
时间:2012-02-09 01:12:37
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源于中文的英文单词 篇一

From "Kung Fu" to "Typhoon": The Influence of Chinese Words on English Language

The English language is a melting pot of words and phrases from various languages, including Chinese. Throughout history, Chinese culture and language have had a significant impact on the development of English vocabulary. Many English words have their origins in Chinese, reflecting the cultural exchange between the two languages.

One of the most well-known examples of a Chinese word in English is "kung fu." Originally referring to a skill or ability gained through hard work and practice, "kung fu" has come to be synonymous with Chinese martial arts in the English-speaking world. The popularity of kung fu movies and the spread of Chinese martial arts have further solidified its place in the English lexicon.

Another Chinese word that has made its way into English is "feng shui." This term, which refers to the practice of arranging one's environment to create harmony and balance, has become increasingly popular in Western culture. From interior design to landscaping, feng shui principles are now used to promote well-being and prosperity in many English-speaking countries.

In the realm of cuisine, Chinese words have also left their mark on the English language. Dishes like "dim sum," "baozi," and "chow mein" are now commonly found on menus in English-speaking countries. These culinary terms not only describe specific dishes but also evoke the rich flavors and traditions of Chinese cuisine.

Beyond food and martial arts, Chinese words have also influenced English in other areas. For example, the word "typhoon" comes from the Cantonese word "tai fung," meaning "great wind." This term has been adopted into English to describe a powerful tropical cyclone, reflecting the global impact of Chinese language and culture.

Overall, the presence of Chinese words in the English language highlights the interconnectedness of cultures and the ways in which languages evolve and adapt over time. As globalization continues to bring people from different backgrounds together, we can expect to see even more Chinese words making their way into English and contributing to the richness of the language.

源于中文的英文单词 篇二

The Influence of Chinese Medicine on English Vocabulary

Chinese medicine has a long history and rich tradition that has influenced not only healthcare practices but also the English language. Throughout history, Chinese medical concepts and practices have made their way into English vocabulary, reflecting the growing interest in alternative medicine and holistic healing.

One of the most well-known examples of a Chinese medical term in English is "acupuncture." This practice, which involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain and promote healing, has gained popularity in Western countries. The term "acupuncture" itself comes from the Latin words "acus" (needle) and "punctura" (puncture), reflecting the Chinese roots of this ancient healing art.

Another Chinese medical term that has become common in English is "qi." In Chinese medicine, qi is believed to be the vital energy that flows through the body, maintaining health and well-being. The concept of qi has been integrated into English vocabulary to describe a person's life force or energy levels, reflecting the growing interest in holistic health practices.

In addition to acupuncture and qi, other Chinese medical terms have also found their way into English. For example, "tai chi" is a Chinese martial art that is now practiced for its health benefits in many English-speaking countries. The term "tai chi" itself means "supreme ultimate," reflecting the balance and harmony that this practice seeks to achieve.

The influence of Chinese medicine on English vocabulary highlights the interconnectedness of cultures and the ways in which traditional healing practices can transcend borders. As more people seek alternative approaches to healthcare and wellness, we can expect to see even more Chinese medical terms entering the English language and shaping our understanding of health and healing.

源于中文的英文单词 篇三


  chopstick 筷子


  chop suey 杂碎


  chow mein 炒面(读音源自粤语)

  Lo mein 捞面(读音源自粤语)

  Ginseng 人参

  Guanxi 关系

  Kanji 汉字(日语中对于汉字的叫法,后被收录进英语词汇)

  Kowtow 磕头(读音源自粤语)

  Kung fu 功夫(大概是老外最先学会的汉语词)

  Long time no see 好久不见


  Lychee 荔枝(读音源自粤语)

  Mahjong 麻(读音源自粤语)

  Qi 气


  Sifu 师傅(读音源自粤语)

  立马想起了Master Sifu......

  Tofu 豆腐

  typhoon 台风


