
时间:2017-08-07 01:15:22
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中国大学英语简介范文 篇一








中国大学英语简介范文 篇二








中国大学英语简介范文 篇三












中国大学英语简介范文 篇四

This is the first journal of the college English, I'm not sure what to talk about. With a little moment's consideration, I would like to type down something about my university life.

As I firstly entered the campus, it was not a pleasant journey. Because of the heavy rain, my baggage got terribly wet, which took me a whole day to wish and dry them. And then came the Freshman Military Training. Though it was exhausted and awful, it was still meaningful in someway I think. Fortunately, the military training finished in 3 weeks and finally we got into main subject, our real university life.

If someone ask me _How do you think of your university life? _ Now, I would reply with _different _and _challenging _without hesitation. As I have been in university for a week, I get to realize university life is so much different from what I thought before. When I was busy with the College Entrance Exam, I thought the university means less pressure, fewer subjects, more freedom, more spare time and a lovely girlfriend. I once fancied I could see wind blows woods and takes the noisy of birds away. I once fancied I could share sweet sunshine and peaceful air with a girl. I once fancied I could only spend 30% of a day studying, and the rest 70% is my own. But now, I find I have to preview, review and practise for 70% of a day, and hurry to sleep for the other 30%. In university, fewer subjects stands for more difficult knowledge, meanwhile, more spare time means wider knowledge area. Just like what a fellow student say, _In the NPU, you pay one person's fee, learn two personal majors, do three people's homework and beat against seven men to win a love. _

And I think, in university, it's a kind of chance to get more knowledge, eat more snacks, spend more money, try more new things and say good-bye to my teenage life to get ready for another big world.

中国大学英语简介范文 篇五

The people's Bank of China was established in December last year on the basis of the people's Bank of China. According to the law of the people's Republic of China on the people's Bank of China, the State Council decided to exercise the functions of the Central Bank of the people's Bank of China. The Third Plenary Session of the Eighth National People's Congress passed the decision on December th The amendment of the law will play a more important role in China's macroeconomic management.

It was adopted at the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on December,, which stipulates that the people's Bank of China shall perform the following main duties: to draft and implement laws, regulations and rules related to the performance of its duties, and in accordance with the laws issued by the monetary policy law of the people's Republic of China To formulate and implement the monetary policy of RMB and its circulation management, standardize the financial market, including inter-bank loan market, inter-bank bond market, foreign exchange market and gold market, prevent and resolve systemic f

inancial risks, maintain financial stability, maintain the RMB exchange rate at an adaptive and balanced level, manage the state's foreign exchange reserves and gold reserves, and manage the national treasury as a financial agent, Cooperate with relevant departments to formulate payment and settlement rules, ensure the normal operation of the payment and settlement system, guide the anti money laundering work of the financial industry, monitor the suspicious fund flow related to money laundering activities, develop the financial industry statistical system, be responsible for the integration of financial statistics and economic ysis and prediction, manage China's credit collection industry, promote the construction of credit information system, and participate in the international market Other financial activities prescribed by the State Council.



中国大学英语简介范文 篇六

HI,my name is XXX, I 19 years old this year, I'm from x, I love of reading and the Internet, I am a outgoing person, like making friends. In this university, I will actively participate in various activities to enrich my university life, I will also constantly exercise oneself, let oneself become more mature.


