
时间:2011-01-01 06:33:21
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沪教版小学英语范文 篇一:My Family

Hello, everyone! My name is Lucy. Today, I would like to introduce my family to you.

In my family, there are four people. First, there is my father. His name is Mr. Smith. He is a doctor. He is very kind and always takes care of us. My mother is Mrs. Smith. She is a teacher. She is very patient and helps me with my homework. I have an older sister named Lily. She is sixteen years old and she is a student. She is very smart and always gets good grades in school. We have a pet dog named Max. He is playful and loves to run around in the backyard.

We live in a big house. On the first floor, there is a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. We often have dinner together and talk about our day. On the second floor, there are three bedrooms. My parents have their own bedroom, and my sister and I share a bedroom. We have bunk beds, and I sleep on the top bunk. Our bedroom is full of toys and books.

In our free time, we like to do things together as a family. We enjoy going to the park, playing board games, and watching movies. Sometimes, we also go on trips to visit different places. Last summer, we went to the beach and had a great time swimming and building sandcastles.

I love my family very much. They are always there for me and support me in everything I do. I am grateful to have such a loving and caring family.

That's all about my family. Thank you for listening!

沪教版小学英语范文 篇二:My Favorite Hobby

Hello, everyone! My name is Alex. Today, I want to share with you my favorite hobby.

My favorite hobby is playing the piano. I started learning to play the piano when I was six years old. At first, it was difficult for me to press the keys and read the notes, but with practice and perseverance, I improved a lot.

Playing the piano makes me feel happy and relaxed. When I sit in front of the piano, all my worries and stress disappear. I can express my emotions through the music I play. Sometimes, I play lively and upbeat songs to make myself feel energetic. Other times, I play slow and gentle melodies to calm myself down.

I have participated in several piano competitions and have won some awards. It feels amazing to be able to share my music with others and receive recognition for my hard work.

To improve my piano skills, I also take lessons from a piano teacher. She teaches me new songs and helps me with techniques. Practicing regularly is important to become a better pianist. I try to practice for at least an hour every day.

Apart from playing the piano, I also enjoy listening to music. I have a collection of CDs and I often listen to different genres of music. Classical music is my favorite, as it inspires me and gives me new ideas for playing the piano.

In the future, I hope to become a professional pianist. I want to perform in concerts and share my passion for music with others. Playing the piano brings me so much joy and I want to continue playing for the rest of my life.

That's all about my favorite hobby. Thank you for listening!

沪教版小学英语范文 篇三

1. Learn new words:fork,spoon,chopsticks,juice,bread. Learn new structure: I want some….

2. Understand the whole passage and can act it out.

3. Arouse students’ interest in learning English.


Understand the whole passage and can act it out.


1. Understand the whole passage and can act it out.





Step 1: Warming up

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: How’s the weather?

Ss: It’s hot.

T: It’s summer now.

T: Do you like summer?

T: Do you like to play?

T: Do you like to sing?

: Do you like?

Step 2: Pre-task

T: Do you like to play games ?

Ss:Yes, I do.

T: ’s play a should listen and judge.


Say Yes, Yes, Yes if you think it is true.

Say No, No, No if you think it is false.

T: Look. They are tableware. They are food and drinks.

T: So many delicious food and Zhao feels a little hungry.

Chant : Hungry,hungry,I am hungry. (Drill hungry)

T : I want some biscuits. What do you want ?

Ss : I want some....

Step 3: While-task

T : We are eating.

T: What are they doing ?

They are ______.

A: eating and drinking.

B: playing.

Now, Let’s watch the cartoon.

S : They are eating and drinking.

T : Is Sam hungry ? Let’s watch the cartoon.

T : Is May thirsty ?

S : No.

T : She is thirsty.(Drill)

T :Do they want 4 spoons ? Do they want a knife ?

T :Now,Let’s watch picture 2.

T : Read in different ways.

T : Role play

Step 4 : Post-task

time :

Are you hungry? Are you hungry?

I’m hungry. I’m hungry.

I want some bread. I want some bread.

Do you want some bread? Do you want some bread?

Yes, please. Yes, please.

No, thanks. No, thanks.

I’m thirsty. I’m thirsty.

How about you? How about you?

2. Enjoy some delicious food and drinks.

Enjoy food and drinks, enjoy life.

Step 5: Homework

Read P28 and act it out.

Try to say English to your parents:


I want some….

Enjoy food, enjoy life

沪教版小学英语范文 篇四




1、 掌握形容词以及比较级的使用。

2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写tall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy.

3、掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat.

4、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:Who taller than David?

Gao Shan is taller than David .

5、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语. Whose bag is heavier ,yours or mine ? I'm as tall as you . SuYang is younger than Su Hai .


7、 会说英语歌谣《Iwish Iwas taller.》


正确掌握B部分出现的四会单词light lighter , heavy heavier,和句型Who is taller ,you and SuYang? Whose ruler is longer ,yours or mine?


1、 准备录音机和本课H部分的磁带。

2 、练习题的投影片。

3 、课前写好本课的课题。


A、 跟音乐集体唱歌曲。

B、 1、Free talk. 师生交流


C、Revision 复习





I'm taller than __

I'm younger than __

I'm stronger than __

My father is taller than

My pencil is longer than __'s...




E、 Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1、游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学



1、 朗读本课的会话,要求学生能够复述、背诵。

2 、学会唱歌曲。

七、板书设计: 投影本单元的练习题目

沪教版小学英语范文 篇五

1. Words: quiet, loud, television,

2. Sentences: What’s that noise? It’s loud. I don’t like it.

Can you hear raindrops?

Emotion aims: 让学生懂得环境保护的重要

Difficult teaching points: quiet, loud,

What’s that noise?

Can you hear…

Teaching aids: pictures, cassette and a cassette player

Teaching Process:

Step One: Warming-up

1. Sing a song

2. Listen and act

Step Two: Revision

1. Ask and answer :

What’s this/that? It’s…

What can you see? I can see…

What colour can you see? I can see..

2. Say something about the picture

Step Three: Presentation

1. Students start imitating the sounds of different objects. Ask: What’s that noise? Is it a/an…? To elicit: Yes, it is. / No, it is a/an…

2. loud, quiet

up the radio. “It’s loud.”

Say “loud” loudly Write “loud” on the board

down the radio. “It’s quiet.”

Say “quiet” quietly Write “quiet” on the board.

c. Imitate the sounds of different objects. Ask: Is it loud or quiet? To elicit: It is loud / quiet.

d: Play a game. Blindfold one of the students. Choose an object and hide it somewhere in the classroom. The rest of the class provides hints by saying : loud loudly when the student is getting closer to the object and quiet quietly when they are moving further away from it.

3. television

at the picture of television , then read after the teacher.

and say

4. Make some noises, then ask: What’s that noise? Is it a/an…

5. Play the cassette very softly. Ask: Can you hear? To elicit: No. Play the cassette properly for a few seconds. Ask: Can you hear? To elicit: Yes.

Write “Can you hear?” on the board.

6. Ask students to predict the answers and tick the boxes of Ask and answer. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen and follow in their books to check if their prediction is correct.

7. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.

8. Students work in pairs to check answers by asking and answering. Invite pairs of students to read the questions and answers to the class.

9. Form students into groups and act the story. For more able students, encourage them to change the objects in the story.

Step Four: Consolidation

1. Students work in groups and discuss what noises they don’t like to hear while they are in the cinema or in their bedroom.

Practice book

Step Five: Homework

1. Listen to the tape

2. Copy the words: noise, lorry, loud, television, quiet, radio

沪教版小学英语范文 篇六

三年级作文:My best friends I have many you know who they are?Are they my pet? they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourit book. I like books very like reading science book,cartoonbook so ..。

My pet(我的宠物) My pet is a lovely name is xxxdian dianxxx.because there are a lot of black circle on its xxxdian dianxxx is very childen like play with favourite food is meat bones. His favour..。

检测一个人对某种语言的真正习得与否必然离不开对其“听说读写”四种能力的考查。其中,写作是前三者语言知识积累到一定程度的显现。在小学英语教学中,如何正确引导学生英文写作的顺利入门就成了一个重要的小学英语教学问题。 围绕一个主题。

对各年级的要求: 1、一年级的学生在听、说、读的基础上,给予学生自由想象的空间,画单词卡与简单的绘本与手工画。 2、训练二


My home This is my home There are many things in my home There are some windows in the home There are two tables and a desk in the home There are many chair in the home My home is very big My garden This is my garden There are ..。


