
时间:2015-01-02 07:15:19
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我战胜了恐惧英语作文 篇一

Overcoming My Fear of Public Speaking

Public speaking has always been one of my biggest fears. The thought of standing in front of a crowd and delivering a speech would make me feel nervous, anxious, and even physically ill. However, I decided that it was time to face my fear and overcome it.

The first step I took was to join a public speaking club at my school. This club provided a safe and supportive environment for students to practice their speaking skills. Every week, we would gather and take turns delivering short speeches. At first, I was hesitant and shaky, but with each practice, I gained more confidence. I received constructive feedback from my club members, which helped me improve my speaking abilities.

To further challenge myself, I signed up for a public speaking competition. The idea of competing against other students terrified me, but I knew it would push me out of my comfort zone. I spent weeks preparing and practicing my speech. I researched extensively and rehearsed in front of a mirror and my friends. Their encouragement and support motivated me to keep going.

On the day of the competition, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement. As I stepped onto the stage, I reminded myself to breathe and stay calm. I delivered my speech with passion and conviction, using the techniques I had learned from my club. Although I made a few mistakes, I didn't let them discourage me. I received positive feedback from the judges, who commended my confidence and delivery.

Winning the competition was an incredible achievement for me. It proved that I could conquer my fear and excel in public speaking. More importantly, it showed me that with determination and hard work, I could overcome any obstacle in life. Since then, I have continued to challenge myself by participating in more public speaking events and workshops. Each time, my fear diminishes, and my skills improve.

Overcoming my fear of public speaking has not only boosted my confidence but also opened up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. I no longer shy away from speaking in public or expressing my ideas. I have learned that fear is just a temporary barrier that can be overcome with perseverance and practice. This experience has taught me the importance of facing my fears head-on and embracing challenges as opportunities for personal development.

我战胜了恐惧英语作文 篇二

Conquering My Fear of Heights

For as long as I can remember, I have had an intense fear of heights. The mere thought of being in a high place would make my heart race and my palms sweat. However, I was determined to overcome this fear and experience the thrill of conquering my phobia.

To confront my fear, I decided to go on a hiking trip to a mountain with a group of friends. The idea of being on a steep trail and looking down from great heights terrified me, but I knew it was the perfect opportunity to face my fear head-on. As we started our ascent, I took deep breaths and focused on the beautiful scenery around me. I reminded myself that my fear was irrational and that I was in control of my own emotions.

With each step, my fear lessened, and I began to enjoy the hike. My friends provided support and encouragement, which helped me stay motivated. When we reached the summit, I was overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment. The breathtaking view from the top made me realize that my fear had held me back from experiencing such beauty in the past.

Buoyed by my success, I decided to challenge myself even further by participating in a high ropes course. The course consisted of various obstacles and challenges, all at a considerable height. As I stood at the starting point, I could feel my fear creeping back in. However, I reminded myself of my previous triumph and took a leap of faith.

With each obstacle I conquered, my confidence grew. I learned to trust the safety harness and focus on the task at hand. By the end of the course, I felt exhilarated and proud. I had confronted my fear of heights and come out stronger on the other side.

Conquering my fear of heights has opened up a world of possibilities for me. I no longer shy away from activities that involve heights, such as roller coasters or zip-lining. I have learned that fear is just a temporary barrier that can be overcome with determination and a positive mindset. This experience has taught me the importance of pushing beyond my comfort zone and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

In conclusion, overcoming my fear of heights has been a transformative journey. Through hiking and taking on a high ropes course, I have shown myself that I am capable of facing my fears and achieving great things. I now approach life with a newfound sense of confidence and adventure, ready to embrace any challenge that comes my way.

我战胜了恐惧英语作文 篇三


  I was always very shy. When my teachers asked me to stand in front of the classmates and gave a speech, I would be very afraid and dared not to face them. Last week, my English teacher gave every student a task to make a performance of the short English story. I was in a group with other two classmates. We practiced many times and they always inspired me. At last, I faced my classmates and finished the performance. Though the show was not perfect, I got over my fear. It was an important step for me. I gained the confidence and had the faith to become stronger.



