
时间:2014-07-09 07:23:29
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A Stupid Woman - Part One

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a woman named Emily. She was known throughout the village for her foolishness and lack of common sense. Everyone would shake their heads in disbelief at her silly actions and decisions. She was truly a prime example of a stupid woman.

Emily was notorious for her inability to make simple decisions. Whether it was choosing what to wear or what to eat for breakfast, she would spend hours pondering over the most trivial matters. Her friends and family would get frustrated and impatient with her, often making decisions for her to save time.

One day, Emily decided to start her own business selling homemade candles. She thought it would be an easy way to make money and become successful. However, she failed to consider the fact that she had no knowledge or experience in candle making. She bought all the necessary supplies and started pouring wax into molds, but the end result was a disaster. Her candles were misshapen and had a terrible smell. No one wanted to buy them, and Emily's business venture quickly came to an end.

Not only was Emily foolish in her decision-making, but she also lacked basic common sense. One winter day, she decided to go for a walk in the forest despite the freezing temperatures. She wore a thin jacket and flimsy shoes, completely disregarding the need for proper winter attire. As expected, she soon found herself shivering and struggling to walk on the icy ground. She had to be rescued by a passerby who found her huddled and freezing in the middle of the forest.

Despite all her foolishness, Emily remained optimistic and continued to make foolish choices. It seemed that she was incapable of learning from her mistakes. Her friends and family tried to advise and guide her, but she would always dismiss their concerns with a carefree attitude.

In conclusion, Emily was undeniably a stupid woman. Her inability to make simple decisions and lack of common sense often led to disastrous outcomes. Whether it was starting a failed business or putting herself in dangerous situations, she consistently made foolish choices. It is important to learn from Emily's example and strive to make wise decisions in our own lives.

A Stupid Woman - Part Two

Continuing from the previous story, Emily, the stupid woman, continued to exhibit her foolishness and lack of common sense in various aspects of her life. Her actions often left people in awe of her stupidity and disbelief that someone could be so clueless.

One day, Emily decided to take up gardening. She thought it would be a relaxing and fulfilling hobby. However, she had no knowledge or experience in gardening and didn't bother doing any research beforehand. She planted a variety of flowers and vegetables without considering factors like soil type, sunlight requirements, or proper watering techniques. As a result, her garden turned into a chaotic mess of withered plants and overgrown weeds. It was a clear reflection of her lack of basic understanding and carelessness.

Not only did Emily make foolish choices in her personal life, but she also displayed her stupidity in social situations. She had a knack for saying the wrong things at the wrong time, often offending or embarrassing those around her. Her lack of tact and sensitivity made her an unpopular guest at social gatherings and parties. People would cringe and avoid engaging in conversations with her, fearing that she would say something foolish or offensive.

Despite her constant blunders and embarrassing moments, Emily remained blissfully unaware of her own stupidity. She carried on with her life, making one foolish decision after another, never taking the time to reflect or learn from her mistakes. Her friends and family had given up trying to guide and advise her, as it seemed like an exercise in futility.

In conclusion, Emily's stupidity knew no bounds. Whether it was her failed attempts at gardening or her social blunders, she consistently displayed a lack of common sense and an inability to learn from her mistakes. Her foolishness served as a reminder for the rest of us to value intelligence and make wise choices in our own lives.

一个愚蠢的女人英语作文 篇三



  Rose wanted a job when she was seventeen. it was not difficult to find a job then in the country. one day rose was looking for a job. she went to many offices but she didn’t like any of them. when she went into one of the offices, she saw a board: this office needs a typist. rose was ecited.

  She went to the manager’s office. the manager was writing something . rose knocked at the

door. the manager raised his head: “ do you need a typist?” asked rose. “yes!” the manager said. rose jumped up and clapped her hands. she couldn’t help saying: “ ok! i will take this job. how much will you pay me?” the manager thought for a few seconds and said: “i will pay you twenty-seven dollars in the first three months. then i will pay you thirty dollars.” rose smiled and answered: “great, i will come and work here three months later .” the manager frowned and he was speechless.


