
时间:2013-09-02 06:26:26
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我们需要英语英语作文 篇一

The Importance of Learning English

English has become a global language and is spoken by millions of people around the world. In today's globalized society, the ability to speak English is essential for communication, business, and education. Therefore, learning English has become increasingly important.

Firstly, English is the language of international communication. With the advancement of technology, people from different countries can easily connect and interact with each other. English serves as a common language for people of different cultural backgrounds to communicate effectively. Whether it is for travel, work, or study abroad, having a good command of English opens up a world of opportunities.

Secondly, English is the language of business. In the global marketplace, many multinational companies require their employees to have a strong command of English. Being able to speak English fluently not only enhances job prospects but also provides a competitive edge in the business world. English proficiency is often seen as a valuable asset that can lead to career advancement and higher salaries.

Furthermore, English is the language of education. Many renowned universities and educational institutions around the world offer courses and programs taught in English. To pursue higher education in a foreign country, it is crucial to have a solid foundation in English. Moreover, English is widely used in academic research and publications. Access to a vast amount of knowledge and resources in various fields is only possible with a good command of the English language.

In addition, learning English can broaden one's horizons and promote cultural understanding. English literature, films, and music have a significant influence on global culture. By learning English, individuals can appreciate and understand different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. It fosters tolerance, empathy, and a sense of global citizenship.

In conclusion, learning English is vital in today's interconnected world. It facilitates communication, opens doors to job opportunities, and enables access to quality education. Moreover, it promotes cultural understanding and global awareness. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to recognize the importance of learning English and strive to improve their language skills.

我们需要英语英语作文 篇二

Tips for Improving English Language Skills

Learning a new language can be challenging, but with dedication and practice, anyone can improve their English language skills. Here are some tips to help individuals enhance their English proficiency:

1. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Listen to English music, watch movies or TV shows in English, and read books or articles in English. Immersion in the language helps develop a natural understanding of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

2. Practice speaking: Find opportunities to speak English regularly. Join conversation groups, language exchanges, or language clubs where you can practice speaking with native English speakers or other learners. Speaking aloud helps improve pronunciation, fluency, and confidence in using the language.

3. Expand vocabulary: Learn new words every day. Keep a vocabulary notebook and write down new words encountered while reading or listening. Use flashcards or mobile apps to review and reinforce vocabulary regularly. Building a strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication in English.

4. Listen actively: Pay attention to spoken English and practice active listening. Listen to podcasts, news broadcasts, or audio books in English. Focus on understanding the content, pronunciation, and intonation. This will improve listening comprehension and help develop an ear for the language.

5. Read extensively: Read a variety of materials in English, such as newspapers, magazines, novels, or online articles. Reading exposes learners to different writing styles, vocabulary, and sentence structures. It also enhances reading comprehension skills and expands knowledge in various subjects.

6. Write regularly: Practice writing in English by keeping a journal, writing essays, or participating in online forums. Writing helps improve grammar, sentence structure, and overall written communication skills. Seek feedback from teachers or native English speakers to identify areas for improvement.

7. Use language-learning resources: Utilize language-learning resources such as textbooks, online courses, language apps, or language learning websites. These resources provide structured lessons, exercises, and practice materials to enhance language skills systematically.

8. Be consistent and persistent: Learning a language takes time and effort. Set aside regular study sessions and practice consistently. Make English a part of daily life and commit to continuous improvement. Don't be discouraged by mistakes or setbacks, as they are a natural part of the learning process.

By following these tips and maintaining a positive attitude, individuals can make significant progress in improving their English language skills. Remember, practice makes perfect, and every small step counts towards achieving fluency in English.

我们需要英语英语作文 篇三



  Recently, Beijing Education Department has announced that the full mark of English in the college entrance examination in 20xx will be 100 points, which has dropped 50 points from previous years. While the Chinese will be 180 points, the mathematics remains the same, still 150 points. After the news has been exploded, this policy has caused great attention among the public. Some people even wonder: do we still need English as before? And the status of English still remains the same in China? Well, as far as I am concern, English still an indispensable part of our daily lives.

  Firstly, English language is of crucial important in international cooperation and exchange. In this competitive world, no country can survive without any other contact with other countries. And throughout all the interactions, English, as a global language, is the bridge for us to communicate with other people who from different culture, different countries. Two thirds of the world trade is conducted in English. In order to perform our duties and enjoy our rights as a significant member of WTO, we do need English by all means.

  Secondly, English is compulsory in elementary, secondary and further education. One has to pass the English tests to get his certifications. Although we don’t need English so much in our daily lives, when we turn on the computer, listen to the radio, we may find English is everywhere. So, it’s quite necessary for all of us to master a foreign language. Even in the developed countries, students are required to learn at least one foreign language. And Learning English makes contributions to one’s development to some extent.

  Although the English marks of college entrance examination will drop to 100, we still need English in our daily lives. With the rapid development of economic and cultural globalization, Learning English is still the tendency for the young generations. It’s not only the tool for people to communicate, but also the golden key to get personal development.


