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人教版七年级上册英语单词表 篇一

As students begin their journey into learning English in the seventh grade, one of the first tasks at hand is familiarizing themselves with the vocabulary words included in the textbook. The vocabulary list for the first semester of the seventh grade People's Education Edition English textbook is a crucial foundation for students to build upon as they progress in their language learning journey.

The vocabulary list includes a wide range of words that cover various aspects of daily life, school subjects, hobbies, and more. Some common words that students will encounter include "family", "friend", "school", "teacher", "book", "computer", "music", "sports", "play", and "watch". By mastering these basic words, students will be able to express themselves in simple sentences and engage in basic conversations.

In addition to learning individual words, students are also encouraged to practice using these words in context. This can involve writing sentences, engaging in role-playing exercises, or participating in group discussions. By actively using the vocabulary words in different contexts, students can improve their language skills and develop a deeper understanding of how these words are used in everyday communication.

Furthermore, the vocabulary list serves as a foundation for students to expand their language skills and knowledge. As students progress to more advanced levels of English learning, they will continue to build upon the vocabulary words they have learned in the seventh grade. By mastering these foundational words, students will be better equipped to tackle more complex grammar structures, reading passages, and writing assignments.

In conclusion, the vocabulary list for the People's Education Edition seventh grade English textbook is a vital resource for students embarking on their English language learning journey. By mastering these words and using them in context, students can improve their language skills and build a strong foundation for future learning.


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 篇二

The vocabulary list included in the seventh grade People's Education Edition English textbook provides students with a solid foundation for acquiring language skills and knowledge. As students progress through the curriculum, they will encounter a wide range of vocabulary words that cover various topics and themes.

One key aspect of the vocabulary list is its focus on everyday life and common activities. Students will learn words related to family, school, hobbies, and interests, which are essential for communicating in daily situations. By mastering these basic words, students can engage in simple conversations, write basic sentences, and express their thoughts and feelings.

Another important feature of the vocabulary list is its inclusion of words related to academic subjects. Students will learn vocabulary words related to subjects such as math, science, history, and geography, which are crucial for understanding and discussing academic topics. By expanding their academic vocabulary, students can improve their comprehension skills and excel in their studies.

Furthermore, the vocabulary list also includes words related to social interactions, emotions, and feelings. Students will learn words such as "happy", "sad", "excited", "nervous", and "angry", which are important for expressing emotions and connecting with others. By mastering these words, students can develop their social and emotional intelligence and build strong relationships with their peers.

In conclusion, the vocabulary list for the People's Education Edition seventh grade English textbook is a valuable resource for students to develop their language skills and expand their knowledge. By mastering the words included in the list, students can enhance their communication abilities, excel in academic subjects, and build strong social connections.

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 篇三


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 篇四

  Starter Unit1

  good [gud] adj.好的

  morning [m:ni] n.早晨;上午

  Good morning! 早上好!

  hi [hai] interj.(用于打招呼)嗨;喂

  hello [hlu] interj.你好;喂

  afternoon [ɑ:ftnu:n] n.下午

  Good afternoon! 下午好!

  evening [i:vni] n.晚上;傍晚

  Good evening! 晚上好!

  how [hau] adv.怎样;如何

  are [ɑ:] v.是

  you [ju:, ju] pron.你;你们

  How are you? 你好吗?

  I [ai] pron.我

  am [m, m] v.是

  fine [fain] adj.健康的;美好的

  thanks interj.n.感谢;谢谢

  OK [ukei] interj.adv.好;可以

  HB (铅笔芯)硬黑

  CD 光盘;激光唱片

  BBC 英国广播公司

  Alice [lis] 爱丽丝(女名)

  Bob [bb] 鲍勃(男名)

  Cindy 辛迪(女名)

  Dale [deil] 戴尔(男名)

  Eric [erek] 埃里克 (男名)

  Frank [frk] 弗兰克(男名)

  Grace [greis] 格雷丝(女名)

  Helen [helin] 海伦(女名)

  Starter Unit2

  what [wt] pron.adj.什么

  is [iz] v.是

  this [is] pron.这;这个

  in [in] prep.(表示使用语言、材料等)用;以

  English [igli] n.英语 adj.英格兰的;英语的

  in English 用英语

  map [mp] n.地图

  cup [kp] n.杯子

  ruler [ru:l] n.尺;直尺

  pen [pen] n.笔;钢笔

  orange [rind] n.橙子

  jacket [dkit] n.夹克衫;短上衣

  key [ki:] n.钥匙

  quilt [kwilt] n.被子;床罩

  it [it] pron.它

  a [ei, ] art.一(人、事、物)

  that [t] pron.那;那个

  spell [spel] v.用字母拼;拼写

  please [pli:z] interj.请

  NBA (美国)全国篮球联赛

  P 停车场;停车位

  kg n.千克;公斤

  Starter Unit3

  color [kl] n.颜色

  red [red] adj.n.红色(的)

  yellow [jelu] adj.n.黄色(的)

  green [gri:n] adj.n.绿色(的)

  blue [blu:] adj.n.蓝色(的)

  black [blk] adj.n.黑色(的)

  white [wait] adj.n.白色(的)

  purple [p:pl] adj.n.紫色(的)

  brown [braun] adj.n.褐色(的);棕色(的)

  the [, i] art.指已被提到或易领会到的人或事物

  now [nau] adv.现在;目前

  see [si:] v.理解;明白

  can [kn] modal v.能;会

  say [sei] v.说;讲

  my [mai] pron.我的

  S (尤指服装的尺码)小号的

  M (尤指服装的尺码)中号的

  L (尤指服装的尺码)大号的

  UFO 不明飞行物

  CCTV 中国中央电视台

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 篇五


  name [neim] n.名字;名称

  nice [nais] adj.令人愉快的;宜人的

  to [tu:, tu, t] 常用于原形动词之前,表示该动词为不定式

  meet [mi:t] v.遇见;相逢

  too [tu:] adv.也;又;太

  your [j:] pron.你的;你们的

  Ms. n.(不指名婚否)女士

  his [his] pron.他的

  and [nd, nd] conj.和;又;而

  her [h:, h] pron.她的

  yes [jes] interj.是的;可以

  she [i:, i] pron.她

  he [hi:] pron.他

  no [nu] interj.不;没有;不是

  not [nt] adv.不;没有

  zero [ziru] num.零

  one [wn] num.一

  two [tu:] num.二

  three [θri:] num.三

  four [f:] num.四

  five [faiv] num.五

  six [siks] num.六

  seven [seven] num.七

  eight [eit] num.八

  nine [nain] num.九

  telephone [telifun] n.电话;电话机

  number [nmb] n.号码;数字

  phone [fun] n.电话

  telephone/phone number 电话号码

  first [f:st] adj.第一

  first name n.名字

  last [lɑ:st] adj.最后的;末尾的

  last name 姓

  friend [frend] n.朋友

  China [tain] 中国

  middle [midl] adj.中间的 n.中间

  school [sku:l] n.学校

  middle school 中学;初中

  Gina 吉娜(女名)

  Jenny [deni, dini] 珍妮(女名)

  Brown [braun] 布朗(姓)

  Alan [ln] 艾伦(男名)

  Tom [tm] 汤姆(男名)

  Mike [maik] 迈克(男名)

  Jack [dk] 杰克(男名)

  Mary [mri] 玛丽(女名)

  Miller [mil] 米勒(姓)

  Linda [lind] 琳达(女名)

  Jane [dein] 简(女名)

  Green [gri:n] 格林(姓)

  Smith [smiθ] 史密斯(姓)


  sister [sist] n.姐;妹

  mother [m] n.母亲;妈妈

  father [fɑ:] n.父亲;爸爸

  parent [prnt] n.父(母)亲

  brother [br] n.兄;弟

  grandmother [grndm] n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥

  grandfather [grndfɑ:] n.(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷

  grandparent [grndpernt] n.祖父(母);外祖父(母)

  family [fmili] n.家;家庭

  those [uz] pron.那些

  who [hu:] pron.谁;什么人

  oh [u] int.哦;啊

  these [i:z] adv.这些

  they [ei] pron.他(她、它)们

  well [wel] interj.嗯;好吧

  have [hv, hv] v.经受;经历

  day [dei] n.一天;一日;白天

  Have a good day! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!

  bye [bai] 再见

  son [sn] n.儿子

  cousin [kzn] n.堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄(弟、姐、妹)

  grandpa [grnpɑ:] n.(口语)(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷

  mom [mm] n.(=mum)妈妈

  aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母

  grandma [grnmɑ:] n.(口语)(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥

  dad [dd] n.爸爸

  uncle [kl] n.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父

  daughter [d:t] n.女儿

  here [hi] adv.这就是;在这里

  photo [futu] n.照片

  of [v, v] prep.属于;关于

  next [nekst] n.adj.下一个(的);接下来(的`)

  picture [pikt] n.照片;图画

  girl [g:l] n.女孩

  dog [dg] n.狗

  Sally [sli] n.萨莉(女名)

  Kate [keit] n.凯特(女名)

  Paul [p:l] n.保罗(男名)


  pencil [pensl] n.铅笔

  book [buk] n.书

  eraser [ireiz] n.橡皮

  box [bks] n.箱;盒

  pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒

  schoolbag n.书包

  dictionary [diknri] n.词典;字典

  his [his] pron.他的

  mine [main] pron.我的

  hers [h:z] pron.她的

  excuse [ikskju:z, ikskju:s] v.原谅;宽恕

  me [mi:, mi] pron.我

  excuse me 劳驾;请原谅

  thank [θk] v.感谢;谢谢

  teacher [ti:t] n.老师;教师

  about [baut] prep.关于

  What about...? …怎么样?…好吗?

  yours [j:z] pron.你的;你们的

  for [f:, f] prep.为了;对

  thank you for... 为…而感谢

  help [help] v.n.帮助;援助

  welcome [welkm] adj.受欢迎的

  Youre welcome 别客气。

  baseball [beisb:l] n.棒球

  watch [wt] n.表;手表

  computer [kmpju:t] n.计算机;电脑

  game [geim] n.喜欢;运动;比赛

  card [kɑ:d] n.卡片

  ID card n.学生卡;身份证

  notebook [nutbuk] n.笔记本

  ring [ri] n.戒指

  bag [bg] n.袋;包

  in [in] prep.在…里

  library [laibrri] n.图书馆

  ask [ɑ:sk] v.请求;要求;询问

  ask...for... 请求;恳求(给予)

  find [faind] v.找到;发现(过去式,过去分词found)

  some [sm] adj.一些;某些 pron.有些;有的

  classroom [klɑ:srum] n.教室

  e-mail n.电子邮件

  at [t, t] prep.按照;根据;在

  call [k:l] v.(给……)打电话

  lost [lst] v. 遗失;丢失

  must [mst] v.必须

  set [set] n.一套;一副;一组

  a set of 一套;一副;一组

  Anna [n] 安娜(女名)

  John [dn] 约翰(男名)

  David [deivid] 戴维(男名)


  where [w] adv.在哪里;到哪里

  table [teibl] n.桌子

  bed [bed] n.床

  bookcase [bukkeis] n.书架;书柜

  sofa [suf] n.沙发

  chair [t] n.椅子

  on [n] prep.在…上

  under [nd] prep.在…下

  come [km] v.来;来到

  come on 快点儿

  desk [desk] n.书桌

  think [θik] v.认为;想;思考

  room [ru:m, rum] n.房间

  their [] pron.他(她,它)们的

  hat [ht] n.帽子

  head [hed] n.头

  yeah [j] interj.是的;对

  know [nu] n.知道,了解

  radio [reidiu] n.收音机;无线电广播

  clock [klk] n.时钟

  tape [teip] n.磁带;录音带;录像带

  player [plei] n.播放机

  tape player 录音机

  model [mdl] n.模型

  plane [plein] n.飞机

  model plane 飞机模型

  tidy [taidi] adj.整洁的;井井有条的

  but [bt] conj.但是

  our [au] pron.我们的

  everywhere [evriw] adv.处处;到处;各个地方

  always [:lweiz, :lwz] adv.总是


  do [du:, du] aux v.v.做;干

  have [hv, hv] v.有

  tennis [tenis] n.网球

  ball [b:l] n.球

  ping-pong 乒乓球

  bat [bt] n.球棒;球拍

  soccer [sk] n.(英式)足球

  soccer ball (英式)足球

  volleyball [vlib:l] n.排球

  basketball [bɑ:skitb:l] n.篮球

  hey [hei] interj.嘿;喂

  let [let] v.允许;让

  us [s, s] pron.我们

  lets [lets] 让我们(一起)

  go [gu] v.去;走

  we [wi:] pron.我们

  late [leit] adj.迟到

  has [hz, hz] v.(have的第三人称单数形式)有

  get [get] v.去取(或带来);得到

  great [greit] adj.美妙的;伟大的

  play [plei] v.参加(比赛或运动);玩耍

  sound [saund] v.听起来好像

  interesting [intristi] adj.有趣的

  boring [b:ri] adj.没趣的;令人厌倦的

  fun [fn] adj.有趣的;使人快乐的 n.乐趣;快乐

  difficult [difiklt] adj.困难的

  relaxing adj.轻松的;令人放松的

  watch [wt] v.注视;观看

  TV [ti:vi:] n.电视;电视机

  watch TV 看电视

  same [seim] adj.相同的

  love [lv] v.n.爱;喜欢

  with [wi] prep.和…在一起;带有;使用

  sport [sp:t] n.体育运动

  them [em, m] pron.(宾格)他(她,它)们

  only [unli] adv.只;仅

  like [laik] v.喜欢;喜爱

  easy [i:zi] adj.容易的;不费力的

  after [ɑ:ft] prep.在…以后

  class [klɑ:s] n.班级;课

  classmate [klɑ:smeit] n.同学

  Bill [bil] 比尔(男名)


  banana [bnɑ:n] n.香蕉

  hamburger [hmb:g] n.汉堡包

  tomato [tmɑ:tu] n.西红柿

  ice-cream n.冰激凌

  salad [sld] n.沙拉

  strawberry [str:bri] n.草莓

  pear [p] n.梨

  milk [milk] n.牛奶

  bread [bred] n.面包

  birthday [b:θdi] n.生日

  dinner [din] n.正餐

  week [wi:k] n.周;星期

  think about 思考;思索

  food [fu:d] n.食物

  sure [u] adv.当然;肯定;一定

  How about...? (提出建议)…怎么样?

  burger [b:g] n.(=hamburger)汉堡包

  vegetable [veditbl] n.蔬菜

  fruit [fru:t] n.水果

  right [rait] adj.正确的;适当的

  apple [pl] n.苹果

  then [en] adv.那么

  egg [eg] n.蛋;鸡蛋

  carrot [krt] n.胡萝卜

  rice [rais] n.大米;米饭

  chicken [tikin] n.鸡肉

  so [su] conj.那么

  breakfast [brekfst] n.早餐;早饭

  lunch [lnt] n.午餐

  star [stɑ:] n.明星;星星

  eat [i:t] v.吃

  well [wel] adv.好;令人满意的`

  habit [hbit] n.习惯

  healthy [helθi] adj.健康的

  really [rili] adv.真正地

  question [kwestn] n.问题

  want [wnt] v.需要;想要

  be [bi:] v.变成

  fat [ft] adj.肥的;肥胖的 n.脂肪;肥肉


  much [mt] pron.adv.许多;大量;多少

  How much...? …多少钱

  sock [sk] n.短袜

  T-shirt n.T恤衫

  shorts n.(pl.)短裤

  sweater [swet] n.毛衣

  trousers n.(pl.)裤子

  shoe [u:] n.鞋

  skirt [sk:t] n.裙子

  dollar [dl] n.元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为

  big [big] adj.大的;大号的

  small [sm:l] adj.小的;小号的

  short [:t] adj.短的;矮的

  long [l] adj.长的

  woman [wumn] n.女子

  Can I help you? 我能帮您吗?

  need [ni:d] v.需要

  look [luk] n.看;看上去

  pair [p] n.一双;一对

  take [teik] v.买下;拿;取

  Here you are. 给你。

  ten [ten] num.十

  eleven [ilevn] num.十一

  twelve [twelv] num.十二

  thirteen [θ:ti:n] num.十三

  fifteen [fifti:n] num.十五

  eighteen [eiti:n] num.十八

  twenty [twenti] num.二十

  thirty [θ:ti] num.三十

  Mr. n.先生

  clothes [kluz] n.(pl.)衣服;服装

  store [st:] n.商店

  buy [bai] v.购买;买

  sale [seil] n.特价销售;出售

  sell [sel] v.出售;销售;卖

  all [:l] adj.所有的;全部的

  very [veri] adv.很;非常

  price [prais] n.价格

  boy [bi] n.男孩

  a pair of 一双


  when [wen] adv.什么时候

  month [mnθ] n.月;月份

  January [dnjuri] n.一月

  February [februri] n.二月

  March [mɑ:t] n.三月

  April [eiprl] n.四月

  May [mei] n.五月

  June [du:n] n.六月

  July [du:lai] n.七月

  August [:gst] n.八月

  September [septemb] n.九月

  October [ktub] n.十月

  November [nuvemb] n.十一月

  December [disemb] n.十二月

  happy [hpi] adj.愉快的;高兴的

  Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

  old [uld] adj.年老的;旧的

  How old...? …多大年纪?…几岁了?

  party [pɑ:ti] n.聚会;晚会

  See you! 再见!

  first [f:st] num.第一

  second [seknd] num.第二

  third [θ:d] num.第三

  fifth [fifθ] num.第五

  eighth [eitθ] num.第八

  ninth [nainθ] num.第九

  twelfth [twelfθ] num.第十二

  twentieth [twentiiθ] num.第二十

  test [test] n.测验;检查

  trip [trip] n.旅游;旅行

  art [ɑ:t] n.艺术;美术

  festival [festvl] n.(音乐、戏剧等的)会演节;节日

  dear [di] adj.亲爱的

  student [stju:dnt] n.学生

  thing [θi] n.东西;事情

  term [t:m] n.学期

  busy [bizi] adj.忙碌的;无暇的

  time [taim] n.时间

  Have a good time! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!

  there [] adv.(在)那里


  favorite [feivrit] adj.n.(=favourite)特别喜爱的(人或事物)

  subject [sbdikt, sbdekt] n.学科;科目

  science [sains] n.科学

  P.E. n.(=physical education)体育

  music [mju:zik] n.音乐;乐曲

  math [mθ] n.数学

  Chinese [taini:z] n.语文;汉语 adj.汉语的;中国的

  geography [digrfi] n.地理(学)

  history [histri] n.历史

  why [wai] adv.为什么

  because [bikz] conj.因为

  Monday [mndi] n.星期一

  Friday [fraidi] n.星期五

  Saturday [stdi] n.星期六

  for sure 无疑;肯定

  free [fri:] adj.空闲的

  cool [ku:l] adj.妙极的;酷的

  Tuesday [tju:zdi] n.星期二

  Wednesday [wenzdi] n.星期三

  Thursday [θ:zdi] n.星期四

  Sunday [sndi] n.星期日

  A.M. (=a.m.)上午

  P.M. (=p.m.)下午,午后

  useful [ju:zful] adj.有用的;有益的

  from [frm, frm, frm] prep.从…开始

  from...to... 从…到…

  Mrs. n.太太;夫人

  finish [fini] v.完成;做好

  lesson [lesn] n.课;一节课

  hour [au] n.小时

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 篇六

  Starter Unit1

  good/gud/ adj.好的morning/'m:ni/ n.早晨;上午

  Good morning!早上好!hi/hai/ interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂

  hello/h'lu/ interj.你好;喂afternoon/,a:ft'nu:n/ n.下午

  Good afternoon!下午好!evening/'i:vni/ n.晚上;傍晚

  Good evening!晚上好!how/hau/ adv.怎样;如何

  are/a:/ v.是you/ju:/ pron.你;你们

  How are you?你好吗?I/ai/ pron.我

  am/m/ v.是fine/fain/ adj.健康的;美好的

  thanks/θks/ interj.&n.感谢;谢谢OK/u'kei/ interj.& adv.好;可以

  Starter Unit 2

  what/wt/ pron.&adj.什么is/iz/ v.是

  this/is/ pron.这;这个in/in/ prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以

  English/'igli/ n.英语adj.英格兰的;英语的in English用英语

  map/mp/ n.地图cup/kp/ n.杯子

  ruler/'ru:l/ n.尺;直尺pen/pen/ n.笔;钢笔

  orange/'rind/ n.橙子jacket/'dkit/ n.夹克衫;短上衣

  key/ki:/ n.钥匙quilt /kwilt/ n.被子;床罩

  it/it/ pron.它a// art. (用于单数可数)一(人、事、物)

  that/t/ pron.那;那个spell/spel/ v.用字母拼;拼写

  please/pli:z/ interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请

  Starter Unit 3

  color/'kl/ n. (=colour)颜色red/red/ adj.& n.红色(的)

  yellow/'jelu/ adj.& n.黄色(的)green/gri:n/ adj.& n.绿色(的)

  blue/blu:/ adj.& n.蓝色(的)black/blk/ adj.& n.黑色(的)

  white/wait/ adj.& n.白色(的)purple/'p:pl/ adj.& n.紫色(的)

  brown/braun/ adj.& n.棕色(的);褐色(的)the/i; / art.已提到或易领会到的人或事

  now/nau/ adv.现在;目前see/si:/ v.理解;明白

  can/kn/ modal v.能;会say/sei/ v.说;讲

  my/mai/ pron.我的


