
时间:2011-06-04 03:34:29
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我的笔友英语作文 篇一

My Pen Pal

Hello! My name is Lily and I want to tell you about my pen pal. Her name is Emily and she lives in New York City. We have been pen pals for over a year now and I am so grateful to have her as a friend.

Emily and I first became pen pals through a school program that connected students from different countries. We were both interested in learning about different cultures and improving our English skills, so we decided to become pen pals. We started by exchanging letters, but now we mostly communicate through emails and video calls.

Emily is a very talented writer. Her letters are always filled with interesting stories and anecdotes about life in New York City. I love hearing about her adventures and experiences. She is also very funny and has a great sense of humor. We often share jokes and funny videos with each other.

Despite living thousands of miles apart, Emily and I have a lot in common. We both love reading and often recommend books to each other. We also enjoy watching movies and TV shows, so we often discuss our favorite characters and plot twists. Emily has introduced me to many American TV shows that I now love.

One of the best things about having a pen pal is being able to learn about different cultures. Emily has taught me so much about American traditions and holidays. We often exchange gifts on special occasions, such as Christmas and birthdays. It is always exciting to receive a package from her and see what she has sent.

Emily and I have also talked about meeting in person someday. We both dream of traveling and hope to visit each other's countries one day. It would be amazing to finally meet face to face and explore each other's cities together.

Having a pen pal has been an incredible experience for me. It has not only improved my English skills but also allowed me to make a lifelong friend. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about a different culture and have a friend from another part of the world. Emily is truly a special person and I am lucky to have her as my pen pal.

我的笔友英语作文 篇二

My Pen Pal's Hobbies

I am excited to share with you the hobbies of my pen pal, Emily. She is a talented and creative person with a wide range of interests.

One of Emily's main hobbies is photography. She loves capturing moments and expressing herself through the lens of her camera. Emily often sends me beautiful photos she has taken, whether it's a stunning landscape or a candid shot of her friends and family. I am always amazed at her ability to capture the essence of a moment in a single photograph.

Another hobby of Emily's is painting. She is a skilled artist and loves to create vibrant and colorful paintings. Emily often tells me that painting helps her relax and express her emotions. She has even sent me a few of her paintings as gifts, and they are truly breathtaking. I feel lucky to have such a talented friend.

In addition to photography and painting, Emily is also passionate about cooking. She enjoys experimenting with different recipes and creating delicious meals. Emily often shares her cooking adventures with me and even sends me recipes to try. I have learned so much about different cuisines and cooking techniques from her. I can't wait to try some of her recipes myself.

Emily is also an avid reader. She loves getting lost in the pages of a good book and often recommends books for me to read. We have even started our own virtual book club, where we read the same book and discuss it together. It is a wonderful way for us to bond over our shared love of literature.

Lastly, Emily enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. She loves being in nature and exploring new places. Emily often tells me about her hiking adventures and sends me photos of the beautiful scenery she encounters. It makes me want to explore the outdoors more and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Emily's hobbies inspire me to pursue my own interests and try new things. She encourages me to express myself creatively and embrace my passions. Having a pen pal like Emily has not only allowed me to learn about her hobbies but has also motivated me to explore my own interests.

In conclusion, my pen pal Emily has a diverse range of hobbies that showcase her creativity and passion for life. From photography to painting, cooking to reading, and outdoor activities, Emily's hobbies reflect her vibrant personality. I am grateful to have such a talented and inspiring friend as my pen pal.

我的笔友英语作文 篇三

  My name is Zhang Dan. I have a pen pal.

  My pen pal is a girl. She is 12 years old. She is from Toronto, Canada. She is tall and she is thin. She has short curly hair. She wears funny glasses. She is a little bit quiet and shy. She can speak English and French. She speaks English very well. Her favorite subject is math. Because she thinks math is interesting. She likes reading and playing chess. She is a good student.

  Everyone likes her very much because she is friendly.

我的笔友英语作文 篇四

  My English name is Kelly tal . I have a new pen pal . She name is Ann . She from USA . She likes ping and She likes riding a bike . She goes to school by bike. She father is a TV reporter , she's father likes piaying ping-pang . She mother is an actress , she's mother likes playing the violin . I very like Ann .

我的笔友英语作文 篇五

  I made a pen pal two years ago. Her name is Cindy. She is from Shanghai. She said it’s a beautiful city and hopes I can visit there one day.

  We municate with each other by letters. So receiving letters is the most expected. We have many things to talk,because we have many same interests,such as music,cartoon,sport and so on. We also share our lives and discuss our study.

  I am so happy to have someone to talk to and share my life.

我的笔友英语作文 篇六

  My pen pal comes from China.She is 13 years old. She can speak chinese and a little English. Her birthday is in August.There are four people in her family:Her parents her brother and she.Her favorite subject are math and English.Because she thinks they are very intheresting.But she doesn’t like biology,she think it’s too difficult! Her favorite sport is swimming,it’s fun. She favorite color are green and blue. she can play the piano.But she doesn’t play very well.

  This is about my pen pai.


