其他类英语作文:A story(精彩6篇)

时间:2017-05-02 06:21:34
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其他类英语作文:A story 篇一

Once upon a time in a small village lived a kind-hearted young girl named Lily. She was known for her helpful nature and was loved by everyone in the village. One day, as Lily was walking through the forest, she stumbled upon a wounded bird with a broken wing. Without any hesitation, she picked up the bird gently and decided to take care of it.

Lily named the bird Sunny because it had a bright and sunny disposition. She created a cozy nest for Sunny in her room and made sure to feed it regularly. As days passed, Sunny's wing started to heal, and he became stronger. Lily would often spend hours talking to Sunny, telling him about her dreams and aspirations.

One evening, Lily overheard the village elders discussing a competition that was being held in the neighboring town. The competition aimed to find the most talented singer in the region, and the winner would be awarded a scholarship to study music in the city. Lily's heart skipped a beat as she realized that this was her chance to fulfill her dream of becoming a professional singer.

Excited and determined, Lily began practicing day and night. She sang her heart out to Sunny, who would chirp along in response. With each passing day, Lily's voice improved, and she grew more confident. Finally, the day of the competition arrived.

Lily nervously walked onto the stage, her heart pounding in her chest. As she started singing, her voice filled the room with a mesmerizing melody. The audience was spellbound by her talent, and even the judges were in awe. When Lily finished singing, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause.

Weeks later, Lily received a letter stating that she had won the competition and was awarded the scholarship. She couldn't believe her eyes and tears of joy streamed down her face. She knew that this wouldn't have been possible without Sunny's constant support and encouragement.

Lily packed her bags and bid farewell to her village, promising to return one day and share her success with everyone. She went on to study music in the city, honing her skills and becoming a renowned singer. Lily's dream had come true, and she never forgot the little bird who had changed her life.

Years later, Lily returned to her village and organized a grand concert to express her gratitude to the villagers and to celebrate her success. As she stood on the stage, she looked out into the crowd and saw Sunny perched on a branch, watching her with pride. Their journey together had come full circle, and Lily knew that their bond would forever hold a special place in her heart.

其他类英语作文:A story 篇二

Once in a small town, there lived a boy named Jack. He was an adventurous soul who loved exploring new places. One day, Jack stumbled upon an old, dusty book in the attic of his house. Curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the book to find a map hidden inside.

The map led to a hidden treasure buried deep in a nearby forest. Excitement filled Jack's heart as he imagined the riches that awaited him. Determined to find the treasure, he set off on an adventure, armed with the map and a sense of adventure.

As Jack ventured deeper into the forest, he encountered various obstacles and challenges. He had to navigate through thick bushes, cross treacherous rivers, and climb steep cliffs. Along the way, he met a wise old owl who offered him advice and guidance.

Days turned into weeks, and Jack's determination never wavered. He faced countless setbacks and moments of doubt, but he kept pushing forward, driven by the thought of the treasure that awaited him.

Finally, after months of searching, Jack stumbled upon a hidden cave. With bated breath, he entered the cave and discovered a room filled with glittering jewels, gold coins, and precious artifacts. Jack couldn't believe his eyes. The treasure was beyond his wildest dreams.

Overwhelmed with joy, Jack gathered as much treasure as he could carry and made his way back home. He shared the news of his discovery with the townspeople, and they celebrated his success. Jack became a local hero, and his tale of adventure inspired others to pursue their dreams fearlessly.

With his newfound wealth, Jack decided to give back to the community. He donated a portion of his treasure to build a school for the underprivileged children in the town. The school became a symbol of hope and opportunity, and Jack's act of kindness touched the hearts of many.

As years passed, Jack's tale became a legendary story that was passed down from generation to generation. The school he built continued to educate and empower countless children, leaving a lasting legacy.

Jack's adventure taught him that the true treasure lies not in material wealth but in the impact we make on others' lives. His journey was a testament to the power of determination, perseverance, and generosity. And as Jack grew older, he continued to explore new horizons, always seeking new treasures that couldn't be measured in gold or jewels.

其他类英语作文:A story 篇三


  Once upon a time in an old forest, there was a poor wood cutter cutting wood by the lake. One day, his axe accidently fell into the lake. The poor wood cutter didn’t know how to swim, so he could do nothing but sat by the lake and prayed to the lake godess.

  The lake godess heard his prayer and appeared before him.

  “What’s wrong, my good man?” she asked.

  “ Help me!” Said the wood cutter, “ I’m very poor, and I lost my only axe.If I don’t get my axe back, my family will starve to death, please help me!” He cried.

  Then the godess glanced at the wood cutter., “Very well,” she answered, “ You should have your axe back. ”

  After a while, the godess brought out an axe made of gold from the lake.

  “Is this your axe, my good man? ”Asked the godess.

  “No, ”Said the wood cutter, “That is not my axe.”

  Then the godess brought out a silver axe, the wood cutter said that wasn’t his axe again.

  The third time, she brought out the wood cutter’s axe. The wood cutter was very happy and said, “This is my axe, thank you very much”

  An the end of the story, the godess was very pleased with the wood cutter’s honesty. He didn’t tell a lie, so that he can get the gold or the silver axe, he just wanted what he deserve. So she desided to give both the gold and silver axe to him. The wood cutter sold the axes, and became a kind rich man.

  The moral of this story is, honesty is the best policy.














其他类英语作文:A story 篇四

  Weather Predict A film was on location deep in the. One day an old Indian went up to the director and, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained. A later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow." The next day there was a hailstorm. "This Indian is incredible," said the director.

  He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather. However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn't show up for two weeks. Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?" The Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he said. "Radio is broken."

其他类英语作文:A story 篇五

  The way of life is progressive. It always goes along the incline of the infinite mental triangle. Nothing can stop him. What is life? Life is a very valuable thing, only once. Plants of different life can be regenerated, but human life can never be second times. There are many people who love life, such as: Zhang Haidi, rusty, etc..

  Today, I want to introduce a man who loves life very much -- Hawking.

  Who is Hocking? A myth, a contemporary most outstanding theoretical physicist, a giant under the name of science. Maybe he is just a wheelchair and a brave man who challenges fate. Once, a wheelchair back to Berlin apartment, crossing the road was knocked down by a car, broken left arm, broken head, sewn 13 needles, about 48 hours later, he went back to the office to work. Though the handicap of the body is becoming more and more serious, Hocking tries to live like an ordinary person and accomplish anything he can do. He was even lively - it sounds a bit funny, and after he was completely unable to move, he still insisted on driving the wheelchair with the only movable finger to "hit" on the way to the office; when he met Prince Charles, he turned his wheelchair to show off, and the result rolled to Charles. The prince's toes. Of course, Hocking has also tasted the evil result of "free" action, the master of quantum gravity, many times in the weak gravity of the earth, jumping into a wheelchair. Fortunately, every time he was stubbornly "standing".

  In 1985, a tracheal surgeries were performed and the ability to speak was completely lost. Under such circumstances, he wrote the famous "brief history of time" very hard, and explored the origin of the universe.

  Though Hocking is a disabled person, he still loves life, tenacious struggle, and strives to go forward to the triangular slope. So what do we have to do with these non - disabled people? Do they love life more than they do?

  So called: life is like water. It is beautiful only when its rush and rush towards it.

其他类英语作文:A story 篇六

  A jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

  'You are employed' he said. 'Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start.'

  The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email'.

  'I'm sorry', said the HR manager. 'If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job.'

  The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate(板条箱,篓).

  He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60.

  The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday.

  Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.

  5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US.

  He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.

  He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.

  When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email.

  The man replied,'I don't have an email.'

  The broker answered curiously, 'You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email?!!' The man thought for a while and replied, 'Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!'

其他类英语作文:A story(精彩6篇)

