profound impact on my hometown. The introduction of high-speed internet and the widespread use of smartphones have transformed the way people communicate and access information. Online shopping and delivery services have become the norm, making life more convenient for residents. The digitalization of various industries has created new job opportunities and contributed to the overall economic growth of the town.

While these changes have brought about numerous benefits, they have also resulted in some challenges. The rapid urbanization has led to overcrowding and increased competition for resources. The cost of living has risen, making it difficult for some residents to afford housing and basic necessities. Additionally, the loss of traditional businesses and cultural heritage has been a concern for many who fear that the town's unique identity is being eroded.

In conclusion, my hometown has undergone significant changes over the years, transforming it into a modern and bustling city. While these changes have brought about economic growth and improved opportunities, they have also posed challenges to the community. As the town continues to evolve, it is crucial to strike a balance between progress and preserving the town's cultural heritage and unique identity.

于故乡的英语作文 篇三


  wherever i am, i find it hard to resist the tempting call of my hometown. situated at the north-western tip of xin-zhu county, bordering tao-yuan county with a small winding stream is my old hometown, the humble and bleak fishing and farming village. the residents there used to make their living by fishing in their boats on the nearest waters of the taiwan strait. later, those boats were heavily outrun by modern ships. since then, life has never been easy for the villagers, as they have to live off the tiny pieces of land. i often feel that they are peasants rather than farmers. the village is famed for its windy weather, bad for farming but good for the strengthening of character. i can still recall how those salty winds howled all the way through my childhood. but as i now look back upon those tough days and drab rural lives, i feel blessed; i seem to have gone through the ordeal and am capable of facing any hardships. as i am growing older, in my heart, my hometown has become the symbol of the deepest nostalgia and stood for an everlasting affection. i, in turn, can always seek solace through visualizing my lovely hometown.


  My Home TownMy home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.



is situated in the temperate zone and enjoys a semi-arid climate (Kppen BSk

) with hot summers and very cold and dry winters. Mean annual rainfall is 315 millimetres (12.4 in), almost all of which falls from May to October. The winters are so dry that snow is extremely rare.

  In regard to air pollution Lanzhou has some of the worst air quality of all cities in China. According to the Blacksmith Institute, Lanzhou is one of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, with its TSP (total suspended particle) rating 247% above that of the Gansu State recommendation. The air quality is so poor that at times one can not see Lanshan, the mountain rising straight up along the south side of the city. At one point, a controversial suggestion was put forward to bulldoze a mountain adjacent to the city, in order to let fresh air in to the bowl where Lanzhou is situated. It was suggested on the premise that the surrounding mountains block a free flow of air in the city. The city is located in a narrow river valley with an unfortunate curve causing it to be hemmed in with no free air flow. Lanzhou is also the home of many factories, including some involved in petroleum processing, and suffers from large dust storms kicked up from the Gobi Desert, especially in the winter and spring.

  The reach of the Yellow River at Lanzhou carries a high load of silt, giving the river its characteristic muddy appearance; however water quality in this reach is better than the "fetid outflow that barely passes for water two hours downstream".


