
时间:2012-09-03 02:13:22
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英语作文讲座报道范文大全 篇一

Title: Comprehensive Collection of English Composition Lecture Reports

On [date], a comprehensive collection of English composition lecture reports was held at [venue]. The event aimed to provide students with a wide range of sample essays, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of effective writing techniques and improve their own composition skills.

The lecture began with an introduction by [speaker], a renowned English professor and author. He emphasized the importance of practicing writing regularly and encouraged students to explore various topics and styles to enhance their creativity. He also highlighted the significance of grammar and vocabulary in creating well-structured and coherent essays.

Following the introduction, [speaker] presented a series of sample essays from different genres, including narrative, descriptive, argumentative, and expository writing. Each essay was carefully selected to showcase different writing techniques and approaches. The audience was captivated by the diverse topics and engaging writing styles, which ranged from personal experiences to social issues and philosophical reflections.

After the presentation, a Q&A session was conducted, allowing students to seek clarification on specific writing techniques or ask for advice on common challenges they face in their own compositions. The speaker patiently addressed each query, providing valuable insights and practical tips. Many students expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to interact with such an experienced and knowledgeable expert.

In addition to the lecture, a handout containing the sample essays and key takeaways from the event was distributed to all attendees. This resource served as a reference for students to review and analyze the writing techniques discussed during the lecture.

Overall, the comprehensive collection of English composition lecture reports provided students with a valuable opportunity to learn from exemplary essays and gain inspiration for their own writing. The event was highly successful in promoting effective writing skills and nurturing a love for the English language among students.

英语作文讲座报道范文大全 篇二

Title: Enhancing English Composition Skills through Lecture Reports

The importance of effective English composition skills cannot be overstated in today's globalized world. To address this need, a series of lecture reports on English composition was conducted on [date] at [venue]. The event aimed to equip students with the necessary tools and techniques to improve their writing abilities.

The lecture reports were delivered by a panel of experienced English teachers and renowned authors. Each speaker shared their expertise in different aspects of English composition, including grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall essay organization. The presentations were both informative and engaging, capturing the audience's attention and fostering a desire to enhance their writing skills.

One of the highlights of the event was a workshop session where students were given the opportunity to apply the techniques learned during the lectures. Under the guidance of the speakers, participants actively engaged in various writing exercises, such as brainstorming ideas, outlining essays, and revising drafts. This hands-on approach allowed students to put theory into practice and receive immediate feedback on their writing.

Furthermore, the lecture reports included a comprehensive range of sample essays, covering different genres and topics. These essays served as models for students to analyze and emulate in their own writing. By studying these exemplars, students gained a better understanding of effective writing techniques, such as the use of vivid imagery, persuasive arguments, and logical reasoning.

The event also provided a platform for students to showcase their own compositions. A writing competition was held, where participants submitted their essays for evaluation by the panel of speakers. The winners were awarded certificates and prizes, motivating them to continue honing their writing skills.

Overall, the lecture reports on English composition proved to be an invaluable resource for students seeking to enhance their writing abilities. By combining theoretical knowledge, practical exercises, and sample essays, the event equipped students with the necessary tools to excel in English composition. It is hoped that such initiatives will continue to inspire and empower students to become confident and proficient writers in the English language.

英语作文讲座报道范文大全 篇三

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally looked forward to Mr. Zhang's second lecture on the trip to Xinjiang. It was not easy for us to coax Mr. Xu away from math and wait for the beginning with full expectation.

Miss Zhang came in with a computer. Although the pen in our hands didn't stop, our ears had already branched out. When the lecture began, we put away our homework, sat upright and stared at the big screen.

Mr. Zhang said that the water in Xinjiang is different from the water here. The water there is melted snow on Tianshan Mountain and contains a lot of alkaline. If you wash your hair with this water for a long time, it will cause your hair to fall off and turn white. Drinking this water for a long time will also lead to gallstones. The teacher also cited himself as an example: he found out that there were crystals in his bile two months after he arrived in Kuqa. The doctor told him to drink more water and jump rope more. Mr. Zhang specially bought a one liter kettle and stipulated that he must drink one and a half bottles every day; He jumps rope whenever he is free. Finally, at the next inspection, the crystallization was gone.

A comparison, I found that I live in a good environment. The people there must be very difficult!

Even worse is the natural disaster in Xinjiang - sandstorm. A colleague of the teacher described the sandstorm in southern Xinjiang like this: xxxthe people in southern Xinjiang are suffering, half a kilogram of soil a day, they don't eat enough during the day, but they have to make up at night.xxx It is conceivable that the wind and sand roaring in southern Xinjiang must be as ferocious and terrible as the Yellow robed monster. Mr. Zhang told us that the school they teach has two glass doors. After the sandstorm hit, the second glass door was also filled with sand. The flowerpots on both sides of the door were overturned and tilted, and the power supply

and network were cut off. Look outside, yellow sand is all over the sky. Outside the door, several female college students wrapped their heads around their eyes and fled quickly; The word xxxteacherxxx in xxxteacher apartmentxxx was also knocked out in half. This kind of weather is rare here; In Xinjiang, this kind of weather is very common.

Unconsciously, today's lecture is coming to an end. I think Mr. Zhang and his colleagues helped the northwest of the motherland under such bad conditions. They silently endured everything and endured the thoughts of their families. All this is just to enrich the northwest of the motherland. They are all heroes who help Xinjiang!

英语作文讲座报道范文大全 篇四

Dear teachers and students, time is gone forever students: Good afternoon, today I am very happy to stand here and share my speech with you. My theme is that time is gone and time is gone, we are becoming more and more mature. However, do yoealize the value of time? Maybe we all know that time is money, and time is more precious than money, Because when the money is spent, if you want to earn it back, but when the time goes by, it will never come back from my experience.

I want to say that although I am a college student now, I am not proud of myself in any way. For example, without any goal, I come to University, my major is English, because I have no choice, so I can't let my parents down So when I came here for the first year, I really didn't know how to spend my college time, so I often went shopping and chatting on the Internet, listening to music or watching movies and so on. I only spent a little time on my study, but I seldom went to the library and language corner until the end of the next year, and I realized how stupid I was.

After all, as an ordinary student, I had a good understanding of myself My future has lost all hope. I may become a teacher, but I don't have enough relevant knowledge, so I'm afraid how to deal with it. It's a huge challenge for me, but I can't give up easily, because I know that time has passed and it will never come back, but the future road only depends on myself.

Time is very important for everyone Fair, especially for students, no matter what work we will do in the future, time is knowledge. We should spend most of our time on study. It is very important to form the habit of saving time.

Because wasting time is a waste of your life, so dear friends, don't waste your time and time. Don't put off what we can do today until tomorrow. Thank you.



英语作文讲座报道范文大全 篇五

March 19, another rainy weekend. Although the weather is not beautiful, the meeting room of Wuhu Dajiang evening news is full of spring.

Here gathered 100 young journalists from many schools in the city and parents accompanying them. Everyone gathered here, the parents waited quietly, and the little reporters had already prepared their interview books and pens and waited patiently. We all came to listen to Zhu Jinhai, director of the interview Department of Dajiang evening news and director of the Social Information Department of Wuhu daily.

Director Zhu started by telling his daughter's story. He told many stories about her growth. His daughter is very excellent. Now she is studying at the school of international law of Peking University. During her university period, she can earn 16000 yuan scholarship every year; Participated in International English competitions for many times and achieved good results; In order to practice courage and make yourself better, challenge yourself constantly. He believes that in the process of one's growth, nurturing education is very important.

Director Zhu said that the significance of being a reporter lies in: small journalists can help us practice courage and participate in social practice more; Small reporters help us practice writing and write frequently; Small reporters help us practice thinking. We should think more before activities and interviews, think more about what questions we want to ask and how to ask them. He also said that a good little reporter should not have stage fright, think hard and write quickly. After listening to this, I know that it's so meaningful to be a little reporter!

Later, director Zhu also told us the ways to obtain news materials and the methods of news writing. News can be pided into many kinds, mainly including: classmate news, learning news, class story, classroom teaching, family news, news around schools and cities He also suggested that we should pay attention to observing life and find news materials in ordinary daily life. Have a pair of discovery eyes. He especially emphasized the importance of practicing writing every day. Only then did I know how xxxinsightfulxxx my mother asked me to keep a diary every day.

In just one and a half hours, I took several paper notes. Through this lecture, I not only got the methods of news writing, but also learned some news related knowledge. This is really a good lecture, a lecture that has benefited us a lot.

英语作文讲座报道范文大全 篇六

On Wednesday afternoon, the school invited uncles from the Administration for Industry and commerce to give us a lecture on consumer rights.

The uncle of the Administration for Industry and commerce first told us about the rights and interests of consumers, then showed us a micro film about consumers, also showed us the xxxdisclosure of street snacks firstxxx, and told us that most street snacks are made of gutter oil and can't be eaten. Uncles also taught us to buy goods depending on whether there is a trademark, place of origin, production date and shelf life. If not, then this commodity cannot be bought. In addition, the uncle of the Administration for Industry and commerce also told us a lot about the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Time passed quietly in the wonderful speeches of my uncles. Soon the lecture was over, and the students were happy to go home with their knowledge. I benefited a lot from this lecture. Also let me further understand what is xxxMarch 15 consumer rights dayxxx.


