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九年级上册英语教案 篇一

Unit 1 Friendship

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to understand and use vocabulary related to friendship, such as loyal, trust, and support.

2. Students will be able to use the present perfect tense to talk about their experiences with friends.

3. Students will be able to write a short paragraph about their best friend and why they appreciate them.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up: Ask students to discuss in pairs what qualities they think are important in a friend. Have a class discussion and write key vocabulary on the board.

2. Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary related to friendship, providing examples and encouraging students to come up with their own sentences using the words.

3. Practice: Have students work in pairs or small groups to create dialogues using the new vocabulary, then perform them for the class.

4. Grammar focus: Introduce the present perfect tense and explain how to use it to talk about experiences with friends. Provide examples and have students practice forming sentences.

5. Writing task: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their best friend, including why they appreciate them and some memorable experiences they have had together. Encourage students to share their paragraphs with the class.

6. Wrap-up: Review key vocabulary and grammar points, then have students complete a worksheet to assess their understanding.


Assign students the task of interviewing a friend or family member about their experiences with friendship, using the present perfect tense. They should write a short summary of the interview to share with the class next lesson.


Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions, their ability to use new vocabulary and the present perfect tense correctly, and the quality of their writing task.

九年级上册英语教案 篇二

Unit 4 Environmental Protection

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to understand and discuss vocabulary related to environmental protection, such as pollution, conservation, and sustainability.

2. Students will be able to use modal verbs to talk about what can and should be done to protect the environment.

3. Students will be able to write a persuasive essay on the importance of environmental protection.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up: Show students a video or images of environmental pollution and ask them to discuss in pairs what they see and how it makes them feel. Have a class discussion on the importance of environmental protection.

2. Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary related to environmental protection, providing examples and encouraging students to come up with their own sentences using the words.

3. Practice: Have students work in pairs or small groups to create dialogues using modal verbs to talk about what can and should be done to protect the environment. Have them perform their dialogues for the class.

4. Grammar focus: Review modal verbs and how to use them to talk about possibilities and obligations. Provide examples and have students practice forming sentences.

5. Writing task: Ask students to write a persuasive essay on the importance of environmental protection, including why they believe it is important and what individuals and governments can do to make a difference. Encourage students to share their essays with the class.

6. Wrap-up: Review key vocabulary and grammar points, then have students complete a worksheet to assess their understanding.


Assign students the task of researching a specific environmental issue and writing a proposal for how it can be addressed. They should include information on the causes of the issue, potential solutions, and the impact of taking action.


Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions, their ability to use new vocabulary and modal verbs correctly, and the quality of their persuasive essay.

九年级上册英语教案 篇三



  本学期我担任九年级 222 班的数学教学工作,共有学生 3 6人。上学期期末参加县局统考及格率为 48 .6%,平均 55 .3分。考试成绩不理想,落后面比较大,学习风气还欠浓厚。




  本学期 教学内容 包括 : 第一章一元二次方程,第二章命题定理与证明,第三章 图形的相似 ,第四章 锐角三角函数 ,第五章概率的计算。







  《一元二次方程》的重点是1、掌握一元二次方程的多种解法; 2、 列一元二次方程解应用题。难 点 是1、会运用方程和函数建立数学模型,鼓励学生进行探索和交流,倡导解决问题策略的多样化。


  《图形 的 相似》的重点是相似三角形的性质与判定。难点是综合运用三角形、四边形等知识进行推理论证,正确写出证明。

  《 锐角 三角 函数 》的重点是通过学习和实践活动探索锐角三角函数,在直角三角形中根据已知的边与角求出未知的边与角。难点是运用直角三角形的有关知识解决实际问题。



  1、认真研读新课程标准,钻研新教材,根据新课程标准及教材 , 适度安排教学内容,认真上课,批改作业,认真辅导,认真制作测试试卷。









