
时间:2013-02-05 02:37:29
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奥运英语·手球 篇一

Handball, also known as team handball or Olympic handball, is a fast-paced and exciting sport that has been a part of the Olympic Games since 1972. With its origins in Europe, handball has gained popularity worldwide for its combination of speed, agility, and teamwork.

In handball, two teams of seven players each compete to score goals by throwing a ball into the opposing team's goal. The game is played on a rectangular court with a goal at each end, similar to a soccer field but smaller in size. Players can dribble, pass, and shoot the ball to move it up the court and create scoring opportunities.

One of the key elements of handball is its fast-paced nature, with teams constantly transitioning between offense and defense. Players must be quick on their feet, agile in their movements, and strategic in their decision-making to outsmart their opponents. Handball requires a combination of physical fitness, hand-eye coordination, and tactical awareness to be successful.

In addition to its physical demands, handball also requires strong communication and teamwork among players. With only seven players on each team, coordination and cooperation are essential to effectively move the ball, create scoring opportunities, and defend against the opposing team. Handball players must work together seamlessly to outmaneuver their opponents and secure victory on the court.

As an Olympic sport, handball has provided athletes from around the world with the opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on the global stage. The Olympic handball tournament features both men's and women's competitions, with teams vying for gold, silver, and bronze medals. The sport's inclusion in the Olympic Games has helped to raise its profile and attract new fans to the exciting world of handball.

In conclusion, handball is a thrilling and dynamic sport that combines athleticism, strategy, and teamwork. Whether you're a player, a fan, or simply a curious observer, handball offers something for everyone to enjoy. So next time you're watching the Olympic Games, be sure to tune in to the handball competition and witness the excitement firsthand.

奥运英语·手球 篇二

Handball, a sport that requires speed, agility, and teamwork, has been a staple of the Olympic Games since 1972. With its roots in Europe, handball has grown in popularity around the world, captivating audiences with its fast-paced action and competitive spirit.

In handball, players must possess a unique combination of skills to succeed on the court. From accurate passing and shooting to quick footwork and defensive prowess, handball demands excellence in all aspects of the game. Players must be able to think quickly, react decisively, and work together seamlessly to outmaneuver their opponents and score goals.

One of the most exciting aspects of handball is its fast-paced nature, with teams constantly moving up and down the court in search of scoring opportunities. Players must be able to transition quickly between offense and defense, adapting to the ever-changing flow of the game. Handball is a sport that rewards speed, agility, and intelligence, making it a thrilling spectacle for players and fans alike.

In addition to its physical demands, handball also requires strong communication and teamwork among players. With only seven players on each team, coordination and cooperation are essential to success on the court. Players must be able to anticipate each other's movements, communicate effectively, and support one another in both attack and defense. Handball is a sport that celebrates the power of teamwork and collaboration, showcasing the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.

As an Olympic sport, handball provides athletes with the opportunity to represent their countries on the world stage and compete for glory. The Olympic handball tournament features some of the best teams in the world, showcasing the talent and skill of players from diverse backgrounds. Handball has become a global phenomenon, attracting fans from all corners of the globe and inspiring a new generation of athletes to take up the sport.

In conclusion, handball is a dynamic and exciting sport that celebrates athleticism, strategy, and teamwork. Whether you're a player, a fan, or simply a curious observer, handball offers something for everyone to enjoy. So next time you're watching the Olympic Games, be sure to check out the handball competition and experience the thrill of this captivating sport.

奥运英语·手球 篇三


今天要和大家一起分享的就“handball” 手球,“hand”手,和“ball”球,就构成了奥运会比赛项目之一“handball” 手球。“handball” 手球最早起源于欧洲,在19世纪末捷克斯洛伐克、德国、丹麦等国出现类似手球的游戏了。既然“hand bal” 手球和足球相对,那么犯规的规则也相对,足球不能用手,那么手球当然不能用脚了。






A small rubber ball used in the game of handball.



  虽说手球普及全球,但在奥林匹克中的队制手球,在美国则只是新掘起的而且常有身份名称上的问题。 全球各地大部人都称此为"手球",但在美国已有另一种运动是同一名称的了。大部份的美国人若在听到队制手球都会联想到那种参加者在一个四面墙,天花板加地皮所刑成的球场内用手把硬球弹向墙壁使弹回的球类运动。但这观念并不正确-毫无疑问,队制手球并不是对着墙的。  (附注: 所以手球的英文名有时叫"Handball" 亦有时叫"Team Handball") 手球是一个充满活力的球场运动,很好玩而且即使只是观赛亦很刺激。首次观赛的人形容手球就好像是用手去 足球般,但他们亦都会发觉当中不少有些相近篮球,水球,冰棍球的原素。 参加者以及观赛者两都享受手球那种快而且不断续的节奏,那身体接触(碰撞)和守门员救波当两队 - 每队是由六位场中队员和一名守门员组成 - 用他们天生的个人技术如跑步,跳跃,抛掷以及接球。 手球在一九二零年未时起源於欧洲,与篮球在美国冒起的时间相当(现今在全球都普及了)。国际手球总会(International Handball Federation [IHF] ) 现今已有一百三十六个会员国和一千二百万(12 Million)个登录球员。男子手球是在一九七二年的慕尼黑奥运会中加上的,经过三十四年的不在,而女子手球则在接着的下一届,一九七六年的满地河奥运会中加上。在过往的四年中,美国的女子队在Pan American Games中夺标,在上一届的亚特兰大奥运会中得第八名。而男子队则在Pan American Games中得第四名,亚特兰大奥运会中得第九名。





















