
时间:2017-09-03 06:39:23
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打针英语作文 篇一:The Fear of Needles and Overcoming It


The fear of needles, known as trypanophobia, is a common phobia that many people experience. Whether it is a fear of the pain or the sight of needles, this fear can cause anxiety and distress. In this essay, I will discuss my personal experience with trypanophobia and how I overcame it.


1. Personal Experience:

I have always had a fear of needles since I was a child. Whenever I had to get a vaccination or blood test, I would become extremely anxious and would often cry or try to run away. This fear made it difficult for me to receive necessary medical treatment and caused me to avoid visiting the doctor altogether.

2. Understanding the Fear:

To overcome my fear of needles, I first had to understand why I was so afraid. I realized that it was not the pain itself that scared me, but rather the anticipation of the pain and the sight of the needle. I also discovered that my fear was fueled by negative experiences in the past, such as feeling faint or dizzy after receiving a shot.

3. Seeking Professional Help:

I decided to seek professional help to address my fear of needles. I consulted a therapist who specialized in phobias and anxiety disorders. Through therapy sessions, I learned various techniques to manage my anxiety, such as deep breathing exercises and visualization.

4. Gradual Exposure:

With the guidance of my therapist, I started exposing myself to needles gradually. I began by looking at pictures of needles and then progressed to watching videos of injections. This helped desensitize my fear and allowed me to become more comfortable with the sight of needles.

5. Positive Reinforcement:

To further reinforce my progress, I rewarded myself after each successful exposure to needles. This could be something as simple as treating myself to my favorite dessert or buying a small gift. This positive reinforcement motivated me to continue facing my fear and made the process more enjoyable.


Overcoming my fear of needles was not an easy journey, but with determination and professional help, I was able to conquer it. I now feel more confident when receiving vaccinations or undergoing medical procedures that involve needles. It is important to remember that fear can be managed and overcome, and seeking help is a crucial step towards conquering any phobia.

(Word count: 603)

打针英语作文 篇二:The Importance of Vaccinations


Vaccinations, also known as immunizations, play a vital role in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting public health. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of vaccinations and how they contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and communities.


1. Disease Prevention:

Vaccinations are designed to stimulate the immune system and provide immunity to specific diseases. By receiving vaccinations, individuals develop protection against various illnesses, such as measles, influenza, and hepatitis. This not only benefits the vaccinated individual but also helps prevent the spread of diseases to others.

2. Eradicating Diseases:

Vaccinations have played a significant role in eradicating or reducing the severity of certain diseases. For example, smallpox, a highly contagious and deadly disease, has been eradicated worldwide through vaccination efforts. Other diseases, such as polio and diphtheria, have also seen a significant decline due to widespread immunization programs.

3. Herd Immunity:

Vaccinations contribute to the concept of herd immunity, which occurs when a large portion of a population is immune to a disease. This protects individuals who are unable to receive vaccinations, such as infants or individuals with weakened immune systems. By vaccinating a significant portion of the population, the spread of diseases can be effectively controlled.

4. Cost-Effective:

Vaccinations are a cost-effective method of disease prevention. The costs associated with treating diseases and their complications, such as hospitalizations and medications, far outweigh the cost of vaccinations. Investing in vaccination programs not only saves lives but also reduces healthcare costs in the long run.

5. Global Health Initiatives:

Vaccinations are a key component of global health initiatives. Organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF work tirelessly to ensure that vaccinations are accessible to individuals in low-income countries. These efforts have resulted in significant advancements in public health and the reduction of global disease burdens.


Vaccinations are crucial in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting public health. They not only provide individual immunity but also contribute to the well-being of communities and the eradication of certain diseases. It is important for individuals to understand the benefits of vaccinations and to actively participate in immunization programs for the betterment of society as a whole.

(Word count: 602)

打针英语作文 篇三




  Damn Saturday is coming, you must be very strange, right? Don't worry, let me tell you slowly!


  That was last week. One day, the teacher sent us each a small note, which said that in order to prevent measles in children, let's go to the hospital for injection on Saturday. As soon as I heard of the injection, I was afraid and my heart was pounding. To be honest with you, I'm not afraid of anything but injection.


  At noon, my mother dragged me to the hospital. The hospital is very big and there are many people in it. I held my mother's hand tightly, the palm of it was sweating My mother seems to understand my mind. Who do I like best? I said, "I like hailib best.". What do you like about him? I did not hesitate to answer, of course, he is brave and strong. Can you do that? Mom then asked, "I can!" Suddenly, it seems that there is a kind of strength that makes me strong. I bravely go to the doctor


  Today, I am very happy, I am a brave little man!


