
时间:2014-06-04 03:29:27
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新年英语作文 篇一:New Year’s Resolutions

With the arrival of the new year, many people around the world make resolutions to improve themselves and their lives. New Year’s resolutions are goals or promises that individuals set for themselves to achieve or change in the coming year. These resolutions can be related to various aspects of life, such as health, career, relationships, and personal development.

One common New Year’s resolution is to improve one’s health and fitness. Many people vow to exercise regularly, eat healthier, and lose weight. They join gyms, start following a balanced diet, and take up activities like running or swimming. By prioritizing their health, individuals hope to increase their energy levels, improve their overall well-being, and prevent illness.

Another popular resolution is to advance one’s career or education. Many people set goals to get a promotion, start a new job, or pursue further education in order to enhance their professional growth. They may enroll in courses, attend workshops, or network with industry professionals to gain new skills and knowledge. By focusing on their career development, individuals aim to achieve personal fulfillment and financial stability.

Improving personal relationships is also a common New Year’s resolution. People strive to be more attentive and understanding towards their loved ones. They may make an effort to spend more quality time with family and friends, express their gratitude and appreciation, and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner. By strengthening their relationships, individuals hope to cultivate a sense of love, support, and happiness in their lives.

Lastly, many individuals set resolutions related to personal development and self-improvement. They aim to learn new hobbies, develop new skills, or overcome certain fears. Some may resolve to read more books, learn a musical instrument, or travel to new places. By challenging themselves and stepping out of their comfort zones, individuals seek personal growth, self-confidence, and a broader perspective on life.

In conclusion, New Year’s resolutions are a way for individuals to reflect on their lives and set goals for self-improvement. Whether it’s related to health, career, relationships, or personal development, these resolutions provide a roadmap for individuals to achieve their desired changes and become the best version of themselves. So, as we welcome the new year, let us all make resolutions that inspire us to become better individuals and create a brighter future.

新年英语作文 篇二:Celebrating the Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is one of the most important traditional holidays in many Asian countries. It marks the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar and is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by millions of people around the world.

The Lunar New Year festivities usually last for 15 days, starting from the first day of the lunar calendar and culminating with the Lantern Festival. The celebrations involve various customs and traditions that are believed to bring good luck and prosperity for the coming year. These include thorough cleaning of homes to sweep away bad luck, decorating houses with red lanterns and couplets to symbolize good fortune, and giving out red envelopes with money to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and blessings.

One of the most significant aspects of the Lunar New Year celebrations is the family reunion. People travel long distances to be with their loved ones and enjoy a festive meal together. The reunion dinner, also known as the New Year’s Eve dinner, is a time for family members to gather and share a sumptuous feast. It is believed that having a big family meal during this time will bring prosperity and good fortune throughout the year.

During the Lunar New Year, people also pay visits to temples and pray for blessings and good luck. They burn incense sticks and make offerings to deities, seeking their guidance and protection for the coming year. Additionally, lion and dragon dances are performed in the streets to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and fortune to the community.

Fireworks and firecrackers are an integral part of Lunar New Year celebrations. The loud noises and bright lights are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck and happiness for the year ahead. The sky is illuminated with colorful fireworks displays, creating a festive and joyous atmosphere.

In conclusion, the Lunar New Year is a time of joy, celebration, and renewal. It is a time for family reunions, delicious feasts, and vibrant cultural traditions. The customs and rituals associated with this holiday are believed to bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity for the coming year. So, let us all embrace the spirit of the Lunar New Year and celebrate this auspicious occasion with our loved ones. Happy Lunar New Year!

新年英语作文 篇三

  I will eat more fruit and green vegetables.Become fatter because somebody says that I'm so thin.I want to lighten my backpack.I can't grow taller with that heavy bag.

  I want to read more books,but I won't become a bookworm.At last,I hope I can keep my resolutions this year.

新年英语作文 篇四

  Next week is the Chinese New Year. My cousin is coming to visit my family. Next Monday my cousin and I are going shopping in the city mall. We are going to eat KFC for lunch. We are going to be very happy. Next Tuesday my cousin and I are going to play chess and play computer games at home. Next Wednesday my cousin is going home. It’s going to be a happy week. I am excited!

新年英语作文 篇五

  I will eat more fruit and green vegetables.Become fatter because somebody says that I'm so thin.I want to lighten my backpack.I can't grow taller wi

th that heavy bag.I want to read more books,but I won't become a bookworm.At last,I hope I can keep my resolutions this year.


