我的电子邮件英语作文 My E-mail【精彩3篇】

时间:2018-09-04 02:21:12
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我的电子邮件英语作文 My E-mail 篇一

Dear friend,

I hope this email finds you well. It has been quite some time since we last spoke, and I wanted to reach out and catch up with you.

Firstly, I wanted to share some exciting news with you. I recently got accepted into my dream university! After months of hard work and preparation, I am thrilled to say that I will be starting my studies in the fall. I cannot wait to embark on this new journey and pursue my passions in a field that I am truly passionate about. I am certain that this experience will be both challenging and rewarding, and I am eager to see where it takes me.

Apart from my academic pursuits, I have also been keeping busy with various extracurricular activities. I have joined a photography club at school and have been honing my skills behind the camera. It has been such a wonderful outlet for my creativity, and I have even had the opportunity to showcase my work at a local gallery. Additionally, I have been volunteering at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for abandoned animals. It is incredibly fulfilling work, and I feel grateful to be able to make a difference in the lives of these animals.

On a more personal note, I have been spending quality time with my family and friends. We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and going on hikes and picnics in the countryside. These moments of connection and laughter have been incredibly precious to me, and I cherish the memories we have created together.

I would love to hear how you have been doing. What have you been up to lately? Any exciting news or new projects? Please do share with me; I am always interested in hearing about your adventures.

I hope you are doing well and that life is treating you kindly. Let's not let too much time pass before we catch up again. Take care and talk to you soon!

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

我的电子邮件英语作文 My E-mail 篇二

Dear friend,

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been a while since we last connected, and I wanted to take the opportunity to update you on my recent activities and thoughts.

Firstly, I have been immersing myself in the world of literature. Reading has always been a passion of mine, and I have been devouring books from various genres and authors. I find solace and inspiration in the written word, and it has been a source of comfort during these uncertain times. If you have any book recommendations, I would love to hear them!

In addition to reading, I have also been nurturing my creative side. I have started painting as a way to express my feelings and emotions. It has been a therapeutic and fulfilling experience, allowing me to tap into a different realm of imagination and self-expression. I have even participated in a local art exhibition and was humbled by the positive feedback I received.

On a more personal note, I have been reflecting on the importance of gratitude and mindfulness. The past year has taught me the value of appreciating the present moment and finding joy in the little things. I try to start each day with a gratitude practice, focusing on the blessings in my life and cultivating a positive mindset. This simple ritual has brought me a sense of peace and contentment, even during challenging times.

I would love to hear how you have been navigating through these unprecedented times. How have you been taking care of your mental and emotional well-being? Have you discovered any new hobbies or passions? Please do share; I am always interested in learning from your experiences.

I hope this email finds you well and brings a smile to your face. Remember, even in the midst of uncertainty, there is always hope and opportunity for growth. Take care of yourself, and let's connect soon.

Sending warm wishes,

[Your Name]

我的电子邮件英语作文 My E-mail 篇三

我的电子邮件英语作文 My E-mail


  My E-mail

  Hello, Allen! I've got your E-mail. Thank you for your rapid reply! You know what that was my first time to write an E-mail, and it was so fun! I even wrote the wrong address at the first time .How silly I am! About the E-mail you sent me, the flash game is so interesting,and I forward it to my classmate. Everybody says it's the best game they ever played. It's so nice of you to send me the game. Where did you find the game? By the way, would you like to see a movie with me this Saturday? I hear that there is a cool movie and I have two tickets. Please give me the answer before Friday, so that I can make the plan.

  PS: Can you tell me how to beat the game or give me the work through? Thanks.

  Best regards,








我的电子邮件英语作文 My E-mail【精彩3篇】

