
时间:2012-01-08 09:45:47
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幼儿园英文说课稿 篇一

Title: Introducing Colors to Kindergarten Children

Good morning, everyone. Today, I am excited to introduce the topic of colors to our kindergarten children. Colors play a crucial role in a child's development as they are a fundamental part of the world around us. Through this lesson, we aim to help the children recognize and differentiate between various colors.

To begin with, we will start by introducing the basic colors such as red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and purple. We will use colorful flashcards and objects to help the children associate the colors with real-life examples. We will also engage the children in a fun activity where they have to match objects with the corresponding color.

Next, we will move on to more advanced colors such as pink, black, white, and brown. We will use a variety of materials such as colored paper, crayons, and paint to further reinforce the concept of these colors. The children will have the opportunity to create their own artwork using different colors, allowing them to express their creativity.

Furthermore, we will incorporate songs and games into the lesson to make learning about colors more interactive and enjoyable for the children. We will sing songs like "The Color Song" and play games like color matching and sorting to reinforce their understanding of colors.

In conclusion, by the end of this lesson, we hope that the children will have a better understanding of colors and be able to identify and name different colors. We believe that by making learning fun and engaging, we can help the children develop a lifelong appreciation for colors and enhance their cognitive and creative skills. Thank you.

幼儿园英文说课稿 篇二

Title: Exploring Nature with Kindergarten Children

Good morning, everyone. Today, I am thrilled to present a lesson on exploring nature with our kindergarten children. Nature provides a wealth of learning opportunities for young children and helps them develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.

To start off, we will take the children on a nature walk around the school grounds. During the walk, we will encourage the children to observe and explore their surroundings, such as looking for different types of plants, insects, and rocks. We will also provide them with magnifying glasses and binoculars to help them get a closer look at the wonders of nature.

Next, we will engage the children in a variety of hands-on activities related to nature. We will create nature collages using leaves, flowers, and sticks collected during the nature walk. We will also set up a sensory table filled with natural materials like sand, rocks, and pine cones for the children to explore and manipulate.

Furthermore, we will read nature-themed books and stories to the children to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the natural world. We will also incorporate songs and rhymes about nature into the lesson to make learning more interactive and enjoyable for the children.

In conclusion, by the end of this lesson, we hope that the children will have a deeper appreciation for nature and a better understanding of the world around them. We believe that by fostering a love for nature in young children, we can help them develop important skills such as observation, curiosity, and empathy. Thank you.

幼儿园英文说课稿 篇三


  大家早上好!今天我说课的内容是幼儿园中班英语下册内容:《My bag我的书包》。下面我将从说教材、说目标、说重难点、说准备、说教法,说学法、说教学过程等七个方面作具体阐述。


  教材来源:《纲要》指出:教育内容的选择既要贴近幼儿的生活,又要有助于开拓幼儿的经验和视野。我所选的内容《My bag》是幼儿园中班英语教材中的一个单元主题。此活动选材来源于生活,又能服务于幼儿的生活。《My bag》活动中所涉及的英语单词都是日常生活中孩子们经常看到、接触得到的,因为孩子的学习离不开文具。而且这些内容在孩子们经验范围之内,能够引起他们的兴趣,同时孩子们生活中也会有很多机会练习。根据中班孩子的年龄特点,考虑到本班幼儿的英语发展水平,我设计了这一教学活动。



  (一)学习与文具有关的单词:bag (书包) 、book(书)、pencil(铅笔)。









  物质准备:课件、 图片、书包一个、铅笔和书。













  (一)师幼问好环节:创始英语环境,用简单的英语进行对话,如:Good morning! How are you? Are you ready?等

  (二)热身运动环节:次环节能使幼儿迅速兴奋起来,自然的进入学习新知的情景。因此在热身运动时我让幼儿做律动(Finger play)








  游戏玩法:老师把书包(bag) 书(book)、铅笔(pencil)等依次放在桌上,让小朋友用英语说出文具的英文名称。





  教师根据《我爱我的幼儿园》这首歌曲的旋律创编英语歌曲:Bag bag 是书包,book book 是书本。Pencil pencil 是铅笔,小朋友们要爱惜!



  2、组织幼儿和所有老师说再见:Goodbye —teacher


