
时间:2012-03-06 02:14:43
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传统文化消失英语作文 篇一

The Disappearance of Traditional Culture

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the disappearance of traditional culture. With the rapid development of modern society, traditional customs, beliefs, and practices are gradually being forgotten or replaced by Western influences. This loss of cultural heritage has raised questions about the preservation and importance of our traditional culture.

One of the main reasons for the disappearance of traditional culture is the influence of globalization. As countries become more interconnected and people are exposed to different cultures through the internet, television, and travel, there is a tendency to adopt foreign practices and neglect their own cultural heritage. Younger generations, especially, are more inclined to embrace the Western lifestyle and disregard their own traditions.

Another factor contributing to the disappearance of traditional culture is urbanization. As more people move from rural areas to cities in search of better opportunities, they leave behind their traditional way of life. With the rapid urbanization, traditional villages are becoming deserted, and the younger generation is growing up without any knowledge or appreciation for their cultural roots.

Additionally, the education system plays a significant role in the erosion of traditional culture. Schools focus more on teaching academic subjects rather than cultural traditions. Students are rarely taught about their own cultural heritage, leading to a lack of interest and understanding in traditional practices. Without proper education and exposure to their own culture, young people are less likely to pass on their traditions to future generations.

The disappearance of traditional culture is a cause for concern as it leads to the loss of identity and a sense of belonging. Traditional customs and rituals have been passed down from generation to generation, and they provide a sense of continuity and connection to our history. Without these cultural practices, society becomes homogenous and lacks diversity.

In conclusion, the disappearance of traditional culture is a complex issue influenced by globalization, urbanization, and the education system. It is important for individuals, communities, and governments to recognize the value of our cultural heritage and take steps to preserve and promote traditional practices. Only by doing so can we ensure that future generations have a connection to their roots and a diverse and vibrant society.

传统文化消失英语作文 篇二

The Decline of Traditional Culture

Traditional culture, once deeply ingrained in the fabric of society, is gradually disappearing. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including technological advancements, changing societal values, and the influence of globalization. As a result, the loss of traditional culture has profound implications for our identity, heritage, and cultural diversity.

One of the main causes of the decline of traditional culture is the rapid advancement of technology. With the advent of the internet and social media, people now have access to a vast amount of information from around the world. This exposure to different cultures and ideas has led to a shift in values and preferences, with traditional customs and practices being seen as outdated or irrelevant. Younger generations, in particular, are more inclined to embrace modernity and Western influences, further contributing to the erosion of traditional culture.

Another factor contributing to the decline of traditional culture is the changing societal values. As societies become more individualistic and materialistic, there is less emphasis on communal traditions and rituals. People are more focused on personal achievements and material possessions, neglecting the importance of cultural heritage and community bonds. This shift in values has led to a decline in traditional practices and a loss of cultural identity.

Furthermore, globalization has played a significant role in the disappearance of traditional culture. The spread of Western media and consumerism has led to the homogenization of cultures worldwide. Traditional practices are often replaced by Western alternatives, as they are seen as more modern or fashionable. This cultural assimilation not only erodes traditional customs but also leads to a loss of cultural diversity.

The decline of traditional culture has far-reaching consequences for society. Cultural identity and heritage are vital for individuals and communities to have a sense of belonging and pride. Traditional practices provide a link to our ancestors and serve as a reminder of our shared history. Without these cultural traditions, society becomes homogenous and loses its richness and diversity.

In conclusion, the decline of traditional culture is a result of technological advancements, changing societal values, and the influence of globalization. It is essential for individuals, communities, and governments to recognize the value of traditional culture and take steps to preserve and promote it. Only by doing so can we maintain our cultural heritage, foster a sense of identity, and ensure a diverse and vibrant society.

传统文化消失英语作文 篇三


  Since the big country has been found at October 1st of 1949, the People’s Republic of China has gone through a history of 62 years. Looking back at the 62 years, especially in recent 30 years, we have made many great achievements in different fields. And China has been the second largest economy in the world in 2010. And as a Chinese, I am so proud of our mother country.

  However, on the other hand, we also have been losing many other good things such as beautiful environment and traditional culture when the GDP has increased quickly. And we also know that the traditional culture is the soul of an ancient nation. It is the most important thing. But we Chinese seem to ignore this. And that many things happened in this year like to remind us to be awake of this phenomenon. The accident of our high speed trains had taken many people’s lives away in July. And that the 2-years-old girl had been hurt to die while 18 passers should to save her.

  And in my opinion, the culture and civilization are so important that we can’t lose them. However the economy and technology have been developed, we will have nothing when we lost the important things. As a student, I have no idea that what should I do. And I just want to say, we must develop our traditional culture but not to abandon them.

传统文化消失英语作文 篇四


  Hello, everyone, my topic today is “we are losing our traditional culture”.

  After seei

ng the movie Kung Fu Panda, I was impressed deeply by its advanced cartoon technology and its abundant characters, but what impressed me most was the series of Chinese elements in the film, such as buildings of Chinese style, calligraphy, ()Tang suits and so on. I had to admit that the film makers, those Americans, seemed to know our Chinese traditional culture even more than most of us Chinese, which should made us ashamed. To be honest, the movie Kung Fu Panda made many contributions to spreading our traditional culture, but we should not be pleased at all, we Chinese should play the most important role in spreading our own traditional culture. Kung Fu is ours, panda is ours, but Kung Fu Panda is not ours, how terrible it is!

  That all, thank you for your listening and it’s time for your questions now.

传统文化消失英语作文 篇五


  On the Losing of Tyaditional Culture

  It is widely noted that lots of traditional culture is dis^ppeBriitg alotig with the development of technology* Many aucient architectures and traditional ways of living have been deserted. It seems that the traditional culture and craftmanship will be replaced in this modem era.

  The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditional technologies are always considered ineffective while the new sciences are always highly efficient. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture.

  the fund used to protect the ancient culture was instead delivered to the poor, it will be helpful to the improvement of their living standard. Thirdly,modeni science and technology facilitate both our daiJy and academic life a tot. For instance, college students always collect their thesis materials by surfing the Internet instead of borrowing books from the library.

  In my opinion, although traditional culture is an ancient heritage, it couldn't keep pace with the development of society. It is the tide of history that the traditional culture and technology will no doubt be eliminated in the end.


