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小学英语毕业班期末试题及答案 篇一

In the final exam of the primary school English graduation class, students will be tested on their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and listening skills. Here are some sample questions along with the answers to help students prepare for the exam:


1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: She ______ (go) to the park every Saturday.

Answer: goes

2. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: My sister and _____ are going to the movies tonight.

a) I

b) me

c) my

Answer: a) I

3. Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: We will go to the beach next weekend.

Answer: Future tense


4. Match the words with their correct meanings:

a) Excited

b) Delicious

c) Dangerous

1. Very tasty or pleasant to eat

2. Feeling or showing happiness or enthusiasm

3. Involving a risk of harm or injury

Answer: a) 2, b) 1, c) 3

5. Fill in the blank with the correct word: The cat is ______ (sleep) on the bed.

Answer: sleeping

Reading Comprehension:

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Tom went to the zoo last weekend. He saw many animals such as lions, elephants, and monkeys. He had a great time.

6. What did Tom see at the zoo?

Answer: Lions, elephants, and monkeys.

7. Did Tom have a good time at the zoo?

Answer: Yes

Listening Skills:

Listen to the audio clip and answer the questions:

8. What is the girl’s favorite color?

Answer: Blue

9. Where does she like to go on the weekends?

Answer: The park

By practicing these sample questions, students can improve their English skills and feel more confident when taking the final exam. Good luck!

小学英语毕业班期末试题及答案 篇二

As the primary school English graduation class approaches its final exam, students are busy preparing for the various sections of the test. Here are some more sample questions along with the answers to help students practice and improve their English skills:


1. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: The book is _______ the table.

Answer: on

2. Choose the correct article to complete the sentence: _______ cat is black.

a) A

b) An

c) The

Answer: c) The

3. Identify the part of speech of the word in bold: The dog barked loudly.

Answer: Verb


4. Match the words with their synonyms:

a) Happy

b) Fast

c) Big

1. Joyful

2. Quick

3. Large

Answer: a) 1, b) 2, c) 3

5. Fill in the blank with the correct word: I have a ______ (red) bicycle.

Answer: red

Reading Comprehension:

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Sara went to the beach with her family. They built sandcastles and collected seashells. Sara found a beautiful shell to take home.

6. What did Sara and her family do at the beach?

Answer: Built sandcastles and collected seashells.

7. What did Sara find at the beach?

Answer: A beautiful shell

Listening Skills:

Listen to the audio clip and answer the questions:

8. What is the boy’s favorite subject in school?

Answer: Math

9. What does he want to be when he grows up?

Answer: A doctor

By practicing these additional sample questions, students can further enhance their English proficiency and perform well in the final exam. Keep practicing and studying hard!

小学英语毕业班期末试题及答案 篇三


  姓名 班级 分数



  ( )1.A.fall B.spring C.snow D.winter

  ( )2.A.cloud B.wind C.sun D.ice

  ( )3.A.thought B.taught C.bought D.think

  ( )4.A.my B.mine C.yours D.your

  ( )5.A.make B.take C.cake D.wake

  ( )6.A.week B.weak C.wake D.walk

  ( )7.A.flowers B.grass C.leaves D.clouds

  ( )8.A.catch B.teach C.throw D.learn

  ( )9.A.there B.their C.here D.where

  ( )10.A.put on B.take off C.learn D.think


  ( )1.A. B. C.

  ( )2.

  A. B. C.

  ( )3.

  A. B. C.

  ( )4.

  A. B. C.

  ( )5.

  A. B. C.


  ( )1.By plane ( )6.A docter,I think

  ( )2.OK ( )7.It’s a TV.

  ( )3.It’s eight-three. ( )8.The red one.

  ( )4.It’s nice,but I like that green one. ( )9.Ten

  ( )5They’re hers. ( )10.Yes,please.



  ( )1.cat A.what B.map C.name

  ( )2.who A.no B.box C.soon

  ( )3.small A.short B.watch C.wall

  ( )4.colour A.pencil B.look C.school

  ( )5.what A.want B.name C.have


  ( )1.Is it time____home?

  A.to go B.to go to C.go D.go to

  ( )2.Here’s a card _____Zhang Bing.

  A.of B.at C.for D.in

  ( )3.Who’s the boy_________the red dress?

  A.with B.in C.wear D.on

  ( )4.Is Miss Fang hungry?No,she’s _________.

  A.thin B.hungry C.thirsty D.fine

  ( )5._______apple do you want,the big one or the small one?

  A.What B.Which C.Whose D.When

  ( )6.Please do your homework by_______.

  A.yourself B.you C.yours D.your

  ( )7.I’m so poor.There is_______money in my pocket.

  A. Little B.a little C.much D.many

  ( )8.Where are you?I’m ________the classroom.

  A.In B.on C.under D.to

  ( )9.August has_______.

  A.thirty B.thirty-one C.thirty-first D.twenty-nine

  ( )10.Are you________now?

  A.siting B.sit C.sitting D.to sit


  1.There are five___________(dish) on the table.

  2.She can__________(ski)on the snow.

  3.There_______________(be)some lights on the tree.

  4.Please__________(not open)the window.It’s windy now.

  5.The monkey _______________(skate)now.

  6.His father_____________(cook)meat and vegatables on the stove yesterday.

  7.Jenny usually_________(eat)a sandwish for supper.

  8.Let’s__________(help)mum make lunch.

  9.They will_________(take picture)with the new camera tomorrow.

  10.We brush our_______(tooth)twice a day.


  1.How often do you brush your teech? a.I went to the store.

  2.Merry Chirstmas. b.At 7:30 in the morning.

  3.When did he eat breakfast? c.Thank you.

  4.What are you going to do? d.They’re dirty.

  5.Why? e.I am going to plant the tree.

  6.Where did you go yesterday? f.Merry Christmas.

  7.Are these dishes clean or dirty? g.I would like cereal,please.

  8.What would you like for breakfast? h.Twice.

  9.Where is your school? I: Because I’m cold.

  10.Your skirt is beautiful! j:It’s next to the cinema.


  1.bigger yours heavier my bag is and than

  2.took picture climbed a mountain our holiday on we and

  3.a classroom what beautiful

  4.a park went by bike she to

  5.Mike piano to is the play going


  Sarah and Her Sister

  Sarah has four sisters.They are Betty,Mary,Rose and Ann.Sarah is the oldest of the five.Betty is thirteen years old.She is two years younger than Sarah and one year older than Mary,Rose is nine and Ann is seven.

  Sarah and Betty study in a middle school.Mary ,Rose ,and Ann study in a primary school.The primary school is near their home.They walk there.The middle school is far Sarah and Betty go there by bus.


  ( )1.Ann is older than Rose.

  ( )2.Sarah and Betty are middle school students.

  ( )3.Mary, Rose,and Ann often go to school by bus.

  ( )4.Their home is near the primary school.

  ( )5.There are five people in their family.


  It’s a hot day.A mother crow and her two kids are flying in the sky(天空)。They are very thirsty.So mother says to her children”Let’s find some water to drink.”They find(寻找)a jar on the floor.There are some water in the jar(广口瓶)。But it’s not full(满)。 But their beaks(鸟嘴) are too short.They can’t drink the water.Little crow don’t know what to do.Mother crow looks at the jar,then she asks her children to put some stones into the jar.Oh,the jar is full now!How clever the mother is!

  ( )1.It’s a_________day.

  A.cold B.warm C.hot

  ( )The cow are__________.

  A.Hungry B.thirsty C.sic

  ( )3.They put some_______into the jar.

  A.eggs B.stones C.bananas

  ( )4.They put some_______into the jar.

  Aeggs B.stones C.bananas

  ( )5.The mother crow is very________.

  A.Clever B.beautiful C.bad


  Peter 来自美国,他12岁,他的父母都在中国。下表是他们各自喜欢和不喜欢的食物。



  Mr. BrownFish,vegetablesBread,milk

  Mrs. BrownEggs,applesRice,cakes







  一.1.ten 2.here 3.shoe 4.pear 5.hat

  6.fourteen 7.fifty 8.look 9.mother 10.doctor

  1---5 BCBAB 6---10 BBCAB

  二.1.The child likes singing a lot.

  2.I often go to Beijing by bus.

  3.Tom would like a hamburage for his lunch.

  4.I want to go to the shop to buy some fruit.

  5.Wupeng likes playing basketball.

  1---5 BAACA

  三.1.What’s sixty-one and twenty two?

  2.Whose are they?

  3.How can I get there?

  4.Is it a fridge or a TV?

  5.Which present is for me?

  6.It’s your turn now.

  7.How about this pink blouse?

  8.What is the woman over there?

  9.How old is that girl?

  10.Is it my turn to sing?

  顺序:3 5 1 7 2 8 4 5 9 10



  五.1-5 ACBCB 6-10 ABABC

  六.1.dishes 2.ski 3. are 4.don’t open 5.is skating

  6.cooked 7.eats 8.help 9.take picture 10.teeth

  七.1-h 2-f 3-b 4-e 5-I

  6-a 7-d 8-g 9-j 10-c

  八.1.My bag is bigger and heavier(heavier and bigger) than yours.

  2.We took pictures and climbed a mountain on our holiday.

  3.What a beautiful classroom!

  4.She went to a park by bike.

  5.Mike is going to play the piano.





