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关于画画优美英语句子 篇一

Art has always been a universal language, transcending cultural barriers and enabling individuals to express themselves in unique and beautiful ways. Painting, in particular, has the ability to captivate and inspire, leaving a lasting impression on both the artist and the viewer. In this article, we will explore some beautiful English sentences that encapsulate the essence of painting and the emotions it evokes.

1. "Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." - Henry Ward Beecher

This eloquent sentence highlights the personal and introspective nature of painting. It suggests that artists pour their emotions, thoughts, and experiences into their artwork, creating a visual representation of their inner selves.

2. "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." - Edgar Degas

Degas' words emphasize the power of art to stimulate the imagination and evoke emotions in others. Painting is not merely about creating a pretty picture, but rather about conveying a message or evoking a response from the viewer.

3. "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." - Pablo Picasso

Picasso beautifully captures the connection between emotions and colors in this sentence. Just as our emotions fluctuate, so do the colors we choose to express ourselves through painting. The use of vibrant or subdued colors can convey feelings of joy, sorrow, anger, or tranquility.

4. "A picture is a poem without words." - Horace

This succinct sentence highlights the inherent ability of a painting to convey emotions and stories without the use of verbal language. Like a poem, a painting can evoke complex emotions and convey deep meaning through visual imagery.

5. "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton

Merton's sentence beautifully encapsulates the transformative power of art. Engaging in the act of painting allows individuals to delve into their inner selves, exploring their thoughts, emotions, and identities. Simultaneously, it offers an escape from the constraints of the external world, providing a sense of freedom and self-expression.

6. "Every artist was first an amateur." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson's sentence serves as a reminder that great artists are not born overnight. Rather, they begin as amateurs, learning, practicing, and honing their skills over time. This sentence encourages aspiring artists to persevere and embrace the journey of self-improvement and artistic growth.

In conclusion, the beauty of painting lies not only in the visual representation but also in the emotions and stories it conveys. These beautiful English sentences capture the essence of painting, highlighting its ability to evoke emotions, stimulate the imagination, and provide a means of self-expression. Whether you are an artist or an admirer of art, these sentences serve as a reminder of the profound impact that painting can have on our lives.

关于画画优美英语句子 篇二

Throughout history, painting has been celebrated as a form of artistic expression that transcends time and culture. From the detailed brushstrokes of the Renaissance masters to the bold and abstract works of contemporary artists, painting has the ability to captivate and inspire. In this article, we will explore some beautifully crafted English sentences that celebrate the art of painting.

1. "Every artist was first an amateur." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This sentence reminds us that even the greatest artists started their journey as beginners. It encourages aspiring painters to embrace their amateur status and view it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

2. "A picture is a poem without words." - Horace

This sentence encapsulates the power of visual storytelling in painting. Like a poem, a painting has the ability to convey emotions, tell stories, and evoke a response from the viewer without the need for words.

3. "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." - Edgar Degas

Degas' sentence emphasizes the transformative nature of art. It suggests that the true value of a painting lies not in its subject matter, but in the emotions and ideas it evokes in others.

4. "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." - Pablo Picasso

Picasso beautifully captures the connection between colors and emotions in this sentence. Just as our emotions fluctuate, so do the colors we choose to express ourselves through painting. The use of vibrant or subdued colors can convey a wide range of emotions and moods.

5. "Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." - Henry Ward Beecher

Beecher's sentence highlights the personal and introspective nature of painting. It suggests that artists infuse their paintings with their own thoughts, emotions, and experiences, creating a visual representation of their inner selves.

6. "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton

Merton's sentence beautifully captures the transformative power of art. Engaging in the act of painting allows individuals to explore their inner selves, while also providing an escape from the constraints of the external world.

In conclusion, painting is a powerful form of artistic expression that has the ability to transcend language, culture, and time. These beautifully crafted English sentences celebrate the art of painting, capturing its transformative nature, ability to evoke emotions, and power to tell stories. Whether you are a painter or an admirer of art, these sentences serve as a reminder of the profound impact that painting can have on our lives.

关于画画优美英语句子 篇三

1. 贫穷是一切艺术职业的母亲。——托里安诺

2. Since the painter was too poor to hire models, he painted his wife, his daughter, and, with the help of a mirror, himself. 因为画家太穷,没钱请模特,他只好画自己的妻子、女儿,有时甚至借助镜子画他自己。

3. 她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。

4. 他的中国画乱中有序,拙中见奇,他画笔下的“并蒂”、“春晓”、“秋远”,一花一鸟都倾注着他自己独有的思想感情,一幅幅画上都画出了一种情调,表露出一种情思,引发了观者的共鸣。

5. Second,.

6. 绘画的宝藏中没有金银财宝,它只有绘画这颗小小钻石,别看它小,它不小,而是一个大空间。只是要你追踪它的痕迹,懂得它,你就懂得了“享受”这两个字的真正含义。心中总会有过不去的坎,那么就要学会绘画,来结开心中的结,才会舒坦。

7. 艺术与科学既不同而又互相关联;它们在审美的方面交会。——克罗齐

8. Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling theorist has experienced. (Len Tolstoy, Russian writer)

9. 成功是你梦寐以求的那朵红玫瑰,挫折正是那遍及周围的针刺。快乐是你辛勤耕耘获得的果实,悲伤正是那成熟前的秕粒。

10. 画画他很拿手。

11. 艺术是发扬生命的,死神所在的地方就没有艺术。

12. 以浓墨竖点为睛,横写为脑,落墨成金,笔笔传神。

13. 维纳斯的诞生TheBirthofVenus/LaNascitadiVenere

14. 墨笔丹青,如行云流水绕素笺,展瀚海崇山依旧颜,怎一个好字了得。

15. 当爱情降临的时候,我会弹出悦耳的旋律,用那优美的声音,来演唱着爱的醉意。就算时间可以倒转,对你的爱依然存在。爱你到地老天荒!

16. He paints in oils (watercolours). 他画油画(水彩画)。

17. 那些同学里,就数她心灵手巧,画出来的虫鱼花鸟无不活灵活现。

18. To feel quite cool, soft and not wrinkle, beautiful patterns, and other advantages to seize market. 以其手感挺爽、柔软不皱、图案优美等优点抢占市场。

19. 人们生活中缺少不了艺术,即不会欣赏艺术的人亦不会生活。

20. 他在白纸上画画,画出笨拙的自由,画下一只永远不会流泪的眼睛,一片天空,一片属于天空的羽毛和树叶,一个淡绿的夜晚和苹果,我想画下早晨、画下露水、所能看见的微笑,画下所有最年轻、没有痛苦的爱情。

21. QiBaishi(orshouldIcallhimQiWhiteStone),amodernC-age,,.

22. She writes beautifully on the blackboard. 上课时,她能写一手优美的板书。

23. 刻你于心间,燃倦意;画你于脑海,展笑颜。刻刻画画入骨髓,无奈缘息,不相返。风吹叶落,落树底,情根已种,种难收。花间蜂蝶双飞来,空中孤鸿垂双泪。

24. Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries. 桂林因风


25. Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.

26. Tell me about this picture. How did you take it?

27. Tablets are great for drawing while a mouse isn’t. 电子画板是极好的绘画工具,然而鼠标却不能。

28. He happily gave me the thumbs up, as I did the same to compliment his artwork that resembled me. 胡子很快乐地翘起拇子,我也报胡子一个大拇指,夸他的画画得好。

29. 我曾以为,留住光,就可以留住你。——莫奈《卢昂大教堂》英文:Ithought,keepthelight,youcanstay.

30. 站在旁边的那个青年是这位绘画大师的嫡传弟子。

31. 士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。

32. 暖阳洒在她精致的脸庞,纸上斑驳的影子与墨痕相应成趣。

33. JPMorgan has about $250 billion of prime mortgages and home equity loans, $27 billion in subprime mortgages and about $51 billion of xxxoptionxxx adjustable-rate mortgages. 摩根大通持有约2,500亿美元的优质抵押贷款及房屋权益贷款,270亿美元的次优抵押贷款,以及约510亿美元的ARM.

34. “艺术”的力量远比“需要”弱小。

35. 绘画,是一种艺术,是一种精美的.无可挑剔的艺术。绘画艺术可以让人感受无穷的乐趣。

36. 画画,就是画心。

37. The book depicts him as a rather unpleasant character.

38. 艺术,就是自然与人。

39. 我把对故乡的怀念和对绿萝的喜爱一笔一笔地融进了画中。

40. 他的画画得很好,很受大家的喜爱,大家都让他来画画。

41. OK, so how do I picture these linear combinations?

42. Inourfreetime,.

43. Her novel depicts life in modern London.

44. Painting courses: drawing, childrens painting, oil painting, gouache, watercolor, comic books, sketches, watercolor. 绘画课程:素描,儿童绘画, 油画,水粉画,水彩画,漫画,速写,水彩。

45. 我侧身望着她那激动的脸,顿时涌上一种温暖、甜蜜的感觉。

关于画画优美英语句子 篇四

1. 我时而轻笔细描,时而浓墨涂抹,一幅五彩缤纷的作品完成了。

2. 意存笔先,画尽意在。——唐·张彦远

3. 她抬头看了一下,然后继续画画。

4. 我画画,因为我想对世界说话,我要世界注意到我。出处:我就是要挑战这世界。

5. depict的基本意思是“表现一个形象”或“栩栩如生地再现”,即“描绘”,指给物体着色或素描某一物体。不仅强调所采用的艺术形式,更强调轮廓鲜明。

6. 带珍珠耳环的少女

7. 诗是由真实经过想象而出来的,不单是真实,亦不单是想象。——戴望舒

8. Use darker colours for the darker parts. The technique is easy, but drawing the whole chain requires patience. 最后用深色画出暗部。画珠子的技术很简单,不过画出整条的珠琏是需要耐心的。

9. Third,wecanhavefunfromit.

10. 紫薇花是在烈日炎炎的夏天盛开的。它长在树枝的顶端,呈圆锥形,大约有六七档,每档有、8个圆球形似的绿豆般的花苞。偶尔也有长在枝干上的,但没有长在顶部的那样多,只有一两个。花蕊是黄色的,长的有三四厘米,短的只有一厘米。每个花球都有6片或7片花瓣,花瓣皱皱的,薄薄的,就像女孩子穿的裙子的下摆的折裙,又像画画用的宣纸,揉成皱皱的样子。它们怒放开来,一簇簇,一团团,相依相偎,亲密无间,它们环抱着,远远开去,就像一棵花树。

11. 别具匠心白话释义有与众不同的巧妙的构思。

12. 这幅图画是发生在什么季节呢?

13. 尽管还是寒冷的季节,人们的心头却荡漾着盎然春意。

14. They say I draw well.

15. 心中总会有过不去的坎,那么就要学会绘画,来结开心中的结,才会舒坦。

16. He spent his spare time drawing pictures.

17. 他对绘画入迷到了如痴如醉的程度。

18. 当我画画的时候,我从未想到出售。人们只是不了解,我们绘画是做实验,是为了开拓自身以力求达到更高的精神境界。

19. Any one who conducts an argument by appealing to authourity is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory. (Da Vinci, Italian painter)

20. 画的立体,来自于它的阴影,人也是如此。——莫奈《日出·印象》英文:Thethree-,sodoesman.

21. 美术一旦脱离了真实,即使不灭亡,也会变得荒诞。

22. 诗歌是艺术的女王。

23. 艺术是生活的镜子。

24. 一首伟大的诗篇象一座喷泉一样,总是喷出智慧和欢愉的水花。

25. 还记得我曾在一次绘画比赛中,画了一幅《风中的文竹》,竟然得到了全市二等奖的荣誉,乐得我几天都合不拢嘴。

26. 山遥水远遗墨间,彼岸花开意连连,行笔走墨书流年。

27. 我喜欢画画,不仅仅是它可以使人忘掉忧愁,而且还可以陶冶人的情趣。当一个人沉浸在画海中,这是一件多么美妙的事情呀!当我们坐在画板前,描绘着花.人.景.物时,心也不禁陶醉在这美妙的风景中……正是因为这样,才塑造了我遇事沉稳冷静的性格,我可真得感谢画画呀!

28. draw还可表示“打成平局”,指游戏、表演、打仗时对手双方所用的技巧相同,很难决定胜负。

29. Yes, I can describe the picture.

30. 伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。

31. 自然往往在人们不经意的地方出现,想要捕捉的时候,它们又被虚伪给替代了,所以时间上的艺术家多是画静物,天性的美在他们眼中是十分可贵的。

32. 科学和艺术是一枚硬币的两面。

33. 艺术乃德行的宝库。

34. D.

35. Amy: Agreed. And we'll use mellifluous tomorrow. 同意,明天用“音韵优美”这个词。

36. 她坐在画架前,手握着一支铅笔,眼睛仔细地观察自己面前这盆娇嫩的花朵,手中的笔轻轻移动,勾勒出略显青涩的线条,再抬头看看花,又专注地描绘着笔下的植物,有些小叶子的角度重合,她皱皱眉,思考着如何下笔……最终,她完成了这幅画。

37. Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a apeaking picture. (Simonides, ancient Greek writer)


