英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child【实用5篇】

时间:2019-03-06 07:25:34
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英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child 篇一

As a child, it is important to strive to be a good child. Being a good child not only brings joy and pride to our parents, but it also helps us to develop into responsible and kind-hearted individuals. In order to become a good child, there are several qualities and actions that we should strive to possess.

Firstly, a good child should be respectful towards their parents and elders. This means listening to their advice and obeying their rules. It also means being polite and using proper manners when speaking to others. By showing respect, we not only make our parents proud, but we also create a positive impression on others.

Secondly, a good child should be responsible and accountable for their actions. This means taking ownership of our mistakes and trying our best to make amends. It also means completing our tasks and chores without being reminded. By being responsible, we show maturity and reliability, which are important qualities in becoming a good child.

Thirdly, a good child should be honest and trustworthy. This means telling the truth even when it is difficult. It also means keeping our promises and being dependable. By being honest and trustworthy, we build strong relationships with others and earn their respect and trust.

Furthermore, a good child should be empathetic and compassionate. This means showing kindness and understanding towards others, especially those who are less fortunate. It also means helping others in need and standing up against injustice. By being empathetic and compassionate, we create a positive impact on the world around us.

Lastly, a good child should strive for personal growth and excellence. This means setting goals and working hard to achieve them. It also means continuously learning and improving ourselves. By striving for personal growth and excellence, we become the best version of ourselves and inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, becoming a good child requires a combination of qualities and actions. By being respectful, responsible, honest, empathetic, and striving for personal growth, we can become the good children that our parents and society are proud of. Let us all strive to be good children and make a positive difference in the world.

英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child 篇二

Being a good child is not an easy task, but it is a goal worth striving for. Being a good child means more than just obeying rules and pleasing our parents. It means developing qualities and habits that will benefit us throughout our lives.

One important quality of a good child is being self-disciplined. Self-discipline means having the ability to control our own actions and emotions. It means resisting temptations and making wise choices. By being self-disciplined, we can avoid negative behaviors such as laziness, procrastination, and impulsiveness. Self-discipline also helps us to stay focused and achieve our goals.

Another important quality of a good child is being independent. Independence means being able to take care of ourselves and make decisions on our own. It means taking responsibility for our actions and learning from our mistakes. By being independent, we become self-reliant and develop a sense of confidence and resilience.

Furthermore, a good child should have good communication skills. Good communication skills allow us to express ourselves effectively and understand others. It means being able to listen attentively and speak politely. By having good communication skills, we can build strong relationships with our family, friends, and teachers.

In addition, a good child should have a positive attitude. A positive attitude means being optimistic, enthusiastic, and open-minded. It means seeing challenges as opportunities for growth and being grateful for what we have. By having a positive attitude, we can overcome obstacles and inspire others to do the same.

Lastly, a good child should have a strong sense of responsibility towards the environment and community. This means taking care of our surroundings and being mindful of our actions. It means participating in community service and giving back to society. By being responsible towards the environment and community, we contribute to a better world for ourselves and future generations.

In conclusion, becoming a good child requires developing qualities such as self-discipline, independence, good communication skills, a positive attitude, and a sense of responsibility. By cultivating these qualities, we not only become good children, but we also become good citizens who can make a positive impact on the world around us. Let us all strive to be good children and contribute to a better future.

英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child 篇三

To be a good child is to be someone who not only behaves well but also strives to make a positive impact on the world around them. In this article, I will discuss three ways in which we can become good children by making a difference in our community.

Firstly, volunteering is a powerful way to contribute to society and become a good child. By offering our time and skills to help others, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need. Whether it is volunteering at a local shelter, organizing a fundraising event, or tutoring younger students, there are endless opportunities to give back to our community. Through volunteering, we not only help others but also develop empathy and compassion.

Secondly, being environmentally conscious is another important way to be a good child. Taking care of our planet is essential for our own well-being and the future of generations to come. We can reduce our carbon footprint by conserving energy, recycling, and reducing waste. Additionally, we can educate others about the importance of environmental sustainability and encourage them to make eco-friendly choices. By being mindful of our impact on the environment, we show responsibility and concern for the world we live in.

Lastly, promoting kindness and inclusivity is crucial in becoming a good child. We should treat others with respect and empathy, regardless of their race, religion, or background. By standing up against bullying and discrimination, we create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. We can also perform acts of kindness, such as helping a classmate in need or befriending someone who is lonely. These small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life and contribute to a more harmonious community.

In conclusion, being a good child involves more than just following rules and behaving well. It is about actively making a positive impact on the world around us. By volunteering, being environmentally conscious, and promoting kindness and inclusivity, we can become good children who contribute to a better society.

英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child 篇四

英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child 篇五


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  My mother always complains about my bad behavior, like I don’t eat up the food and sometimes I don’t have responsibility on what I do. I decide to behave myself, I want to help my mother to relieve her pressure. So I want to be a good child, I will eat up the food, no more pick up them and I also will keep on finishing the job I do.


英语作文:成为一个好孩子 To Be a Good Child【实用5篇】

