
时间:2014-07-09 01:14:50
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关于端午节英语的句子 篇一

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time when people pay tribute to Qu Yuan, a famous poet and statesman from ancient China. Here are some sentences in English to help you learn more about this festival:

1. The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people eat zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves.

2. During the festival, dragon boat races are held in rivers and lakes across China, with teams of rowers paddling to the beat of drums.

3. The festival is also known for its customs of hanging up pouches filled with herbs to ward off evil spirits.

4. In some regions, people wear colorful silk threads around their wrists to protect themselves from evil spirits.

5. Many families also hang up pictures of Zhong Kui, a mythical figure believed to protect against evil spirits and bring good luck.

6. The festival is a time for families to gather together and pay respects to their ancestors by visiting their graves and offering food and wine.

7. Traditionally, people also make and wear medicinal sachets filled with herbs to protect against evil spirits and diseases.

8. The Dragon Boat Festival is recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, highlighting its significance and cultural value.

9. In addition to China, the festival is also celebrated by Chinese communities around the world, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.

10. The festival has a history of over 2,000 years and continues to be an important cultural event in China, showcasing the nation's rich heritage.

These sentences provide a brief introduction to the Dragon Boat Festival and its customs. By learning more about this traditional Chinese holiday in English, you can gain a deeper appreciation for its cultural significance.

关于端午节英语的句子 篇二

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a lively and vibrant celebration in China. Here are some more sentences in English to help you understand the customs and traditions associated with this festival:

1. The Dragon Boat Festival is believed to have originated from the legend of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who drowned himself in the Miluo River.

2. The festival is celebrated by racing dragon boats, which are long and narrow boats decorated like dragons, with rowers paddling in sync to the beat of drums.

3. Zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, is a special food eaten during the festival. It can be filled with various ingredients like pork, beans, or nuts.

4. The leaves used to wrap zongzi are often tied with colorful strings, making them not only delicious but also visually appealing.

5. In some regions, people also eat green rice balls during the festival, which are made from pounded glutinous rice and mixed with mugwort juice.

6. The festival is also associated with the custom of wearing colorful silk threads around the wrists, believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

7. The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when families come together to remember and honor their ancestors, often by visiting their graves and offering food and wine.

8. The festival is marked by the custom of hanging up pouches filled with herbs, called xiong bao, to protect against evil spirits and bring good fortune.

9. In addition to dragon boat races, various cultural activities and performances are held during the festival, showcasing Chinese traditional arts and crafts.

10. The Dragon Boat Festival is not only celebrated in China but also in other countries with Chinese communities, making it a global cultural event that promotes unity and understanding.

These sentences provide a deeper insight into the customs and traditions associated with the Dragon Boat Festival. By understanding these aspects in English, you can appreciate the cultural richness and diversity of this traditional Chinese holiday.

关于端午节英语的句子 篇三

1. 楚人悲屈原,千载意未歇。精魂飘何在,父老空哽咽。至今仓江上,投饭救饥渴。遗风成竞渡,哀叫楚山裂。

2. 祝愿端午节快乐连连,生活甜甜,爱情绵绵,幸福满满!

3. 端午不戴艾,死去变妖怪。

4. 禁止端午节不理我,禁止吃粽子忘了我,禁止包粽不帮我,禁止闲暇的时候不想我,禁止有搞笑的信息不发?我,端午节快乐!

5. TheDragonBoatFestival,alsocalledtheDuanwuFestival,(glutinousrice(糯米)).

6. 端午节到了,愿你快乐相伴,万事如意。

7. 端起友情,把寂寞打倒;端起祝福,让温馨围绕!端午节快乐。

8. 有钱难买五月五日旱。

9. 祝你端午节快乐,生活像粽子一样甜甜美美,事业像龙舟一样,劈风斩浪。

10. 浓情端午,送你几个粽子,轻轻的说一声,朋友,端午节安康!

11. 想想我,想想粽子,你会发现我和粽子一样可爱。

12. 良辰当五日,偕老祝千年。

13. 粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。

14. 五月五,雄黄烧酒过端午。

15. 最怕端午节水,不怕七月半鬼。

16. 端午节流露出的是地道故乡情,是一种古老的传统,是对诗人屈原的爱国精神一种钦佩,赞颂。

17. 年年端午风兼雨,似为屈原陈昔冤。

18. 桃儿红,杏儿黄,五月初五是端阳,粽子香,包五粮,剥个粽子裹上糖,幸福生活万年长,祝您端午节快乐!

19. 少年佳节倍多情,老去谁知感慨生。

20. 天灰蒙蒙的,空气是潮湿的,他独自来到江边,面对汨罗江,纵身一跃,从此,历少了一个叫屈原的伟大诗人,多了一个端午节。

21. 故乡的端午节,浸透着一种浓浓的乡亲、亲情。

22. 生活就像一颗粽子,你永远不知道,下一颗里面包的是什么馅儿。

23. 吃粽子 .

24. 日斜吾事毕,一笑向杯盘。

25. 一条短信息,祝福一串串:端午节到了,祝快快乐乐,开开心心;健健康康,轻轻松松;团团圆圆,恩恩爱爱;和和美美,红红火火!

26. 最亲爱的人,祝你生活幸福,工作如意,烦恼、忧愁都降落。

27. piece of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the phone is 13 users can go to the free on-street stalls for dumplings, of course, prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to prevent the water pouring into.

28. 粽子口味再多,思念只有一种。

29. 端午短信莫要藏,群众眼光贼雪亮,粽子到哪哪飘香,送你粽子短信道声:端午节,吃粽香,快快乐乐朋友莫忘。

30. 粽子给了端午节温度。

31. 赛龙舟

32. 闻着粽子香,思念漂过江,你我相隔几百里,端午节里更想你!因为我想和你一起分享端午节的快乐。祝你永远比我快乐!

33. TheDragonBoatFestival,alsocalledDoubleFifthFestival,。

34. 我非粽叶你非米,却依然要一层一层裹住你,你非牙齿我非米,却依然要一生一世粘着你,粽中有米终有数,可我对你的`祝福数不尽,祝你端午节快乐!

35. 如果幸福是海洋,你就是海里的鱼;如果幸福是天空,你就是飞翔的鸟;如果幸福是高山,你就是峰顶的松;如果幸福就是这个粽子,那你就是吃粽子的人!

36. the day I pack dumplings in their own hands, we should see a good package, but I do not know for a long time what point package of meat into the good. Until I suddenly saw you, I decided to pack it into the points Zhu Tourou.

37. 别人都在想,端午的粽子吃咸的还是甜的,我只在想,如何让你的人生拥有更多甜蜜时刻。

38. 端午节到了,我按键敲下了我一行行的祝福,千言万语化成了这一条短信的祝福:亲爱的朋友,端午节祝愿你幸福快乐!

39. 端午节到了,我的祝福如约而至,祝您端午节幸福快乐!

40. 端午节到了,我祝愿你节日快乐,多吃粽子!

41. 在端午节的日子里,寄一份祝福给你,愿你拥有真心的快乐与喜悦!

42. 亲爱的朋友,端午节来临,愿你小长假快乐!

43. 总希望快乐将你围绕;总盼望幸福把你拥抱;总期望健康与你同在;总奢望能为你做的更多。祝福你,我亲爱的朋友,端午节快乐。

44. 午时水饮一嘴,较好补药吃三年。

45. 祝你幸福安康,万事如意,端午快乐!


. 祝安康如意,幸福无敌,端午安康!

47. 祝端午快乐笑满家园,生活美满好运连连。

48. 人被思念时,知或不知,已在思念者的怀里。

49. 粽子祝福大放送。祝你:身体像粽子一样壮实,爱情像糯米一样粘稠,工作像粽叶一样轻松,生活像粽馅一样丰富!端午节快乐!

50. 端午节假期到,祝你假期快乐,好运连连,幸福绵绵!


