
时间:2018-03-08 05:33:22
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考研英语新题型 篇一

With the introduction of the new question types in the English section of the postgraduate entrance exam, many students are feeling the pressure to adapt to the changes. The traditional format of the exam, which focused primarily on reading comprehension and vocabulary, has now been expanded to include more diverse question styles such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and inference.

One of the key challenges that students face with the new question types is the need for critical thinking skills. In the past, students could rely on memorizing vocabulary and understanding the main idea of a passage to do well on the exam. However, with the addition of paraphrasing and inference questions, students now need to be able to analyze and interpret information in a more nuanced way. This requires a higher level of thinking and reasoning than simply regurgitating information from the text.

Another challenge that students face is time management. The new question types often require more time to complete than the traditional multiple-choice questions. Students need to be able to read and understand the information, analyze it, and then formulate a response in a limited amount of time. This can be particularly challenging for students who struggle with reading comprehension or who are not used to thinking critically about the material they are reading.

Despite these challenges, the new question types also offer opportunities for students to demonstrate their language proficiency in new ways. By testing students' ability to paraphrase and summarize information, the exam can more accurately assess their language skills and their understanding of the material. This can be a valuable tool for admissions committees when evaluating candidates for graduate programs.

In conclusion, while the new question types in the postgraduate English exam present challenges for students, they also offer opportunities for students to demonstrate their language proficiency in new ways. By developing critical thinking skills and improving time management strategies, students can adapt to the changes and succeed on the exam.

考研英语新题型 篇二

The new question types in the English section of the postgraduate entrance exam have sparked a debate among students and educators. While some argue that the changes are necessary to better assess students' language skills, others believe that the traditional format of the exam was sufficient and that the new question types are too challenging.

One of the main arguments in favor of the new question types is that they provide a more comprehensive assessment of students' language proficiency. By including paraphrasing, summarizing, and inference questions, the exam can better measure students' ability to understand and analyze information in English. This can be particularly important for students who are applying to graduate programs where English proficiency is a key requirement.

On the other hand, critics of the new question types argue that they are too difficult and may disadvantage students who are not native English speakers. Some students may struggle to understand the nuances of the language or to think critically about the information presented in the passages. This could lead to disparities in scores and unfairly impact students' chances of being admitted to their desired graduate programs.

In response to these concerns, educators have emphasized the importance of providing students with the necessary support and resources to help them prepare for the new question types. This may include additional practice materials, workshops on critical thinking skills, and guidance on how to approach the new question styles. By offering students the tools they need to succeed, educators can help level the playing field and ensure that all students have a fair chance of performing well on the exam.

In conclusion, the new question types in the postgraduate English exam have generated mixed reactions among students and educators. While some argue that the changes are necessary to better assess students' language skills, others believe that the new question types are too challenging. By providing students with the support they need to prepare for the new question types, educators can help ensure that all students have a fair chance of succeeding on the exam.

考研英语新题型 篇三



  新题型是05年考研英语改革时,创新的一种题型。然而这种题型其实咱们并不陌生,因为形式类似完形,内容量类似part A,但比part A略多一些。主要考察考生把握篇章总体结构,上下文之间逻辑关系的能力。


  说到技巧我多唠叨几句,很多同学站内信跟我说,让我写一篇阅读的帖子。我觉得阅读是一个英语底蕴和英语思维的积累,不是一个帖子能说清楚的。而且我看到论坛有很多同学很迷恋所谓的“解的特征”这类的技巧。引用一段相关技巧的文字作为反例:【“考过的是解”、“隐蔽外有解”、“合理项不是解;不合理项是解”、“中心思想是解”、“照抄原文不是解;同义替换是解”、“含义肯定的不是解,含义不肯定的是解”、“具体的不是解,概括性的是解”、“系表结构是解”、“some是解”、】通过去年的一年对考研英语的复习和11年考研英语的实战,发自肺腑的说一句“考研英语是考查你的真实水平,所谓有实力自有成功演绎。考技巧的题越来越少,反技巧的题越来越多。任何技巧都是对样本的不完全归纳,如果一味的追求做题技巧,最后的结果很可能会是作茧自缚” 。









  在这里边,后两种题型是相对简单的,用我们阅读理解的一些方法就能搞定。举例题匹配题就是已知中心思想,来找符合中心思想的例子。而小标题题是已知对中心思想的例子的阐述,来反推中心思想。这两类题是互逆的过程,小标题考过一次,例证题没有考过。07年的新题型,第一段是没有设置空的。首先通过第一段我们要知道这篇文章要说的是什么。当然文章的标题也有提示。然后是分了5个方面对主题进行阐述,并举例论证了这五个方面。我们只需要把他的阐述文字,归纳总结,提炼出中心思想就能把正确选项选出来。相反,例证题是个反过程。如果在12年的试卷中出这两类题之一的话,大家应该感到幸运了,努力拿8~10分吧。用你们现有的阅读part A的一些能力,足够应付这两类题型,在这里不展开的说太多了。






  这样的句子就是毫无逻辑可言的,当然也不会出现在文章中。那么一篇文章怎么能做到逻辑缜密、严丝合缝呢!最重要的是通过两个“连接装置” :一是逻辑连词,and but so or for 这类的,这个是大的逻辑关系词。这个在“戏说英语完形”中有相关的逻辑连词的资料,同学们去那个帖子看一下。第二类就是代词。但是有的同学说了,代词怎么能有逻辑关系呢?怎么能连接句子呢?我说一个最简单的例子:阿娇长得很漂亮,我很喜欢她。这两个之间没有逻辑连词,但是句子仍然显得很有逻辑性,很严密。这是因为有了代词,“她”这个代词就把两个没关系的句子连接起来了。这样一解释我们就顿悟了,原来我们寻找的“同义复现”背后的原理就是寻找文章的代词,原来原理竟是如此的简单。




  [A]The first and more important is the consumer's growing…

  [B] Retail sales of food and drink in Europe's largest markets…

  [C] Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure…

  [D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in…

  [F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales…

  [G] However, none of these requirements should deter…





  2.引号&专有名词:如果你引入一个新的概念或者一个新的`专有名词,那么你要先介绍他,这就不免在一个段落或连续的几个段落多次出现这个专有名词。如2008年的最后一题。空前的最后一句,The student who wrote “The A & P as a State of Mind” wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (45) 这里出现了一个专有名词The A & P不管他是缩写还是什么意思,这个是我们不知道的东西,后面一定会还要提到他。那么看选项中EF有提到The A & P

  E:Although this is an interesting issue, it has…lead up to the A & P “policy” he enforces.

  F:In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in “A & P”…













