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高一英语第十四单元 篇一

The Importance of Learning Idioms in English

Idioms are an essential part of the English language and play a significant role in communication. As students learn English, it is crucial for them to understand and use idioms effectively. In the fourteenth unit of the high school English curriculum, students are introduced to a variety of idioms and are encouraged to incorporate them into their everyday language.

One reason why learning idioms is important is that they add richness and depth to one's language skills. Idioms often have figurative meanings that cannot be understood by simply translating the words. For example, the idiom "break a leg" does not actually mean to break a leg; instead, it is a way of wishing someone good luck. By learning idioms, students can express themselves more creatively and accurately in English.

Furthermore, idioms are commonly used in both spoken and written English, so familiarity with them is essential for effective communication. Using idioms can help students connect with native speakers and better understand the nuances of the language. Additionally, idioms are often used in literature, movies, and everyday conversations, so knowing them can enhance students' comprehension and enjoyment of English media.

In the classroom, teachers can incorporate idioms into lessons to make learning more engaging and interactive. Activities such as idioms matching games, role-playing exercises, and creative writing prompts can help students practice using idioms in context. By actively using idioms in various situations, students can improve their language skills and become more confident in their English abilities.

In conclusion, learning idioms is a crucial aspect of mastering the English language. By understanding and using idioms effectively, students can enhance their communication skills, connect with native speakers, and deepen their understanding of English culture. As students progress through their English studies, incorporating idioms into their language repertoire will help them become more fluent and proficient in English.

高一英语第十四单元 篇二

Tips for Mastering Idioms in English

Learning idioms can be challenging for English language learners, but with practice and dedication, it is possible to master these unique expressions. In the fourteenth unit of the high school English curriculum, students are introduced to a variety of idioms and are encouraged to incorporate them into their language skills. Here are some tips to help students effectively learn and use idioms in English.

1. Memorize idioms in context: Instead of simply memorizing the meaning of an idiom, try to understand the context in which it is used. This will help you remember the idiom better and use it appropriately in conversations or writing.

2. Use idioms in everyday language: Challenge yourself to use idioms in your everyday conversations or writing. This will help you become more comfortable with idioms and reinforce your understanding of their meanings.

3. Keep a list of idioms: Create a list of idioms that you encounter in your English studies and review them regularly. You can also categorize the idioms based on their meanings or themes to make it easier to remember them.

4. Practice with idioms exercises: There are many online resources and books that offer idioms exercises for practice. These exercises can help you become more familiar with idioms and improve your ability to use them correctly.

5. Watch movies and TV shows in English: Watching English media can expose you to a wide range of idioms used in everyday conversations. Pay attention to how idioms are used in different contexts and try to incorporate them into your own language.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, students can improve their understanding and use of idioms in English. Remember that mastering idioms takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself as you work towards becoming more proficient in using idioms in your language skills.

高一英语第十四单元 篇三

文件 high1 unit14.doc




1?Have you considered using the lab in your free class?


consider νi.&νt.“考虑”,“认为”,“体谅”



e.g.He always considered carefully before he acted.他总是三思而后行。

We must consider well over the matter.我们必须好好考虑这个问题。

Mary never coniders others.玛丽从不为别人着想/从不体谅别人。

Jane considered marrying peter.简考虑过和彼得结婚。

Jane you considered where to spend your holiday?你已经考虑过去什么地方度假了吗?I consider him(to be)honest./I consider nim(to be)an honest man./I consider that he is an honest man.我认为他是老实人。

We are eonsidering whether to do the tomato experiment(=whether we should do the tomato experiment).我们正在考虑是否应该做这项西红柿实验。

The manager considered how to impove his business(=how he should improve his business).经理考虑过应该如何改进业务。

We always consider these people as our true comrades.


also:常见的接ν.\\|ing(动名词)作宾语的动词或短语:enjoy,finish,mind,practise,suggest,understand,feel like,give up,can\'t help,put off,etc.

e.g.I\'ve enjoyed talking to you about old times.我很高兴和你叙旧。

Do you mind my smoking here?我在这里抽烟你介意吗?

He doesm\'t feel like taking a walk.他不想散步。

2?What can you suggest?你有何建议?

I suggest you ask Mr.Wu.我建议你问问吴先生。

suggest νt.作“建议”解时,可接n./ν.\\|ing/clause(名词、动名词或从句)作宾语;宾语从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形或只用动词原形。


e.g.John suggested a swin,and we all agreed.约翰提议游泳,我们都同意了。

Peter suggested a plan to the boss.彼得向老板提出一项计划。

Mary suggested the coming weekend for the date of her meeting with Tom.


I suggest a

visit to the theatre./I suggest going to the theatre./I suggest that we (should) go to the theatre.我建议去看戏。

I suggest that you(should)not refuse her invitation.


Mr uncle suggested my getting a job in a bank./my uncle suggested that I(should)get a job in the bank.我叔叔建议我在银行找个工作。

Her expression suggested(that)sht was angry.


3?You must weigh it carefully.你必须仔细称称它的重量。

weigh νt.“称……重量”,“估量,权衡”,“重压”


weight n.“重量,体重,分量”,“重要性(不可数)”,“砝码(可数)”


weighty adj.“沉重的”,“繁重的”,“重要的”

e.g.He weighed the stone in his hands他用手掂量一下这块石头的重量。

The fruit was so heavy that it weighed the branches down.


The problem weighed heavily on his mind.那个问题沉重地压在他心上。

Have all the suitcases been weighed in?这些衣箱都称过了吗?

That man is twice my weight.那个人的体重是我的体重的两倍。

Mr.White is a weighty merchant of Boston.


4?Then grow some tomatoes in one box……然后在盒子里种上一些西红柿……

Then see which plants grow higher,…然后看看那些秧苗长得高些……grow νt.“种植,栽培,使生长”νi.“生长,发育,增长”link.ν.“(逐渐)变得”

e.g.We have grown a lot of flowers this summer.


Does this plant grow in cold countries or in hot countries?


How quickly she is growing!她长得多么快啊!

The city of Hefei is growing more and more beautiful.


5?I used to get along very well with my cousin and we used to be very good friends.我过去和表弟相处得很好,我们曾经是好朋友。


e.g.There used to be a bus stop on the corner,usedn\'there/didn\'t there?


I didn\'t use(used not)to like music,but now l\'m getting interested.


Did you use (Used you)to play footall at school?


2)get along(With sb./sth.)“过活,生活”,“进行,进展”,“相处”,“走(掉)”

e.g.Fish can\'t get along without water.鱼没有水不能活。

How are you getting along with your English studies?


We will get along beautifully together.我们会在一起相处得非常好。

Get along with you!(=Go away!)走开!去你的!




2)用情态动词must,ought to, should表示;


You\'d better……

If I were you,I\'d…

Why don\'t you…?

It is time…

It would be+形容词比较级+if从句/带to的不定式I\'d rather…

e.g.I\'d advise you to see a doctor.我劝你去看医生。

Let me give you a bit of advice if you don\'t mind.


You must read this book.It is very educational.


I think you\'d better shut your books.我想你们最好把书合上。

If I were you,I\'d help Xiao Wu with that problem.


Why don\'t you join the English Cormer?


It is time you went to bed.该是你们上床睡觉的时候了。

It would be better if you explained it in English(or:to explain it in English).假如用英语来解释它,那就更好了。

I\'d rather yuo didn\'t write it in pencil.






How about…?

What about…?

Why not do sth…?

Why don\'t we…?

Shall I/we…?(用升调)

e.g.Let\'s clean the slassroom.让我们打扫教室。

Let\'s do it by ourselves,shall we?我们自己来做,好吗?

Let me help you,may I?让我帮助你,好吗?

May I suggest that you finish it before class is over?


My suggestion is for you to prepare the last paragraph.


Suppose we set out at seven.What do you say?


It might be a good idea to read one sentence each.


What about you two practising the dialogue?


Why not have another try?干吗不再试一次呢?

Why don\'t we buy a computer?我们为什么不买一台计算机呢?

Shall I help you with your lessons?我来帮你学功课好吗?

高一英语第十四单元 篇四


