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英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮四年级 篇一

Creating a Simple and Beautiful English Poster for Fourth Graders

Designing a poster can be a fun and creative way to showcase your English skills and knowledge. For fourth graders, it is important to keep the poster simple yet eye-catching to attract attention and convey the message effectively. Here are some tips on how to create a simple and beautiful English poster for fourth graders:

1. Choose a Theme: Before starting the poster, decide on a theme that relates to the English topic you want to showcase. It could be about a favorite book, a grammar rule, or even a vocabulary list. Make sure the theme is clear and easy to understand for fourth graders.

2. Use Bright Colors: To make your poster stand out, use bright and vibrant colors that will catch the attention of your classmates. You can use colored paper, markers, stickers, or even paint to add color to your poster.

3. Include Visuals: Visuals such as pictures, drawings, or symbols can help convey your message more effectively. For example, if your poster is about animals, include pictures of different animals with their names in English.

4. Keep it Simple: Avoid cluttering your poster with too much text or information. Keep the design simple and organized, with clear headings and bullet points to make it easier to read and understand.

5. Add a Quote or Fun Fact: To make your poster more engaging, consider adding a quote or fun fact related to the English topic. This can help spark interest and encourage your classmates to learn more about the topic.

By following these tips, you can create a simple and beautiful English poster that will impress your classmates and showcase your English skills in a creative way. Have fun designing your poster and let your creativity shine!

英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮四年级 篇二

The Importance of English Posters for Fourth Graders

English posters play a crucial role in helping fourth graders improve their English skills and knowledge. By creating and displaying posters in the classroom, students can engage with the language in a visual and interactive way, making learning more fun and effective. Here are some reasons why English posters are important for fourth graders:

1. Visual Learning: Fourth graders are visual learners who benefit from seeing information presented in a visual format. English posters can help students understand and remember English vocabulary, grammar rules, and language concepts more easily through pictures, diagrams, and symbols.

2. Creativity and Expression: Designing English posters allows fourth graders to express their creativity and showcase their English skills in a unique and artistic way. Students can experiment with colors, fonts, and layouts to create visually appealing posters that reflect their personality and style.

3. Reinforcement of Learning: English posters serve as a constant reminder of key English concepts and topics that fourth graders are learning in class. By displaying posters in the classroom, students can reinforce their learning and refer back to important information whenever they need a quick review.

4. Engagement and Interest: English posters can spark interest and curiosity in fourth graders, making learning English more engaging and enjoyable. Students are more likely to pay attention to and remember information presented in a visually appealing and interactive format.

5. Collaboration and Communication: Creating English posters can promote collaboration and communication among fourth graders as they work together to design and present their posters. Students can share ideas, discuss English concepts, and learn from each other while working on their posters.

Overall, English posters are a valuable tool for fourth graders to enhance their English learning experience and develop their language skills in a creative and engaging way. Encouraging students to create and display posters in the classroom can lead to a more dynamic and interactive English learning environment for all.

英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮四年级 篇三





  The Big Apple:来到美国,说到吃,肯定很多人的第一个反应是The Big Apple,不过千万别误会,这可是你吃不了的苹果,它其实是纽约市的“昵称”。如果你旅游的目的地是The Big Apple,那我们可要说Congratulations(恭喜)了,那可是个美食之都。

  Hero:首先,你该到饭店去点一份hero。别担心,服务生不会当你是“吃英雄”的疯子。Hero是纽约人管大个儿意大利潜水艇三明治的叫法。当然,如果你一下子吃了十个Heroes,可能别人就会说话了:“Look at that strange gal!She’s really out in left field!”这里,out in left field 专门用来形容那些古怪或者是莫名其妙的人。

  Surf n’Turf:当然,美食并不只是在纽约才有,如果你有兴趣,不妨到“天使之城”洛杉矶逛一圈,Surf n’Turf就是一种在洛杉矶非常普及的美食,其中主食是海鲜及牛排,可能会比较贵,但还有很多叫“pes”的便宜餐厅,你可以以合理的价格买到这种美食。

  Taco Stand:Taco Stand是另一种在洛杉矶及附近的加州城市都很常见的美食,tacos来自于拉丁美洲,但在美国加州也非常的流行。“stand”是一种街边小摊,你可以在那儿买到一些速食。一般这要比McDonalds(麦当劳)或是Burger King(汉堡王)那样的速食连锁店要便宜,但是食物要可口的多哦!

  Franks:在美国的街头,你经常会碰到一些Street vendors(街头小贩)高嚷着“Franks”,这时候你可千万别以为他们在寻找名叫Frank的人,Franks在这里是“热狗”的意思。这些小贩就正在Selling Hot dogs(卖热狗)。


  “Bro”、“Dude”、“Brother”、“Amigo”:在美国,所有这些词都是用来称呼男性朋友的常用词。和人打招呼,你可以说“what’s up,bro?”

  Do me a solid:出门在外,问路是少不了的功课。如果你在问路的时候还是用“Would you please do me a favor……”开头,未免显得老土。你应该说:“Hey can you do me a solid?”,可别小看这样个小小的调整,只是改了一个词,你就显得非常“老江湖”了!

  “The 10”、“The 5”、“The 101”:美国有大批的高速公路,如果你有朋友在那里,他可能会开车带你到处逛逛。如果这时你们向当地人问路的话,他们会以以上方式告诉你高速公路的方向。比如“To get to the Hollywood sign,you need to get on the Ten and……”(要去好莱坞方向的话,你得先上10号高速公路,然后……)

  $10 cover:如果你还想体会下美国的夜生活,你可能会在酒吧门口看到这样一行字“$10 cover”,这时候,你可千万别浪费时间猜它的意思,赶快掏出10美元吧,否则你可无法进去。

  Hail a cab:体验过美国的夜生活,从酒吧出来时候已经很晚了。这时候可能你的朋友会建议你:“Hey,you should hail a cab.”这时你可千万别心疼钱了,人家是让你赶快叫部出租车回旅店呢。养好精神,第二天才能继续快乐“西游”哦。


  1.作为游客,无论你的英语多么地道,总可能有一些奸商想打你的主意。这里再教你一招:如果你认为有人在捉弄或是欺骗你的话,你就可以这么说:“Don't jerk my chain!”意思是别想欺骗我!学会了这句话,你的“西游”之路上麻烦就会少很多了。

  2.吃了这么多的美食,玩了这么多地方,让人感觉这样逍遥的旅行有些不真实了,这时你可以来一句“I’m keeping it real”,在任何城市中,你说这句话可都是对这个城市一个极高的评价。


  1 A cup of Joe 一杯咖啡。

  A cup of Joe也就是a cup of coffee。这个说法是从纽约一家公司Martinson's Coffee的Joe Martinson的名字得来的,据说当时临近街区都弥漫着咖啡的芳香,所以人们都称咖啡为a cup of Joe。

  Martinson's Coffee在美国历史悠久,它的追随者25%都是纽约人。

  2 average Joe 平常人,普通人。

  Average意思是“平均的,一般水平的”,而Joe又是一个极其常见的名字,所以人们就用average Joe来表示很普通的.一个人。例如我们会说,雷•罗马诺是这个时代全美最受欢迎的电视明星之一,可他却似乎不把自己当成什么大人物,仿佛就是与你生活在同一座城市里的“average Joe”。

  3 not know Jack about 对某事一无所知。

  如: I don't know jack about fishing意思就是I don't know anything about fishing(我对钓鱼一无所知)。而I don’t know Jack的意思就是“我什么也不知道”。关于Jack,还有两个常见的句子。Do you know jack shit? 意思就是问别人, “你知不知道什么叫无知? 在美国的口语中, jack shit 算是一句粗话,意思是什么也没有。

  4 a plain Jane 长相不起眼,外貌平凡的女人。

  这里的plain是“不惹人注目的,朴素的”,而Jane是一般女人名,plain与Jane合辙押韵。如:I wonder why a handsome man like Jeff married such a plain Jane.我很奇怪像杰夫这样出色的男子怎么与一个不怎么起眼的姑娘结婚。

  5 No way, Jose “不可能的荷西”,常用于熟人之间拒绝做某事。


  6 Jack of all trades 万事通。

  一般指杂而不精,也就是我们平时所说的“三脚猫”。Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。

  7 Uncle Sam 美国。

  它源自1812-1814年间美英战争时期的一个历史传说。相传在纽约州的特洛伊城(Troy))有位年长的肉类加工商,名叫山缪尔•威尔逊(Samuel Wilson)。他勤劳、诚实、能干,很有威信,人们亲切地叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。他也是一位爱国者,与父兄曾参加过美国独立战争。在1812年的美英战争中,他的工厂与政府签了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的合同,美国政府每当收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉,就将肉装入特制的木桶,并在桶上盖上US的记号。由于Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美国(The United States)的缩写也是U.S.,于是人们便把这两个名称合二为一了。当地的人们就把“山姆大叔”当成美国的绰号,并逐渐流传开来。

  虽然有些知识对小学生来说有难度,但也有的知识如uncle Sam.很多同学这两个词都知道,完全可以理解。在学习的过程中可以适当补充一点趣味性的课外小知识,还可以出点英语脑筋急转弯,增加趣味性,拓宽学生的视野。

  Boy 男孩

  同学们已经很熟悉“boy”这个单词了,它表示“男孩”。那么the boys是什么意思呢?其实,the boys是一句口语,意思相当于汉语中的“铁哥们、好兄弟”。比如:He plays football with the boys on Sundays. (他星期天和好朋友们踢足球。)而the boys in blue则是美国人在口语中称呼警方的用语,意为“一群警察”。



