
时间:2013-07-05 07:40:41
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The Awakening of Insects: The First Solar Term in China's Traditional Calendar

Article 1: The Significance of the Awakening of Insects

The Awakening of Insects, also known as Jingzhe, is the third solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar. It usually falls on March 5th or 6th each year. As the name suggests, this solar term marks the time when hibernating insects begin to wake up and come out from their hiding places.

In Chinese culture, the Awakening of Insects has both agricultural and cultural significance. Agriculturally, it signifies the arrival of spring and the beginning of the farming season. Farmers start to prepare the fields for sowing and planting, as the warmer temperature and longer daylight hours provide favorable conditions for crop growth.

Culturally, the Awakening of Insects is associated with the awakening of nature and the revival of all living creatures. It represents a fresh start and new beginnings. People believe that the energy of spring can invigorate the body and mind, and it is a time to embrace change and make new plans for the year ahead.

During this solar term, people in China also celebrate various customs and traditions. One of the most popular activities is to eat "spring pancakes" or Chunbing. These pancakes are made with fresh vegetables and meat, symbolizing the renewal of life and the abundance of spring. Another common tradition is to hang red lanterns and write poems with wishes for good fortune and prosperity.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend in China to promote environmental conservation during the Awakening of Insects. With the awakening of nature, people are encouraged to be more mindful of the environment and take actions to protect it. Activities such as tree planting, garbage clean-ups, and awareness campaigns are organized to raise awareness about the importance of preserving nature and biodiversity.

In conclusion, the Awakening of Insects is an important solar term in China's traditional calendar. It signifies the arrival of spring, the beginning of the farming season, and the awakening of nature. It is a time for people to embrace change, make new plans, and celebrate the abundance of life. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to promote environmental conservation and raise awareness about the importance of protecting nature.

Article 2: The Awakening of Insects: A Time for Rejuvenation

The Awakening of Insects, also known as Jingzhe, is a significant solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar. It marks the transition from winter to spring and carries the symbolism of rejuvenation and new beginnings.

During the Awakening of Insects, the weather begins to warm up, and the frozen earth starts to thaw. The name of this solar term reflects the awakening of various insects from their winter hibernation. As the insects emerge, they bring vitality and energy back into the natural world. The sight and sound of buzzing insects and chirping birds signify the arrival of spring, filling the air with a sense of renewal and hope.

In addition to the physical changes in nature, the Awakening of Insects also holds cultural significance. It is a time for people to rejuvenate their bodies and minds. Many Chinese traditions and practices are centered around promoting health and well-being during this solar term.

One popular custom during the Awakening of Insects is to participate in outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, and flying kites. These activities allow people to connect with nature, enjoy the fresh air, and soak in the revitalizing energy of spring. It is believed that being in nature during this time can help rejuvenate the body, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Furthermore, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the importance of balancing the body's energy during the Awakening of Insects. People are encouraged to eat fresh and seasonal foods, such as green vegetables, to cleanse their bodies and replenish vital energy. Massages, acupuncture, and herbal remedies are also commonly used to promote circulation and restore balance.

In modern times, the Awakening of Insects has also become a time for self-reflection and goal setting. Many people take this opportunity to evaluate their achievements and set new goals for the coming months. It is a time to let go of the past, embrace change, and make plans for personal growth and development.

In conclusion, the Awakening of Insects is a solar term that signifies the transition from winter to spring. It represents the awakening of nature and brings a sense of rejuvenation and new beginnings. Through various customs and practices, people celebrate this solar term by connecting with nature, promoting health and well-being, and setting goals for personal growth. The Awakening of Insects reminds us to embrace change, seize opportunities, and rejuvenate our bodies and minds.

二十四节气惊蛰的英语作文 篇三

  Today is a special day, is the 24 solar terms of insects, all hibernating animals wake up today. Such as snakes, bears.

  I think: big forest should be very busy now!

  The snake twisted it the fat body, climb out from the tree hole. The bear? Is dragging its huge body, lazy walked out of the tree.




二十四节气惊蛰的英语作文 篇四

  Insects, it is the third solar term of 24 solar terms.

  Every year on March 5 or 6, the sun arrived at longitude 345 degrees Insects awaken icon for the "insects awaken". Insects awaken mean temperatures, heart, awakened dormant in underground insects hibernate. Sting is a hidden meaning. Departure pulled seventy-two hou the, said: "the day of February, everything to shock, shock for ray, yue insects awaken. Insect sting is surprised and ran away." Jin dynasty poet tao yuanming poems said: "to promote Gou with the spring rain, beginning LeiFaDong corner, the sting of each pe, vegetation vertical and horizontal shu." In fact, the insects are hear thunder, the earth rejuvenation, weather warming is the end of hibernation, "surprised and ran away."

  惊蛰(jīng zhé),是24节气中的'第三个节气。

  每年3月5日或6日,太阳到达黄经345度时 惊蛰图示为“惊蛰”。惊蛰的意思是天气回暖,春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠的昆虫。蛰是藏的意思。《月令七十二候集解》中说:“二月节,万物出乎震,震为雷,故曰惊蛰。是蛰虫惊而出走矣。”晋代诗人陶渊明有诗曰:“促春遘(gòu)时雨,始雷发东隅,众蛰各潜骇,草木纵横舒。”实际上,昆虫是听不到雷声的,大地回春,天气变暖才是使它们结束冬眠,“惊而出走”的原因。

二十四节气惊蛰的英语作文 篇五

  A clear sound of thunder with a hint of good intentions of the offense, awakened thousands of sleeping creatures. Its like the call of spring, reminding them to open their bleary eyes to welcome the new season.

  Spring thunder blows over a bamboo forest, then spring rain mixed with thawed spring water makes a pleasant sound of Ding Dong Dong Dong. Birds and insects chirp, they should laugh and listen to them. They are busy, responding to the thunder, waking up the sleeping winter; they are busy, renovating the frozen soil in winter with rain and dew; they are busy, calling the wind, listening to the sound of spring.

  A touch of new green fluffy was awakened, fled to Liujian, poured into the earth, jumped on the branches. With their bright smiling faces, they instantly changed the earth into another kind of coat, and the breath of spring became clearer in the middle. Peach blossom and apricot blossom are competing with each other in response to the rising temperature, and smiling faces are blooming one after another. The faint fragrance of flowers attracts passers-by to stop, take photos or watch, but they love the spring color with full smile. The sky has different colors. The blue is transparent and clear, which sets off the brilliant sunshine in spring. The cold in the air finally hid, showing the fragrance after the rain. The birds began to spread their wings, and the gorgeous feathers bathed in the sun painted the wonderful life in this pond. The earth woke up in the sound of spring thunder, washed its face with rain, full of natural fragrance, full of spring vitality.

  A bug has just been awakened by the thunder, just opened his eyes and smelled the breath of spring, fresh, energetic and refreshing. It did not hesitate to take a bite of the next green, soft, fragrant, juicy, and immediately became lively, its brisk posture seems to be cheering for the arrival of this spring. This is the taste of spring awakened by Jingzhe. It is no longer dry and hard, but endless fresh and delicious.

  A naughty child cant bear to hear Chunlei. He exclaimed: spring is coming, thunder is raining!! He ran out, reached out his hands to touch the warm air, looked up at the blue sky, and took a deep breath to feel the moist air. He ran to embrace the season, but one fell down, grass and soil gave him a gentle hug, gently said to him: this is the spring after hibernation, soft and warm. So he smiled happily.

  All things in the world are lovely gestures, new vitality, reviving joy and rising breath, like a kindergarten just after lunch break, full of vitality of life. After hibernating, it is warm, and spring has finally launched its own era on the earth.


