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英语范文写信的格式模板 篇一

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter to express my [reason for writing]. I hope this letter finds you well.

First paragraph: Introduce yourself and state the purpose of the letter.

I would like to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing to [state the purpose of the letter]. I hope you can spare some time to read my letter and provide me with your valuable insights.

Second paragraph: Provide the necessary details or information.

In this paragraph, I would like to [provide necessary details or information]. This may include explaining the situation, describing a problem, or sharing an experience. It is important to be clear and concise in this paragraph, so that the recipient can understand the main point of the letter.

Third paragraph: Express your thoughts or opinions.

In this paragraph, I would like to express my thoughts or opinions regarding the [topic]. I believe that [state your thoughts or opinions]. It is important to support your thoughts with evidence or examples to make your letter more persuasive and convincing.

Fourth paragraph: Request for action or response.

In this paragraph, I kindly request [state the action or response you are seeking]. I would appreciate it if you could [state your request]. It is important to be polite and respectful when making a request.

Fifth paragraph: Closing remarks.

In closing, I would like to express my gratitude for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

英语范文写信的格式模板 篇二

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been quite some time since we last connected, and I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out and catch up.

Opening paragraph: Greet the recipient and state the purpose of the letter.

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write to you to [state the purpose of the letter]. I have been thinking about you and wanted to see how you have been doing.

Second paragraph: Reconnect and share personal news.

In this paragraph, I would like to share [personal news or updates]. It has been an eventful time for me, and I would love to hear about what you have been up to as well. It would be great if we could arrange a time to catch up and exchange stories.

Third paragraph: Express your thoughts or feelings.

In this paragraph, I would like to express [thoughts or feelings]. I have missed our conversations and the connection we shared. It would mean a lot to me to reconnect and spend some quality time together.

Fourth paragraph: Suggest a plan or propose a meeting.

In this paragraph, I would like to suggest [a plan or propose a meeting]. It would be wonderful if we could [state your suggestion or propose a meeting]. I am open to any suggestions that work for you and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

Closing paragraph: Express anticipation for a response.

In closing, I would like to express my excitement and anticipation for your response. I hope we can reconnect soon and continue to build on the friendship we once had.

Take care and stay safe.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

英语范文写信的格式模板 篇三

20 June 2016

Dear Mr. Seaton,

Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If Id gone alone, I couldnt have seen nearly as much, because I wouldnt have known my way about.

The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky.

Ithink the river trip was the best thing of all. London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to Greenwich. It was all tremendously exciting - a day that I shall never forget.

Thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Chen

英语范文写信的格式模板 篇四

21 June 2016

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

英语范文写信的格式模板 篇五

This format resembles to the modified block in every other regard except that the paragraphs in the body of the letter are indented.

商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。

一般来说,英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queen's English;如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。

商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的第一个词缩进去,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的美国公司,已普遍采用。正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的'写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。

商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。

一般来说,英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queen’s English;如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。

商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的第一个词缩进去,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的美国公司,已普遍采用。正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。



一般来说,现在使用的商务英语书信的格式主要有两种:传统的缩头式(the form) 和现代的齐头式(the modern blocked form) 。

根据英国传统做法,缩头式要在信文每一段缩进五或六个字母的空间,有时可能会缩进更多。现在,齐头式在商务英语书信中使用得非常普遍。它的突出特点就是所有信的内容都从信纸的左边开始,段落与段落之间要比缩头式多空出两到三行,以便于区分。这种格式被称作齐头式(the fullblocked form) 。但是,有时把日期放在信纸的左边会给查找带来不便,所以,人们使用了一种改良的齐头式(the modifiedblocked form) ,即把日期放在右边,而把其他内容放在左边。

英语范文写信的格式模板 篇六

1. 全齐头式(Full-blocked):这种格式的信函各部分内容都从左边空白处写起,用起来方便省事,是现今常用的格式之一。

2. 齐头式(Blocked):这种格式与全齐头式相似,只是有些内容不是从空白处写起。结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和职衔都从中间写起。日期可以从中间起行,也可以靠右对齐。

3. 半齐头式(semi-blocked):这种格式与齐头式雷同。不同的是,半齐头式的每个段落缩进五或十个英文字母;结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和职衔从中间写起。

4. 方齐头式(square-blocked):这种格式也类似于全齐头式。不同的是,它的日期靠右对齐,和收信人地址在同一行。这种格式平整见方,外观漂亮。

5. 简化式(simplified):简化时式和全齐头式相比,有几个主要的区别:首先,简化式没有称呼和结尾敬语,收信人姓名必须在信文内的某个地方出现。其次,事由和写信人姓名必须大写。最后,列表要缩进五个英文字母空位,如果加有序号就不必缩进。


ABC Training Co.

188 Newton Palace


