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初二英语完成句子 篇一

The Importance of Learning English in Junior High School

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and learning it has become increasingly important. In junior high school, students are introduced to more advanced English language skills to help them communicate effectively in this globalized world. In this article, we will explore the reasons why learning English in junior high school is crucial.

First and foremost, learning English in junior high school provides students with a solid foundation for further language studies. As students progress to higher levels of education, English becomes a mandatory subject and a prerequisite for many academic and professional opportunities. By starting their English language journey early on, junior high school students are able to build a strong language base, making it easier for them to excel in future studies.

Moreover, learning English at a young age enhances students' cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that learning a second language can improve memory, problem-solving skills, and overall mental agility. By engaging in English language activities, junior high school students are able to exercise their brain and develop critical thinking skills. This not only benefits their academic performance but also prepares them for future challenges in various fields.

Furthermore, learning English in junior high school opens up a world of opportunities for students. English is considered the international language of business, science, technology, and entertainment. Proficiency in English allows individuals to access a vast amount of information and resources that are otherwise inaccessible. It also increases their chances of participating in international exchange programs, studying abroad, or pursuing careers in multinational companies. By learning English in junior high school, students are equipping themselves with valuable skills that can greatly enhance their future prospects.

In addition, learning English helps students develop a global perspective and cultural awareness. Through English language lessons, students are exposed to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives from around the world. This fosters empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity. It also enables students to communicate and connect with people from different backgrounds, thus promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation.

In conclusion, learning English in junior high school is of great importance. It provides students with a strong foundation for further language studies, enhances cognitive abilities, opens up opportunities, and promotes global perspective and cultural awareness. Therefore, it is crucial for junior high school students to embrace English language learning and make the most out of this valuable opportunity.

初二英语完成句子 篇二

The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities in Junior High School

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in the development of junior high school students. These activities, which take place outside of the regular academic curriculum, provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and grow as individuals. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of participating in extracurricular activities in junior high school.

Firstly, extracurricular activities help students discover their passions and interests. Junior high school is a crucial time for self-discovery, and engaging in activities outside of the classroom allows students to explore different fields and discover what truly excites them. Whether it is sports, music, art, or community service, these activities provide a platform for students to pursue their passions and develop a sense of identity.

Secondly, participating in extracurricular activities helps students develop important life skills. Through teamwork, leadership roles, and problem-solving experiences, students learn how to effectively communicate, collaborate, and take initiative. These skills are essential for success not only in academic settings but also in future careers and personal relationships. Extracurricular activities provide a safe and supportive environment for students to practice and enhance these skills.

Furthermore, extracurricular activities promote physical and mental well-being. With the increasing prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and academic pressures, it is important for students to engage in physical activities and find balance in their lives. Sports, dance, and other physical activities offered in extracurricular programs not only improve physical health but also boost mental well-being by reducing stress and promoting a positive mindset.

Moreover, participating in extracurricular activities can enhance college and job applications. Admissions officers and employers often look for well-rounded individuals who have demonstrated their commitment and passion through extracurricular involvements. By actively participating in extracurricular activities, junior high school students can stand out from their peers and increase their chances of being accepted into their desired colleges or securing future job opportunities.

In conclusion, participating in extracurricular activities in junior high school offers numerous benefits. It helps students discover their passions, develop life skills, promote physical and mental well-being, and enhance college and job applications. Therefore, it is important for junior high school students to actively engage in extracurricular activities and make the most out of these invaluable opportunities for personal growth and development.

初二英语完成句子 篇三

1. 她很喜欢唱歌,但今天因为不舒服,不想唱。

2. 她的父母在学习方面支持她。

3. 他不应该把所有的时间都放在他的爱好上。

4. 我爸爸常常告诫我不要玩电脑游戏。

5. 你介意不要在这里吸烟吗?

6. 他们把墨水用完了。

7. 学生们正在唱歌为慈善组织募捐。

8. Running can _____ us ____(帮助……放松)

9. 许多人喜欢看他人玩游戏。

10. 这部影片最早是在1993年发表的。

11. 我和你姐姐一般高,不是吗?

12. 我正在为考试做准备。

13. 因为离赤道近,所以一年到头温度几乎是一样的。

14. 他生病了,他妈妈很担心他。

15. 很多水果富含维生素。

16. 他从来没有跟外国人说过话。他的哥哥也是如此。

17. 我们将去打篮球。We_____________________playbasketball.

18. I am feeling ________ _________ today. (好多了)

19. 但是船乘的不是相同的路线。

20. 糟糕的天气可能阻碍我们打篮球。

21. 如果你生病了,最好去看医生。

22. 在电影结束时,那个男主角死了。

23. 我现在不想参加考试。我还没有准备好。

24. 英国人首次见面经常握手。timetheymeet.

25. 他们下决心要解决这些问题。

26. 路西拒绝带我们参观她的学校。

27. 你可以在船上同米老鼠吃饭。

28. 你不应该花这末多时间看小说。

29. 课间时,我们应该保持门窗敞开。

30. 在只剩下他一个人的时候,他并不感到孤独。

31. 昨晚他出了什么事?

32. 那儿有很多美丽的山。

33. 当你有困难的时候为什么不寻求帮助?

34. 大卫想要什么样的工作?

35. 老师叫我们不要在课堂上讲话。

36. 她期待着到澳大利亚的旅行。

37. 先生们,女士们,请欢迎我们的明星音乐家。

38. 老师经常鼓励他的学生们在课上问问题。

39. 她最大的爱好是周末购物。

40. 我希望有我自己的车。

41. 你将环游世界. You’ll travel ________ _________ _________.


43. If I watch too much TV,__________________________________(这将会对我眼睛有害。)

44. 对我们来说,学好英语是重要的。

45. 如果你现在不这样做,你将永远不能做.

46. 在将来机器人能帮助人们做家务。

47. 我不喜欢排队等候时售货员却在电话里长谈。

48. If I have a ______ of money, I’ll _________ __________.

49. 老师要求他重写作文。

50. 我第一次遇见王老师是在2000年。

51. 超过四分之三的人口是中国人。

52. ---你爷爷喜欢喝中国茶,不是吗?---是的,他喜欢。

53. 几天之后我回来。

54. 过后你必须收拾厨房。

55. 这是他第一次来上海。

56. 他的女儿在公共场合总是很害羞。

57. 你必须学会照顾自己。

58. CBA代表什么?

59. 晚会是以一首英语歌曲结束的。

60. 咱们找个时间聚聚吧。

61. 他们正在报纸上查阅信息。

62. 这是一座具有丰富多彩历史的有趣的城市。

63. 许多学生希望得到提高英语的建议。

初二英语完成句子 篇四

1. 我病了,什么也吃不下。

2. 我们已把教室打扫干净。教室到处都很干净、整齐。

3. 他们两个身体都不好,但都努力地学习。

4. 我希望将来好好照顾自己的父母。

5. 你曾经去过水族馆吗?

6. 我们应该尽我们的最大努力学习英语。

7. 如果你确实努力地工作,你将会出名.

8. 在周日我们和三班将有一场篮球赛。________________________________ClassThreeonSunday.

9. 中学生在家应帮忙多做家务。

10. 昨天我花了半小时做作业。

11. Tina在水上大世界玩得高兴。

12. 听到那件事,我感到很难过。

13. 李明很用功,最后他考了第一。

14. 你和你的朋友相处的如何?

15. 多

16. 我爸爸去过上海

17. 我现在最想做的事情就是睡觉。

18. 无论你是喜欢西餐还是印度食物。

19. 喂,吉姆,你去过上海吗?

20. 他停下来做作业。

21. 请把它捡起来好吗?

22. 中国以外很少有人能说汉语。

23. 你知道一些说英语的国家吗?

24. 这些花需要浇水。

25. 我打算浏览一下报纸去找一份假期工作。

26. 越来越多的外国人将在


27. 狮子在白天可能是醒着的。

28. We shouldn’t spit _____ ______ (当众).

29. 他得了重感冒,最好躺下休息。

30. 去年我去那儿了。

31. 请你把这篇短文读给大家听。

32. 老王把他的一生都献给了帮助有困难的的孩子。

33. — What’s wrong with Michael?

34. 我们应该尽量做到不烦恼。

35. 汤姆不喜欢这个,我也不喜欢。

36. 一方面,超过四分之三的人口是中国人。另一方面,新加坡也是一个说英语的国家。

37. 新年有什么打算吗?

38. 熬夜对身体不好。

39. 这个侦探故事真有趣,我们看得欲罢不能。

40. 你妈妈曾经去过长城吗?是的,她去过。

41. 他跳进河里救了那男孩一命。

42. 我的家乡比你的更富有。

43. 我们大多数人很可能都听说过米老鼠。

44. 你必须遵守学校的制度。

45. 雷_______inChina.

46. 他下周将会参加校运会。

47. 你在生谁的气?

48. 中国西部有很多的自然资源。

49. 玛利亚背痛,所以她不应该举重东西。

50. If you don’t ________ now, you’ll _____do it.

51. 我可以留个口信吗?

52. 如果你告诉他真相,他会对你生气。

53. 这本书在我看来太没意思了。

54. 直到昨天下午5点,我们才离开公园。

55. 在东南亚的这个小岛是一个度假的极好地方。

56. 如果你有三个愿望,你选哪一个?

57. 我们学校有一千多学生。

58. 今天下午将会有一场足球比赛。

59. 人们不需要在买礼物上花费太多的钱。

60. 很难想象接下来会发生什么事。

61. 我不知道他是否会来。

62. 学生们热烈欢迎领导的到来。totheleaders.

63. 他去打篮球了而不是去游泳了。

64. 百分之多少的人口看书?

65. 与其他学生相比,他的确很出色。otherstudents,.

66. 今天谁没来?

67. 我的朋友说这本书很容易读。

68. 快乐对我们的健康是重要的。Happiness___________________yourhealth.

69. 你现在最希望做甚么呢?

70. 他将在上海举办演唱会。HeisgoingtoinShanghai.

71. 当心!狗会要你的!

72. 大火最终被消防员扑灭了。

73. 是因为我会讲英语所以我得到了这个工作。

74. 你应该删掉这些不重要的细节。

75. 你曾经去过北京看故宫吗?


