
时间:2019-05-03 09:17:23
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春天的足迹英语作文带翻译 篇三



  Sunday morning, I went to the people's park with my mother in a happy mood to find the footprints of spring.


  Entering the gate of the park, I saw a beautiful butterfly flower, which has three colors of red, yellow and blue. I touched the petals gently, feeling soft and slippery. Several small bees danced in the flowers, as if they were playing with the beautiful butterfly flower.


  The green grass on the ground comes out of the soil vigorously, enjoying the sweet rain and sunshine, breathing the fresh air, as if it has quickly spread a green blanket on the earth.


  A few graceful peach trees beside the wall quietly grow clusters of purplish red flower bones on the twists and turns of the branches, like groups of girls who are naughty, cute and shy.


  A pear tree on the road also produced snow-white flowers. Under the spring wind, the pear flowers danced, and the petals slowly floated down like rain, falling on my head. Suddenly, a fresh fragrance came to me, refreshing.


  The river in the park flows quietly in the sunshine. A breeze blows. The river scatters a little bit of soft starlight. A few birds in the air seem to be attracted by the starlight and chatter incessantly.

  感受着公园里的一草一木,一景一色,我忽然发现自己找到了春的足迹,她的颜色是五彩纷呈的,她的气息是清新宜人的,她的声音是欢快动听的,她的感觉是柔软甜润的,整个公园被春姑娘的足 迹点缀成了童话般的世界。

  Feeling the grass, trees and scenery in the park, I suddenly found that I found the footprints of spring. Her color is colorful, her breath is fresh and pleasant, her voice is pleasant, her feeling is soft and sweet. The whole park is dotted with the footprints of spring girls into a fairy tale world.


