
时间:2012-09-05 05:30:44
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中考备考计划英语作文范文 篇一:时间管理计划

With the middle school entrance examination approaching, it is essential for us to make a study plan and manage our time effectively. Here is my plan for the preparation of the exam.

Firstly, I will set specific goals for each subject and allocate time accordingly. For example, I will spend more time on subjects that I am weak in, such as math and physics. By doing so, I can focus on improving my weaknesses and achieve a balanced development in all subjects.

Secondly, I will make a detailed timetable and stick to it. I will divide my day into different periods and assign specific tasks to each period. For instance, I will allocate more time for self-study and practice questions in the morning when I am most energetic and focused. In the afternoon, I will review what I have learned in class and seek help from teachers if necessary. By following the timetable strictly, I can make the most of my time and avoid wasting it on unproductive activities.

Thirdly, I will take breaks and relax properly to maintain a good study state. It is important to remember that studying for long hours without rest can lead to fatigue and decreased efficiency. Therefore, I will schedule short breaks between study sessions to stretch my body and clear my mind. During these breaks, I will engage in activities that I enjoy, such as listening to music or going for a short walk. By doing so, I can recharge myself and return to studying with a refreshed mind.

Lastly, I will make good use of available resources to enhance my study efficiency. Besides textbooks and reference materials, I will also utilize online resources and educational apps. These resources can provide additional practice questions, interactive exercises, and even virtual simulations, which can help me better understand and apply what I have learned.

In conclusion, an effective time management plan is crucial for the preparation of the middle school entrance examination. By setting clear goals, following a well-organized timetable, taking breaks, and utilizing available resources, I believe I can make the most of my time and achieve good results in the exam.

中考备考计划英语作文范文 篇二:科学学习方法

With the middle school entrance examination approaching, it is crucial for us to adopt effective study methods. Here are some scientific learning methods that I will apply during the preparation for the exam.

Firstly, I will actively participate in classroom activities and take good notes. Classroom learning provides us with a solid foundation of knowledge, and it is important to be engaged and attentive during class. I will listen carefully to the teacher's explanation, raise questions when I have doubts, and take detailed notes. Reviewing the notes after class can help consolidate what I have learned and ensure a better understanding of the content.

Secondly, I will make good use of the textbook and reference materials. Textbooks are the main source of knowledge, and I will read them thoroughly to grasp the key points. In addition, I will supplement my learning with reference books and materials to gain a deeper understanding of the subjects. These materials often provide more comprehensive explanations and examples, which can help me clarify difficult concepts.

Thirdly, I will actively participate in group discussions and study with classmates. Group discussions provide an opportunity for us to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and learn from each other. By discussing and explaining the topics with classmates, I can reinforce my understanding and discover different perspectives. Moreover, teaching others what I have learned can also help deepen my understanding of the subjects.

Lastly, I will practice regularly and review consistently. Practice is crucial for improving problem-solving skills and applying theoretical knowledge. I will solve a variety of practice questions, including those from previous exams and mock tests. By doing so, I can identify my weaknesses and areas that need improvement. Additionally, I will review the subjects regularly, rather than cramming all the information at once. Consistent review helps to reinforce memory and prevent forgetting.

In conclusion, adopting scientific learning methods is essential for the preparation of the middle school entrance examination. By actively participating in class, utilizing textbooks and reference materials, engaging in group discussions, practicing regularly, and reviewing consistently, I believe I can enhance my learning efficiency and achieve good results in the exam.

中考备考计划英语作文范文 篇三


第一轮:扎实基础 打好地基




第三轮:查缺补漏 定时训练



中考备考计划英语作文范文 篇四
















中考备考计划英语作文范文 篇五














中考备考计划英语作文范文 篇六


How to behave well

As a student in Yibin, we should behave well. First, I think it’s very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then we’d better not talk loudly in public. Don’t throw litter or spit about. And remember to obey traffic , learn to work with others. We need good team work in our life.


