
时间:2017-03-03 01:48:39
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高中英语说课稿 篇一

标题:Using Technology to Enhance English Language Learning


I. Introduction

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about using technology to enhance English language learning. With the advancement of technology, it has become increasingly important to incorporate digital tools into English language classrooms. In this lesson, we will explore how technology can be effectively utilized to enhance students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. To introduce various technology tools that can aid English language learning

2. To enhance students' listening skills through the use of audio and video materials

3. To improve students' speaking skills by utilizing online platforms for communication practice

4. To develop students' reading skills through interactive e-books and online articles

5. To enhance students' writing skills through collaborative writing platforms and grammar correction tools

III. Teaching Methods

1. Interactive discussions and brainstorming sessions

2. Demonstration and hands-on activities

3. Group work and pair work

4. Teacher-led instruction

IV. Teaching Procedures

1. Warm-up: Engage students in a discussion about their favorite technology tools and how they can be used for language learning.

2. Introduction: Introduce various technology tools such as language learning apps, online dictionaries, and language exchange websites.

3. Listening Skills: Use audio and video materials to improve students' listening comprehension. Encourage them to use headphones for individual practice.

4. Speaking Skills: Guide students in using online platforms for communication practice, such as video chats or voice messaging apps. Assign pair or group activities that require students to engage in conversations.

5. Reading Skills: Introduce interactive e-books and online articles that allow students to practice reading comprehension. Assign reading tasks with follow-up questions for discussion.

6. Writing Skills: Demonstrate how collaborative writing platforms can be used for group projects. Introduce grammar correction tools to help students improve their writing accuracy.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the key points and encourage students to continue using technology tools for English language learning.

V. Classroom Activities

1. Pair work activity: Students will use a language exchange website to communicate with English-speaking partners and practice their speaking skills.

2. Group project: Students will collaborate using a collaborative writing platform to create a short story or a persuasive essay.

3. Individual activity: Students will use an online grammar correction tool to improve the accuracy of their writing assignments.

VI. Assessment

1. Observation of students' participation in class activities

2. Evaluation of students' speaking and writing tasks

3. Assessments of students' comprehension through quizzes or discussions

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, integrating technology into English language classrooms can greatly enhance students' language learning experience. By utilizing various digital tools, we can effectively improve students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. It is important for teachers to stay updated with the latest technology trends and incorporate them into their teaching practices.

高中英语说课稿 篇二

标题:Promoting Cultural Understanding through English Language Learning


I. Introduction

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am going to talk about promoting cultural understanding through English language learning. In an increasingly interconnected world, it is essential for students to not only develop their language skills but also gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures. In this lesson, we will explore how English language learning can serve as a gateway to cultural understanding.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. To introduce and discuss the importance of cultural understanding in English language learning

2. To expose students to authentic English materials from different cultures

3. To promote intercultural communication skills through group discussions and presentations

4. To encourage students to reflect on their own cultural backgrounds and values

5. To foster empathy and respect towards different cultures and diverse perspectives

III. Teaching Methods

1. Interactive discussions and group activities

2. Authentic materials from different cultures

3. Role-plays and simulations

4. Teacher-led instruction and guidance

IV. Teaching Procedures

1. Warm-up: Engage students in a discussion about their own cultural backgrounds and their experiences with different cultures.

2. Introduction: Discuss the importance of cultural understanding in today's globalized world and its relevance to English language learning.

3. Authentic Materials: Use authentic materials such as videos, songs, and articles from different cultures to expose students to diverse language use and cultural practices.

4. Intercultural Communication: Assign group discussions or role-plays that require students to work together and exchange ideas about different cultural topics.

5. Cultural Reflection: Ask students to reflect on their own cultural backgrounds and values, and how they may influence their perceptions of other cultures.

6. Empathy and Respect: Engage students in activities that promote empathy and respect towards different cultures, such as sharing personal stories or participating in cultural exchange programs.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the key points and encourage students to continue exploring and appreciating different cultures through English language learning.

V. Classroom Activities

1. Cultural sharing activity: Students will prepare short presentations or performances that showcase elements of their own culture.

2. Group discussion: Students will be assigned specific cultural topics to discuss in groups and present their findings to the class.

3. Role-play: Students will participate in a simulation activity where they have to navigate a cultural misunderstanding and find a resolution.

VI. Assessment

1. Observation of students' participation in class activities and discussions

2. Evaluation of students' presentations and performances

3. Assessments of students' reflection papers on cultural understanding

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, English language learning provides a valuable platform for promoting cultural understanding among students. By exposing students to authentic materials from different cultures and engaging them in intercultural communication activities, we can foster empathy, respect, and open-mindedness. It is crucial for teachers to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment that encourages students to explore and appreciate diverse cultures.

高中英语说课稿 篇三

  一、 说教材

  1、 材的地位和内容

  该课文John Snow Defeats King Cholera 是人教版高中英语必修5第一单元的一篇文章,这是一篇阅读课。文章介绍了有名医生John Snow 是如何通过考察、分析和探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染疾病的。通过学习这篇课文,使学生感悟到科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解到科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。该课文出现了英语重要语法知识--过去分词的用法。

  2、 教学目标


  1) 语言知识目标

  词汇:defeat attend expose cure outbreak control absorb severe valuable strict pump 等


  2) 语言技能目标


  3) 情感目标


  4) 学习策略目标


  5) 文化意识目标

  3、 学重点和难点







  Task 1


  T: Name some famous scientists you know and tell something about them.

  S: Charles Darwin---He was British. He wrote the Origin of Species.

  S: Thomas Edison---He was an American inventor. He invented electric light bulb.

  S: Stephen Hawking---He is a British. He studied black holes of space.

  Task 2

  任务2 呈现教学材料,设计学习任务,要求学生按时完成学习任务。练习学生阅读方法,利用Scanning阅读法,阅读课文,学生通过自主学习的方式,通过探究,独立思考,观察和分析,浏览课文,寻找相关信息,在下表填写,并口头叙述。达到听说读写综合能力练习的目的。

  Task 3


  Task 4

  任务4 课后作业。要求学生查阅有关霍乱知识的文章,向医生了解什么是霍乱,人类感染后回出现什么症状。并说出还有哪些传染病。



高中英语说课稿 篇四



  Who am I 出自人教版高中英语教科书第二册第三单元第一课时,本单元的话题是工厂技术,计算机的发展史和机器人。计算机对于高中生来说是较熟悉的一个话题,但“Who am I”这篇阅读材料所选语言材料属于科普说明文,内容较为抽象,文章也有一些专业术语,对高一学生来说有一定的难度。但是这篇阅读材料以第一人称的拟人手法介绍了计算机发展演变的历史和计算机在各个领域的应用,这样拟人的手法使得文章读起来妙趣横生,抽象的专业知识介绍起来也浅显易懂。这篇文章是整个单元的重点,融汇了听、说、读、写语言知识点,同时在句子表达上运用到了现在完成时的被动语态,为下一个课时的语法教学作好了铺垫。




  abacus. calculator. PC. laptop. PDA. calculate. universal. simplify. sum. logical. logically. revolution. operator. technology. technological. artificial. intelligence. Intelligent .solve. tube. total. web. application. finance. mobile. explore. anyhow. From…on. as a result. so…that….


  A. Over time I have been changed quite a lot.

  B. First as a PC and then as a laptop ,I have been used in offices and homes sice the 1970s.

  C. Over time my memory has developed so much that ,like an elephant ,I never forget any thing I have been told !

  D. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me .

  E.I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations .












  ①整体阅读教学法,让学生分别进行读前、读中、读后训练,由浅入深消化课文。 ②任务型教学法,让学生在教师指导下通过感知、体验、实践参与、合作等方式完成目标。

  ③开放性教学策略,如brainstorm role play.等








  Step Ⅰ.Warming up and leading in

  1.以幻灯片的方式展开此部分Warming up里有关计算机发展的七部图片,询问学生以下问题:

  ①What are they ?(ask the students to tell them one by one in English and spell them) ②Ask students to discuss what these items have in common.

  ③Which one can help me most in teaching English ?show students the sentence structures of giving opinions ,such as in my opinion ,I think ……

  这部分设计让学生熟悉有关单词,熟悉作出决定及意见的句型,激发他们的学习兴趣 StepⅡ Pre-readirg

  1.Ask the students to look at the title and the picture on P18 and guess :

  Who am I ?

  What is the passage about ?

  2.Ask students to brainstorm :In which aspects have computer been used today ? Work out a list and compare it with your partner .


  Step Ⅲ.Reading

  1.Skim the passage to check whether their predictions are right or not .

  2.Scan the passage again ,and do exercise 3 in pre-reading part .


  1642: .

  1822:The analytical machine was wade by Charles Babbage.: .

  1940s: .

  :The first family of computers was connected to each other.

  1970s: .

  Now: .


  4、careful reading

  Ask students to read the passage once more and fill out the chart of requirement 2 on P19 这部分需要学生精读课文并寻找相关具体信息,建议学生碰到生词时看下上文猜测词义。

  StepⅣ Listening and Speaking


  2.Role play :叫学生以第一人称扮演不同时期的计算机。

  StepⅤ 拓展

  1.再现最初的七副图片,询问学生:What’s next ?让学生展开自己的想象力,设计下一种计算机的模样与作用,让学生分组讨论并画出其样子。

  Step Ⅵ Homework

  Ask the students to write a passage about the development of computers.

  Step Ⅶ Conclusion


  Unit 3 Who Am I ?

  1642: The computer began as a calculating machine.

  1822: The analytical machine was made by …

  1936:The computer grew rapidly both in size and brain power.

  1940s:…had grown as large as a room .

  1960s:The first family of computers…

  1970s:computers were used in offices and homes .

  Now :Computer connect people all over the world.







高中英语说课稿 篇五






  本模块以A job worth doing为话题,旨在通过模块教学使学生了解社会中各种工作及其对社会的.重要作用,并设想未来的工作类型。写作部分要求学生就某一项工作写一封求职信,咨询有关此项工作的情况,并介绍自己的简历。英语写作是一个创作性的学习过程。它对语言表达的正确性和准确性、思维的逻辑性和文章的条理性都比口语要求更高。也因为在reading 等输入之后,写作做为输出上升到一个更高的层次,本单元的写作课,以及以往的每次写作课都是根据这一原则进行授课的。









  1) 教会学生如何成为一个成功的语言学习者,在学习的过程中可以去背 诵或模仿好的句子,只有平时积累了,考试时自然会胸有成竹。

  2) 指导学生写一封好的求职信。





  Models wanted over the summer. I’m looking for a number of models to work both in the studio and on location. 通夏热招室内、外景模特数名,If you’re thinking about a career as a model, or actress, this might be a good chance to get some good shots. Email: jonathan@ modelsearch. Com名模事业,超女之路,莫失良机,闪亮出镜!


  既然有了兴趣,那么我们如果想要应聘怎么办? 同学们回答,写求职信,那么如何写好求职信呢? 自然进入第二个环节———写作文





  ① I wish to apply for the job you are offering in the newspaper

  ②Learning from the newspaper that you are looking for a Network Engineer,I should like to apply for the post.

  ③I’m writing in the hopes that you will be able to offer me the job.


  ① I graduated from Tsinghua University.

  ② My major is English.


  ①I should be grateful for an early reply.

  ②I would be very thankful if you could give me a chance.







  (6)范文展示。 看范文对于每个要点,结构,及关键词的处理。并让同学们齐读,把范文大声读出来。




  导入:5分钟 分析结构:3分钟 展示句型,作业:4分钟

  讨论:5分钟 写作:15分钟 讲评:3分钟

  范文展示:3分钟 总结:2分钟



