
时间:2018-05-01 05:26:40
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中考英语预测题作文范文 篇一:我的梦想

My Dream

Everyone has their own dreams. Dreams are the driving force behind our pursuit of a better life. As for me, my dream is to become a successful doctor in the future.

Firstly, I have always been passionate about helping others. Being a doctor allows me to not only cure people's illnesses, but also bring hope and happiness to their lives. I believe that being able to save lives and make a positive impact on others is the most rewarding thing in the world.

Secondly, being a doctor means constantly learning and improving oneself. In order to achieve my dream, I need to study hard and gain a deep understanding of medical knowledge. This requires not only intelligence, but also perseverance and dedication. I am willing to put in the necessary effort to become a competent and skillful doctor.

Furthermore, being a doctor also means being able to work in a team and collaborate with others. In the medical field, teamwork is crucial as it ensures efficient and effective patient care. I believe that by working together with other medical professionals, we can provide the best possible healthcare for our patients.

In order to achieve my dream, I have set clear goals for myself. Firstly, I will focus on my studies and strive for excellent academic performance. This will lay a solid foundation for my future medical career. Secondly, I will actively participate in volunteer activities and gain practical experience in healthcare settings. This will not only allow me to help others, but also improve my communication and interpersonal skills.

In conclusion, my dream of becoming a successful doctor is driven by my passion for helping others, my desire to constantly learn and improve, and my belief in the power of teamwork. I am confident that with hard work and determination, I will be able to turn my dream into reality and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

中考英语预测题作文范文 篇二:我的假期计划

My Holiday Plan

With the summer holiday approaching, I am excited to have a break from school and have some quality time for myself. I have planned a series of activities to make the most of my holiday.

First and foremost, I plan to spend some time with my family. During the school year, I am often busy with homework and extracurricular activities, leaving little time for my family. Therefore, I want to make up for it during the holidays. I plan to have family dinners, go on outings, and have meaningful conversations with my parents and siblings. This will not only strengthen our bond, but also create cherished memories.

Secondly, I want to dedicate some time to self-improvement. I plan to read more books, both for leisure and for personal growth. Reading not only broadens my knowledge, but also enhances my language skills. Besides reading, I also plan to learn a new skill or hobby. It could be playing a musical instrument, painting, or even coding. By learning something new, I can develop my creativity and expand my horizons.

Moreover, I plan to engage in physical activities to stay fit and healthy. I will join a sports club or attend fitness classes to improve my physical strength and endurance. Additionally, I will spend time outdoors, enjoying nature and engaging in activities like hiking or cycling. Physical activities not only benefit my physical health, but also help me relax and clear my mind.

Last but not least, I plan to contribute to the community through volunteer work. I believe that helping others is a meaningful way to spend my holiday. I will look for local volunteer opportunities, such as helping at a charity organization or tutoring underprivileged children. By giving back to the community, I can make a difference in the lives of others and develop a sense of empathy and compassion.

In conclusion, my holiday plan includes spending time with my family, engaging in self-improvement activities, staying physically active, and contributing to the community through volunteer work. I believe that by following this plan, I can have a fulfilling and meaningful holiday that allows me to relax, grow, and make a positive impact on others.

中考英语预测题作文范文 篇三


Today,I’ll talk about going online. We know thatthere are too many net-bars around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and of us like going online very much because we can learn how to usethe computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us cleverthrough playing computer games. I can sende-mails to our friends quickly. We can chatonline with our friends. It can help us get in touch with people from all over the world, but unfortunately the government doesn’t allow communication with many people.

But some students spend too much time playing computer games and some stay in net bars all day and all a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons andthey don’t study well any more. I think we shouldn’t goonline when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winterholidays.

中考英语预测题作文范文 篇四
















7.生活中有许多事情值得我们永远铭记在心中。美丽的景致、真挚的感情、亲密的朋友、生活的快乐…… ? ?请以“记住心中的______”为题目,写一篇文章。





思路点拨 ? ?可写记住心中的遗憾,对自己要充满信心;可写记住心中的伤痛,铭记民族的这些伤痛,让它时刻提醒我们努力为“中华民族的早日复兴”而奋斗;可写记住心中的幸福,感恩成长;可写记住心中崇拜的英雄,激励前进;可写记住心中的梦想,奋勇向前。



中考英语预测题作文范文 篇五

But some students spend too much time playing computer games and some stay in net bars all day and all a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons andthey don’t study well any more. I think we shouldn’t goonline when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winterholidays.

中考英语预测题作文范文 篇六

查显示目前我国公民年人均阅读量还不到有些国家的十分之以, “全民阅读”也连续两年被写入了《政府工作报告》。请以“ Reading Matters”为题,写一篇英语倡议书向English Weekly征文专栏投稿。



注意: 1.词数100左右;


Reading Matters

Dear fellow students,

It is reported that

Thanks for your listening.

Reading Matters

Dear fellow students,

It is reported that the annual average reading amount of per Chinese is only about one-tenth of that some other countries in the world,which causes certain worries among us. How did this come about?

The causes consist of two aspects. Firstly,people’s lack of reading habit explains the main reason,which is the most urgent and difficult thing to change. Secondly,it is obvious that people nowadays care more about material gains than the enrichment of the mind.

It’s high time that we paid due attention to developing good reading habit as it can bring us enormous benefits. For one thing,reading enables us to acquire knowledge and thus broadens our horizons. For another,it provides enough food for thought and improves our practical skills. What’s more,reading enriches our mind and makes it possible for us to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Thanks for your listening!



