
时间:2013-06-09 08:36:13
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利弊英语对话 篇一

标题:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning English


English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Many people choose to learn English as a second language due to its global importance. In this dialogue, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of learning English.


A: Hey, have you ever thought about learning English as a second language?

B: Actually, I have. But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. What do you think?

A: Well, there are definitely some advantages to learning English. Firstly, it opens up a world of opportunities for career advancement. Many multinational companies require their employees to have a good command of English.

B: That's true. English is the language of business and communication worldwide. It can definitely enhance job prospects.

A: Exactly! Moreover, learning English allows you to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It promotes understanding and fosters global friendships.

B: I can see how that can be beneficial. It must be easier to travel and communicate with people from different countries if you can speak English.

A: Absolutely! English is spoken in many popular tourist destinations, so knowing the language can make your travel experiences more enjoyable and hassle-free. It allows you to interact with locals and fully immerse yourself in the culture.

B: That sounds amazing! But what about the disadvantages of learning English?

A: Well, one downside is that English can be a challenging language to learn. It has complex grammar rules and pronunciation can be difficult for non-native speakers.

B: I've heard that English spelling is also quite confusing with its many exceptions.

A: Yes, that's true. Another disadvantage is that the English language is constantly evolving, with new words and phrases being added regularly. It can be hard to keep up with the changes.

B: I can see how that can be frustrating. It seems like learning English requires a lot of time and effort.

A: It does require dedication, but the benefits outweigh the challenges. Learning English can broaden your horizons and give you a competitive edge in today's globalized world.


In conclusion, learning English as a second language has numerous advantages such as increased job opportunities and the ability to connect with people from different cultures. However, it also comes with challenges such as complex grammar rules and constant language evolution. Despite these disadvantages, the benefits of learning English are well worth the effort.

利弊英语对话 篇二

标题:The Pros and Cons of Using English as a Lingua Franca


English has emerged as the dominant global language and is commonly used as a lingua franca for international communication. In this dialogue, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using English as a lingua franca.


A: English is widely used as a lingua franca in various fields, don't you think it has its advantages?

B: Definitely. One of the advantages is that it promotes global understanding and facilitates international communication.

A: That's true. English allows people from different countries to communicate effectively and overcome language barriers.

B: Moreover, using English as a lingua franca can increase cultural exchange and appreciation. People from diverse backgrounds can share their ideas and perspectives.

A: Absolutely! It helps break down stereotypes and fosters a sense of global community.

B: Another advantage is the convenience it offers. English is taught in many schools worldwide, so it's often the second language for many people.

A: Yes, that's true. It's easier to find English speakers when traveling or conducting business internationally.

B: However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. One major concern is the dominance of English over other languages, leading to language loss and cultural homogenization.

A: I agree. Many minority languages are at risk of disappearing as English becomes more prevalent.

B: Additionally, the reliance on English as a lingua franca may lead to the neglect of other important languages and hinder multilingualism.

A: That's a valid point. It's important to recognize and value the diversity of languages and cultures.

B: Lastly, the use of English as a lingua franca may perpetuate inequality, as not everyone has equal access to English language education.

A: That's a significant disadvantage. It's crucial to ensure equal opportunities for language education and bridge the language gap.


While using English as a lingua franca has numerous advantages such as promoting global understanding and facilitating communication, it also comes with disadvantages such as language loss, neglect of other languages, and perpetuating inequality. It is important to strike a balance and promote multilingualism to ensure linguistic diversity and inclusivity in the global community.

利弊英语对话 篇三


A:What do you think of advertisements?

B:Well, there are both advantages and disadvantages.

A:I gueyou are right. But sometimes they are really annoying, we may see advertisements everywhere in the city, and it's damaging the beautiful feature around us.

B:I can't agree with you more. They are also disturbing our peaceful lives by sending uselemessages by mobile phones or by email.

A:And in TV programs and the Internet as well.B:To tell the truth, many people are fed up with it, though it makes life easier at the mean time.A:I see, do you mean that we can save time to look for the products that we wish to buy?B:Exactly, we are thankful for those advertisements that brings us the very things that we are looking for, and sometime it saves both time and money.A:Now that's a great deal.B:It sure is. So it is both sides about advertisements.


Some Advantages

* Increased free trade between nations

* Increased liquidity of capital allowing investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations

* Corporations have greater flexibility to operate acroborders

* Global mamedia ties the world together

* Increased flow of communications allows vital information to be shared between inpiduals and corporations around the world

* Greater ease and speed of transportation for goods and people

* Reduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effect

* Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations

* Greater interdependence of nation-states

* Reduction of likelihood of war between developed nations

* Increases in environmental protection in developed nations

some disadvantages:

# Increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest labor

# Increased likelihood of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nations

# Corporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organizations and ave

rage inpiduals

# Threat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression

# Greater chance of reactions for globalization being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural heritage

# Greater risk of diseases being transported unintentionally between nations

# Spread of a materialistic lifestyle and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperity

# International bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and inpidual sovereignty

# Increase in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing countries as they vie for resources

# Decreases in environmental integrity as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules in developing countries


